IBM Support

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about WebSphere ILOG Rule Team Server (last updated October 23, 2014)

Product Documentation


The following list includes frequently asked questions (FAQ) about WebSphere ILOG Rule Team Server to help you troubleshoot problems and enhance your use of the product.


Note: As of March 2015, this FAQ is no longer updated. To find answers to your Operational Decision Manager questions, see the developerWorks Answers site at or follow the ibmodm tag. To learn more about how to connect with the Operational Decision Manager community and get support, see

Do you have ideas for other FAQ about WebSphere ILOG Rule Team Server? Give us your feedback in the Rate this page section.
Additional FAQ documents are available in the Related information section.

FAQ table of contents


What are the hardware and software requirements for WebSphere ILOG Rule Team Server Version 7.1?

Where can I find information about downloading WebSphere ILOG Rule Team Server V7.1?

Is there a demonstration of a Rule Team Server installation on WebSphere application server?


Where can I find information about how to use Rule Team Server?

I am using Rule Team Server (RTS) as the production repository. How do I migrate a rule repository that uses two-letter locales (from older versions of JRules, for example V6.5-V6.7) to JRules V7.1, which supports four-letter locales?

How do I synchronize rule projects from the Eclipse Rule Studio to a secured Rule Team Server (RTS) using an https connection?

How can I keep a web session of JRules Rule Team Server (RTS) from interfering with a web session of WebSphere administrative console (or another web application)?

How do I deploy Rule Team Server to a cluster?


RuleApp deployment takes a long time and eventually generates timeout errors in the log. How do I resolve this problem?

I get a when bringing up the Rule Team Server (RTS) URL in a browser. How do I resolve this problem?

When publishing artifacts to Rule Team Server (RTS) or saving modifications through its console when the database is Microsoft SQL Server, I receive "SQLException: Lock request time out period exceeded" errors. How do I resolve this problem?

I cannot start the Rule Team Server console. I receive an error page with a NullPointerException. How do I resolve this problem?

I am having performance or memory-consumption issues when I use Rule Team Server. Is there a configuration that I can set to resolve this problem?

Synchronizing a project between Rule Studio and Rule Team Server lead to unexpected behavior. The synchronization process takes too long, the elements are not created correctly, or the synchronization fails with errors. How can the problems be diagnosed and fixed?

Why does the Rule Team Server log contain the message "no localized String for this key: myCustomProperty"?

After installing RTS, why can't I access the RTS console?

FAQ questions and answers


The following questions and answers refer to installation.

FAQ: What are the hardware and software requirements for WebSphere ILOG Rule Team Server Version 7.1?
Answer: In WebSphere ILOG JRules Business Rule Management System Version 7.1, hardware and software requirements, you will find information for every module of JRules.

FAQ: Where can I find information about downloading WebSphere ILOG Rule Team Server V7.1?
Answer: See the WebSphere ILOG JRules BRMS V7.1 Download document.

FAQ: Is there a demonstration of a Rule Team Server installation on WebSphere application server?
Answer: Yes. You can watch the installation in IBM Education Assistant.


The following questions and answers refer to usage.

FAQ: Where can I find information about how to use Rule Team Server?
Answer: See the online documentation.

FAQ: I am using Rule Team Server (RTS) as the production repository. How do I migrate a rule repository that uses two-letter locales (from older versions of JRules, for example V6.5-V6.7) to JRules V7.1, which supports four-letter locales?
Answer: See RTS repository migration to JRules V7.1 when persistence locale is defined with two letters.

FAQ: How do I synchronize rule projects from the Eclipse Rule Studio to a secured Rule Team Server (RTS) using an https connection?
Answer: When the connection to RTS is secured with a certificate, the Rule Studio must accept this certificate. If the certificate is self signed, RTS provides a setup property. For more information, see "CertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target" when connecting to Rule Team Server or Rule Execution Server HTTPS. If your certificate is not self signed, which is the case for WebSphere Application Server V7 for example, you must register the certificate in the KeyStore of the Rule Studio JVM. For more information, see Deploying a ruleapp to Rule Execution Server (RES) over HTTPS.

FAQ: How can I keep a web session of JRules Rule Team Server (RTS) from interfering with a web session of WebSphere administrative console (or another web application)?
Answer: See Session interference between JRules components and other web applications.

FAQ: How do I deploy Rule Team Server to a cluster?
Answer: See Clustering Rule Team Server


The following questions and answers refer to troubleshooting.

FAQ: RuleApp deployment takes a long time and eventually generates timeout errors in the log. How do I resolve this problem?
Answer: See Timeout on RuleApp deployment from Rule Team Server.

FAQ: I get a when bringing up the Rule Team Server (RTS) URL in a browser. How do I resolve this problem?
Answer: See when bringing up RTS URL in a browser.

FAQ: When publishing artifacts to Rule Team Server (RTS) or saving modifications through its console when the database is Microsoft SQL Server, I receive "SQLException: Lock request time out period exceeded" errors. How do I resolve this problem?
Answer: See "SQLException: Lock request time out period exceeded" running RTS.

FAQ: I cannot start the Rule Team Server console. I receive an error page with a NullPointerException. How do I resolve this problem?
Answer: See NullPointerException accessing the Rule Team Server console

FAQ: I am having performance or memory-consumption issues when I use Rule Team Server. Is there a configuration that I can set to resolve this problem?
Answer: If you experience performance issues during edition or ruleset extraction see Memory issues while using Decision Center and Rule Team Server. If the performance issue happens during synchronization, see Improve performance of synchronization between Rule Studio and Rule Team Server (RTS).

FAQ: Synchronizing a project between Rule Studio and Rule Team Server lead to unexpected behavior. The synchronization process takes too long, the elements are not created correctly, or the synchronization fails with errors. How can the problems be diagnosed and fixed?
Answer: See Synchronization issues between Rule Studio and Rule Team Server.

FAQ: Why does the Rule Team Server log contain the message "no localized String for this key: myCustomProperty"?
Answer: See the following technote: "no localized String for this key" message in Rule Team Server logs.

FAQ: After installing RTS, why can't I access the RTS console?
Answer: See the following technote: Cannot access Decision Center or Rule Execution Server console (ODM).

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6MUU","label":"WebSphere ILOG Rule Team Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym

WebSphere ILOG Rule Team Server

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

