IBM Support

Release notes for IBM Content Collector V3.0

Release Notes


The following release notes are delivered as a PDF file with the product.


IBM Content Collector release notes and readme files

Release notes - IBM Content Collector Version 3.0

IBM® Content Collector Version 3.0 is available. These release notes contain the latest information about IBM Content Collector for Email, IBM Content Collector for File Systems, IBM Content Collector for Microsoft SharePoint, and IBM Content Collector for IBM Connections.


IBM Content Collector Version 3.0 is an archiving solution designed for archiving content from various sources:

  • Mailboxes on Lotus® Domino® or Microsoft Exchange servers
  • Email that is received through the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
  • Microsoft Exchange public folders and PST files
  • Lotus Domino applications and local NSF archives
  • Microsoft SharePoint sites
  • IBM Connections sites
  • Documents in NTFS, DFS, and Novell file systems

For a description of the new features in IBM Content Collector Version 3.0, see the topics under What's new in Content Collector Version 3.0? in the product information center.

For a list of the APARs that IBM Content Collector Version 3.0 has resolved, see the list of fixes at


The IBM Content Collector Version 3.0 announcement is available at See the announcement for the following information:

  • Detailed product description, including a description of new function
  • Packaging and ordering details

System requirements

For information about hardware and software compatibility, see the detailed system requirements document at

Installing IBM Content Collector Version 3.0

For step-by-step installation, migration, or upgrade instructions, see these topics in the information center:

  • Installing Content Collector
  • Migrating to Content Collector

Known problems and limitations

Known problems are also documented in the form of individual technotes in the Support knowledge base at As problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.

The following link launches a customized query of the live Support knowledge base:

Known installation problems

At time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

Installation log files for Content Collector Outlook Extension only partially translated into Chinese
    The installation log files for Content Collector Outlook Extension are only partially translated into Chinese because of a current limitation in InstallAnywhere.

During the installation of the IBM Content Collector Server package, some parts of the installation information might not be fully displayed
    During the installation of the server package, the installation routines configure and update system parameters. If any of the InstallAnywhere installation messages is longer than a single line, the administrator might see only two-thirds of the text. This is due to a current limitation in InstallAnywhere.

For an IBM Content Manager target system, upgrade or first-time installation of IBM Content Collector V3.0 requires using IBM Content Manager administrative user credentials
    When you upgrade from IBM Content Collector V2.2 to IBM Content Collector V3.0 or install IBM Content Collector V3.0 for the first time, the IBM Content Manager Connector attempts to create a new item type ICCRepositoryInformation. This item type is used to uniquely identify a IBM Content Manager repository in archive life-cycle operations. However, if the IBM Content Manager user account does not have administrative permissions, creation of this item type fails thus preventing the use of the IBM Content Manager Connector.

    When you are upgrading from IBM Content Collector V2.2, complete these steps:
    1. Before installing IBM Content Collector V3.0, change the logon credentials for all IBM Content Manager connections defined in IBM Content Collector V2.2 to administrative users.
    2. Install IBM Content Collector V3.0.
    3. Start Configuration Manager and let the upgrade process complete.
    4. Validate each connection that is defined on the CM 8.x Connections tab. This creates the appropriate ICCRepositoryInformation item type.
    5. As soon as all connections are validated, you can change the logon credentials for all IBM Content Manager connections to a user with the minimum IBM Content Collector privilege set.

    When you are installing IBM Content Collector V3.0 for the first time, complete these steps:
    1. Install IBM Content Collector V3.0.
    2. Start the initial configuration wizard.
    3. Specify IBM Content Manager administrator credentials for all IBM Content Manager credential fields.
    4. Start Configuration Manager.
    5. Validate the IBM Content Manager connection.
    6. As soon as all connections are validated, you can change the logon credentials for all IBM Content Manager connections to a user with the minimum IBM Content Collector privilege set.

Mnemonic keys might not be shown properly during the installation of the IBM Content Collector Legacy Support or IBM Content Collector P8 Content Search Services Support packages
    If a mnemonic key is available, the underlined character that determines the mnemonic key should be visible in the interface. Some mnemonic keys might not be properly indicated during the installation of the Legacy Support or Content Search Services Support packages. This is due to a current limitation in InstallAnywhere.

    As a workaround, press Alt to see all available mnemonic keys.

Trying to uninstall IBM Content Collector P8 Content Search Services Support from Programs and Features results in an error
    If you select IBM Content Collector P8 Content Search Services Support from the Programs and Features list and click Uninstall, the following error message is displayed:
    An error occurred while trying to uninstall IBM Content Collector P8 Content Search Services Support. It may have already been uninstalled.
    Would you like to remove IBM Content Collector P8 Content Search Services Support from the Programs and Features list?

    Clicking Yes does not remove the package. Instead, you have to remove the folders and files manually from the installation directory.

    To avoid this problem, ensure that the language in which you install the following packages corresponds to the current system locale:
    • IBM Content Collector Server
    • IBM Content Collector P8 Content Search Services Support
    • IBM Content Collector Notes® Client
    • IBM Content Collector OWA Support

    Otherwise, the packages cannot be properly uninstalled later.

The IBM Content Collector Text Search Support package might be installed to an invalid default directory

    When you upgrade from a previous version or install the IBM Content Collector Text Search Support package for the first time, you might not be able to set the installation directory in the installation wizard. Instead, the default directory for the IBM Content Collector Text Search Support package is used. This default directory is retrieved from the InstallAnywhere registry file when the installation is launched. However, if the installation of the IBM Content Collector Text Search Support package did not complete successfully during an earlier run, for example because it was canceled towards the end of the process, the default value in the registry file is invalid. It cannot be used when the installation program is run again.

    As a workaround, delete the InstallAnywhere registry file .com.zerog.registry.xml manually before you start the installation wizard again. On a Windows system, the file is located at C:\Program Files\Zero G Registry. Note that this is a hidden directory. On UNIX-based systems, the file is in the \var directory.

When you use the Initial Configuration wizard to create both Microsoft SharePoint and IBM Connections item types, IBM Content Manager repository configuration fails
    When you try to create both Microsoft SharePoint and IBM Connections item types during the initial configuration of IBM Content Collector, the configuration of the IBM Content Manager repository fails and neither item type is created. As a workaround, create the Microsoft SharePoint item type during the initial configuration and create the IBM Connections item type by using the setup tool CM Repository Configuration.

    To install IBM Content Collector V3.0 with both the Microsoft SharePoint and IBM Connections connectors:
    1. In the Initial Configuration wizard, select both the Microsoft SharePoint and IBM Connections connectors for configuration.
    2. On the Item Type Configuration for SharePoint page, leave the Create item type check box selected.
    3. On the Item Type Configuration for IBM Connections page, clear the Create item type check box. Thus, the IBM Connections connector is created during the initial configuration but no IBM Connections item type.
    4. After you complete the initial configuration, run the IBM Content Collector setup tool CM Repository Configuration to create the IBM Connections item type.

The certificates for the embedded web application server are overwritten during upgrade
    During the upgrade from a previous version of IBM Content Collector to 3.0, the embedded web application server is upgraded to the latest version and fix pack of IBM WebSphere® Application Server. During this process, the existing profile is deleted and the certificates used by the previous version are lost. To retain the certificates, back up the key.p12 file from the profiles directory and apply them again after the upgrade is complete.

    Alternatively, you can replace the self-signed certificates that are present after the upgrade with new certificates as described in the IBM Content Collector documentation.

In some environments, some IBM Content Collector installation programs cannot properly identify the default language
    The problem with detecting the proper default language occurs for these installation packages and in these native Windows environments:
    Installation packagesEnvironment
        IBM Content Collector Server
        IBM Content Collector Text Search Support
        IBM Content Collector Notes Client
        IBM Content Collector Outlook Extension
        IBM Content Collector Outlook Web App
        Brazilian Portuguese
        Simplified Chinese
        Traditional Chinese

    This problem is due to a current limitation in InstallAnywhere. However, you can switch from English to the proper default language by selecting the respective language from the list of languages in the primary installation window.

With all installation programs, the punctuation marks are not properly located in Simplified Chinese environments
    When you install any of the IBM Content Collector packages in a Simplified Chinese environment, the placement of the punctuation marks is not correct. This is due to a current limitation in InstallAnywhere.

The command-line tool for configuring IBM FileNet® P8 object stores for archiving with IBM Content Collector was renamed
    The technote Improved mechanism to create and update XIT documents for IBM Content Collector V2.2.0.2 ( references the AFUComlianceInstaller.exe tool that can be used to create all required Content Collector classes and properties in IBM FileNet P8. This tool is provided with the product. Starting in IBM Content Collector 3.0, this tool is renamed to ICCComplianceInstaller.exe. Its usage is documented in the IBM Content Collector information center.

Known client problems

At time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

When you specify additional archiving information for more than one email documents sorting does not work properly in non-ASCII environments
    Users can select one or more email documents and choose to specify additional archiving information for these documents. In this case, an HTML form is displayed where the selected email documents are listed in a table. Users can sort the table by various email metadata such as the subject. Currently, the sorting does not work properly in non-ASCII environments.

    This is a limitation of IBM Content Collector V3.0. Currently, all sorting within the HTML form on the client workstation is performed using JavaScript. JavaScript cannot provide accurate sorting for all languages.

If IBM Content Collector Outlook Extension is installed on Microsoft Outlook 2007, folder sharing invitations do not work as expected
    In Microsoft Outlook, you can grant other people access to your folders by using the share folder function. This function is used in different contexts and is called when you select one of the following menu options:
    • Share My Calendar
    • Share My Tasks folder
    • Share My Contacts
    • Share My Notes folder
    • Share My Journal folder
    • Share "foldername"

    Share "foldername" is available on the folder context menu or when you select File > Folder from the actions menu.

    When the share folder function is executed, it opens a new message that contains a sharing invitation.
    If IBM Content Collector Outlook Extension is installed on Microsoft Outlook 2007, sharing invitations do not work as expected. The To button and the corresponding address field are disabled. As a result, you cannot add recipients by clicking the To button or by typing the recipient address in the address field. Instead, click the Address Book button, select the recipients, and click the To -> button in the Select Names window to add the recipients to the address field in the sharing invitation.

    This is a current limitation and is addressed with APAR HE11505.

Known Configuration Manager problems

At time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

With an Oracle 11g R2 OLE DB provider, exporting and re-importing a configuration database might result in data loss
    If you work with an Oracle 11g R2 OLE DB provider, the configuration database might not be exported completely. Therefore, re-importing that configuration database can result in data loss, without logging any warnings. This error does not occur with other versions of Oracle.

    To prevent this error, you must download and apply a patch for the 32-bit Oracle Provider for OLE DB. Obtain the patch from Oracle at:

    You need an Oracle Support account to access this support article.

Oracle client connectivity problem
    The 32-bit Oracle OLE DB provider is not registered properly by the Oracle client installer. Configuration Manager shows the message unable to connect.

    To register the OLE DB provider on the machine, run the following command:
    regsvr32 oraoledb11.dll

    Make sure to run the command with Run as Administrator privileges.
    The .dll file is typically located at:


In the Task Route Service Configuration window, the entries for the log file and audit log file paths are not validated
    The values that you enter in the Log file location and Audit log folder location fields in the Task Route Service Configuration window are not validated. Therefore, no error is shown in the UI when you enter an invalid path. However, the IBM Content Collector Task Routing Engine service detects invalid log file paths and reports an error.

Sorting of Traditional Chinese characters in Configuration Manager might differ from the Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) specification
    The Configuration Manager graphical user interface relies on Microsoft controls. Some standard Microsoft controls do not follow the CLDR rules when sorting Traditional Chinese characters. Sorting in IBM Content Collector is consistent with other products that run on Windows.

For bidirectional languages, file extensions are not properly aligned
    In a Windows 2008 environment, file extensions are right-aligned for bidirectional languages instead of left-aligned.

For bidirectional languages, the tooltip texts for the Toolbox section are not properly aligned
    For bidirectional languages, the tooltip texts for the Toolbox section of the Configuration Manager Task Route Designer are left-aligned instead of right-aligned.

For bidirectional languages, the path information in a tooltip contains a line break
    For bidirectional languages, a line break is inserted into the path information in a tooltip, for example:
    is displayed as

    This behavior is consistent with other products that run on Windows.

For the Korean locale, tooltips are not properly aligned
    For the Korean locale, tooltips are aligned very close to the top of the dialog boundary. However, the information is still readable.

Known source connector problems

At time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

PST or NSF archiving does not work if archiving from a file share that uses SMB2 (Windows 2008 and newer)
    When you archive PST or NSF files from file shares that are hosted by Windows 2008 or later, the operation can fail with a message like the following:

    2011-04-06T10:38:07.504Z WARNING  [498] \\\pst\myPst.pst:ICC.ownerid
    (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)

    This error occurs because the file share server cannot handle the request correctly.

    As a workaround, disable SMB2 on all servers that host file shares to be archived. Complete these steps for each file server from which you archive.

    To disable SMB2:
    1. Run regedit.exe on the Windows Server 2008 computer. This will open the Windows Registry Editor.
    2. Locate the registry entry HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters.
    3. Add a new REG_DWORD key with the name Smb2 and set its value to 0 to disable SMB2. To re-enable SMB2, set the value to 1.
    4. Restart the server.

    This is a current limitation.

PST archiving can result in high disk I/O against the user’s temporary directory on the IBM Content Collector Server nodes
    PST archiving can result in high disk I/O against the user's TEMP directory on the IBM Content Collector Server nodes. To achieve better throughput, the IBM Content Collector administrator might need to change the setting of the user's TEMP and TMP environment variables on each server node to have the variables point to faster storage. After updating the environment variables, restart the IBM Content Collector Server on each node.

Do not forward encrypted journal reports from Lotus Domino to the SMTP Connector
    If you forward encrypted Lotus Domino journal reports to the IBM Content Collector SMTP Connector for archiving, the body content of the reports is damaged, so that they cannot be archived properly. As a result, the encrypted body content is lost. The reason for this problem is a limitation of the Lotus Domino server when it converts the document from Notes Rich Text format to MIME format (APAR LO58538).
    You can use the Content Collector SMTP Connector to archive non-encrypted Lotus Domino email or email from other source systems, like for example Microsoft Exchange.

    For detailed information, see the flash at

Anonymous Microsoft SharePoint web applications
    When you configure a collection from anonymous web applications, use Site or Web application level collection, rather than Farm level. Using Farm level can produce unexpected results including errors due to permission differences across web applications.

Warnings can occur in the IBM Connections Connector log files when you run the statistics task route
    When the IBM Connections Statistics task route is run, warnings of the following kind might be logged from time to time:
    2012-04-25T07:21:11.844Z INFO    [8485] Recovery file has not been deleted, because it was not found! No action necessary   
    [ deleteRecoveryEntity]
    [CTMS-task-1598 14]
    2012-04-25T07:21:12.016Z WARNING    [8759] Recovery file could not be deleted
    [ deleteRecoveryEntity]
    [CTMS-task-14a4 19]

    This is due to the fact that two updates to the same IBM Connections document were retrieved from the seedlist in the same batch. Both updates were processed. However, because the ID of the IBM Connections document is used for creating the recovery files, only for one document a recovery file was created and deleted temporarily. For the second document, a recovery file could not be created, but an attempt was made to delete it.

IBM Connections Activities with long descriptions might not be archived
    When archiving IBM Connections Activities, Activities with a description that contains much content might not be archived. An error is logged and the IBM Connections Connector retries archiving during the next run.

The Email Connector might log an error about closed pipe when stopping under full load
    When you stop the Task Routing Engine while you archive documents using the Email Connector, you might see log entries like the following:
    2011-05-04T02:18:35.397Z SEVERE [9810] Pipe closed, discard:class
    ibm::ctms::core::exceptions::WindowsAPIException: failed reading:
    The pipe has been ended.
    (error 0x6d - The pipe has been ended.)
    at Connector.dll:0x11207,
    at Connector.dll:0x11473,
    at Connector.dll:0x1185b,
    at Connector.dll:0x11d7f,
    at Connector.dll:0x11dda,
    at ufibridge.dll:0x17c8a,
    at address:46A2F64E,
    at javaProtectedThreadProc (vmthread.c:1678),
    at javaThreadProc (vmthread.c:262),
    at kernel32.dll:0x13676,
    at ntdll.dll:0x39f01,
    at ntdll.dll:0x39ed4,

    This is caused by the Email Connector trying to send a new document to the task route for processing after the task route stopped accepting new requests because of a shutdown.

    If these errors are logged during shutdown, you can ignore errors of this type.

Known target connector problems

At time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

After adding new IBM Content Search Services servers to an IBM FileNet P8 5.1 environment, the indexing workload is not evenly distributed
    In an IBM FileNet P8 5.1 with IBM Content Search Services setup, you cannot increase the number of index servers (FileNet P8 index areas) after content has been archived. The workload distribution mechanism favors the newly added indexing server over the older indexing servers, which leads to uneven workload distribution. This is a current limitation in IBM Content Search Services.
    As a workaround, close all existing index areas and add a full set of new index areas to force equal workload distribution to these new index areas.

The IBM FileNet P8 Connector does not support connecting to an IBM FileNet P8 Content Engine server using Microsoft WCF
    The IBM FileNet P8 Connector does not support using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services for communication with the IBM FileNet P8 Content Engine server.

Required IBM Content Manager privileges not fully documented
    In addition to the privileges listed in the documentation, the minimum privilege set required for the user account under which the IBM Content Collector Content Manager Connector service is running must also include the SystemDefinePrivs privilege. This privilege is used for creating IBM Content Manager access control lists (ACLs), and is mandatory for creating an IBM Content Manager connection in IBM Content Collector Configuration Manager.

Using IBM Content Manager folder functionality
    If you want to work with IBM Content Manager folders when archiving with IBM Content Collector, you must run IBM Content Collector once with IBM Content Manager administrative user credentials. This is required to create the appropriate item type for the folders. Afterwards, you can change the credentials to user credentials with the minimum IBM Content Collector privilege set.
    1. Change the credentials for the IBM Content Manager connection to those of an administrative user.
    2. Start the IBM Content Collector Task Routing Engine service and archive some content from your source system to IBM Content Manager.
    3. Stop the IBM Content Collector Task Routing Engine service.
    4. Change the credentials for the IBM Content Manager connection to those of a user with the minimum IBM Content Collector privilege set.
    5. Start the IBM Content Collector Task Routing Engine service.

    You can now work with folders when you archive content to IBM Content Manager.

Known legacy support problems

At time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

IBM Content Collector legacy restore does not fully support CommonStore for Lotus Domino cascaded archiving
    CommonStore for Lotus Domino supports cascaded archiving, that is, archiving of attachments in the first step and, in a second step, archiving the stub document without attachments. IBM Content Collector legacy restore can restore the document with the attachment link but does not support the second step, where the attachment would be restored to the document. However, you can view the attachment by following the attachment link.

Known monitoring problems

At time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

The IBM Content Collector system dashboard does not increment the error count for the task route when errors occur in non-collector tasks
    The number of errors that task route has experienced is not increased when errors occur in any tasks other than collector tasks. The error count for the nodes, however, is increased.

Some content might be cut off when you export a performance report from the report viewer in PDF format with the default option Auto
    When you export a report from the IBM Content Collector report viewer in PDF format, some content might be cut off if the default option Auto is selected. To export a report in PDF format, click the export button and select Fit to whole page, or append &__format=PDF&__pageoverflow=2 to the URL to the report.


The following documentation is available:

Information center and updates to the information center

IBM Content Collector Script Connector Implementation Guide

Updates to the IBM Content Collector Indexing Guide
    The following information enhances or corrects the information in the IBM Content Collector Indexing Guide.

    Topic: Performing index validation and repair operations

    A new optional argument was introduced for the IBM Content Collector Text Search Support tool afuIndexTool: -fulltieref. This new option is not described in this topic.

    The afuIndexTool tool comes with the capability to repair TIEREF information for an item when this information has been lost. Usually, if an item does not have a valid TIEREF, the item cannot be indexed and is added to the table of completed tasks with an IDXRC value of 140.

    When -repairTieref is specified during validation, a new TIEREF value is computed for items without a TIEREF value. This value is stored in the item type component table in IBM Content Manager and can be used by the Content Collector indexer for text search. By default, the TIEREF value generated by afuIndexTool is NOT suitable for processing by the fast indexer or IBM eMail Search for CommonStore. However, if you specify -fulltieref together with the -repairTieref argument, the generated TIEREF value is suitable also for processing by IBM eMail Search for CommonStore or any other applications that require the use of ICMFetchFilter UDFs.

    Note that when you specify -fulltieref, the computation of the complete TIEREF information is much more expensive and takes significantly more time than the computation of the short TIEREF information that is sufficient for indexing with the Content Collector indexer for text search.

    Topic: Indexer configuration options
    In the section Index process configuration options, the maximum number than can be specified for the IdxNumberOfParallelIndexerTasks option is misstated. The maximum number is 32, not 128 as stated in the documentation.

Related information:

Contacting IBM Support

[{"Product":{"code":"SSAE9L","label":"Content Collector"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"All Content Collector products","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"3.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

