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Fix list for IBM WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack for OSGi and JPA

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Fix list for IBM WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack for OSGi and JPA 2.0 provides periodic fixes. The following is a complete listing of fixes for the Feature Pack for OSGi and JPA 2.0, with the most recent fix at the top.


Fix Pack 9 (
Fix Pack 7 (
Fix Pack 5 (
Fix Pack 3 (
Fix Pack 1 (

Fix release date: 21 Jan 2013
Last modified: 18 Jan 2013
Status: Recommended

Download OSGi and JPA Feature Pack Fix Pack

PM59257 TimeoutException BlueprintContainer when there is a resource reference for the Destination.
PM59383 When a merge is done on a new object with an ID that contains an entity, InvalidStateException occurs.
PM59470 If the length is less than 0, input parameter length exception occurs.
PM59928 Division by zero error with JPA 2.
PM62447 Multiple subquery in @OneToMany leads to StackOverflowError in JPA 2.0.
PM62988 Updating a JPA entity containing an elementCollection fails.
PM63960 OpenJPA doesnot find custom mappings with an applicable class loader.
PM64033 Orphan removal causes DB constraint violation.
PM64591 When using JSE style entity ManagerFactories EMF instance GC'd leading to resource(memory) leak.
PM64740 Incorrect SQL generated when an @VersionStrategy of RowChangeTimestampStrategy is used.
PM64827 Unhandled exception thrown from within an externalizer method causes incorrect or incomplete SQL to be generated and run.
PM64860 org.apache.openjpa.persistence.InvalidStateException.
PM64991 The prepared query cache does not function correctly with 'SELECT IN' statements.
PM65343 JPA error during persisting collection with cascade persist after flush.
PM65584 Criteria API generated queries do not handle parameter casting for SQL function calls.
PM65860 Potential deadlock in OpenJPA with object relational mapping (ORM) processing.
PM66590 Modifying WSJPA so that logging is routed to System Out instead of System Err.
PM66746 EJB 3.0 ClassCastException with CodeTable when using an orm.xml.
PM68969 OSGi Application Blueprint Service registrations fails with VerifyError: JVMVRFY041 invokespecial of wrong initializer.
PM69048 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError is thrown while accessing org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.identifier.DBIdentifier class.
PM69888 A JPA query generated by the criteria API fails when it is run.
PM70871 OpenJPA does not allow nullable columns in unique constraints OpenJPA-1387 and OpenJPA-1651.
PM73278 NoSuchMethodError with OpenJPA 2.0.
PM76015 Error when installing fix packs with 64-bit Installation Manager.
Fix release date: 28 May 2012
Last modified: 25 May 2012
Status: Superseded

Download OSGi and JPA Feature Pack Fix Pack

PM35835 Federating a V7 node with the Feature Pack for OSGi and JPA2 installed to a V8 deployment manager fails with an AdminException.
PM37512 Metadata entries in a user's JPA mapping files are being incorrectly reported as duplicates.
PM37572 JPA metadata data contained in a mapping file (orm.xml) is not read prior to first execution of a query.
PM40350 ClassCastException when generating OpenJPA MetaModel from ant build.
PM41200 Cannot access referenced service in destroy-method.
PM41573 OpenJPA does not find ValueHandler and/or FieldStrategy class with an applicable class loader.
PM42704 Cannot insert null into primary key field when adding 2 JPA entities.
PM43675 Oracle XMLType column failed to insert/update when xml contains more than 4000 characters.
PM44113 On-demand router unable to route to OSGi applications.
PM44473 OutOfMemory issues due to retention of DefaultClassloaders and EquinoxFWClassloaders.
PM44596 Bundle deployment fails with error CWSAJ0049E.
PM44835 ClassCastException connecting to TIBCO Generic JMS Provider after migration from version 6.
PM45107 OpenJPA's implementation of the allocationSize in a @SequenceGenerator is incorrectly implemented.
PM45480 Problems when trying to look up service exported from a CBA.
PM46278 Entities in a relationship are not properly cascaded after an EntityManager.flush is run.
PM46455 Application with a CBA throws an error when it starts if the CBA has already been started.
PM48626 ClassPath contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
PM49466 URL JNDI lookups with the RMI scheme are failing.
PM49480 An error appears in administrative console when trying to import a CBA into IBR.
PM51529 Improve error messages when a bundle install or start occurs.
PM51533 Field injection does not consider fields defined on parent classes.
PM53467 Error parsing URL with space.
PM55136 OSGi error logging is insufficient.
PM55366 Insufficient diagnostic info for blueprint.xml InvalidSyntaxExceptions.
PM57072 QueryCache cached object ID wrapper is not serializable.
PM57994 JmsConnectionFactory lookup/resource injection fails.
PM59142 OpenJPA statemanager may throw exception with an embeddable in some graph configurations.
PM59232 SCA EJB3 binding performance degradation.
PM59274 Org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException you have supplied columns but mapping can't have columns.
PM62250 PostInstaller error saving log file to FPJPA directory.

Fix release date: 12 Sep 2011
Last modified: 8 Sep 2011
Status: Superseded

Download OSGi and JPA Feature Pack Fix Pack

PM25770 A java.lang.VerifyError is thrown after invoking commit() while inserting an entity into a backend database.
PM26637 Augmenting a profile with Feature Pack for OSGi and JPA2 causes various problems with JNDI.
PM28114 OpenJPA-1890 NullPointerException is thrown when an embeddable object is set more to a managed entity.
PM28990 While starting an application, runtime generating a java.lang.ClassCastException.
PM30346 InvalidStateException when running OpenJPA application.
PM30908 Exception occurs when OpenJPA processes a persistence unit where the provider is not OpenJPA.
PM31712 When using Installation Manager to uninstall a cumulative iFix (supersedes another iFix), the dependency checker bundle blocks it.
PM34463 An entity that is trying to persist that has an arrayList.when trying to access db is getting an exception.
PM35290 EntityExistsException when using auto incrementing columns that start at zero.

Fix release date: 28 Feb 2011
Last modified: 28 Feb 2011
Status: Superseded

Download OSGi and JPA Feature Pack Fix Pack

PM18771 Add Romanian language support.
PM20473 OpenJPA generates incorrect sequence string for DB2 on z/OS.
PM20684 When OSGi applications and Feature Pack for SCA are installed an error is seen when an SCA asset is selected in an EBA.
PM20685 Files locked under Microsoft Windows cause problems with OSGi applications that are installed and uninstalled.
PM20687 Memory leak when an OSGi application is stopped and started.
PM20973 JPA applications which use GenerationType.TABLE may not use some unique identifiers.
PM21119 Add BundleCacheManager MBean API documentation.
PM23211 javax.ejb.EJBException using OpenJPA @VersionStrategy.
PM23613 JPQL not processing HAVING clause properly.
PM24297 Loading a file as input stream failed.
PM24552 org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException when running JPA application.
PM25999 org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException using an XMLTYPE in a query used by JPA.
PM26361 Applications using Hibernate may experience performance issues during application start on.
PM26362 Persistence units defined in OSGI web applications will not function when packaged in the web-in/classes directory.
PM27396 IM only: adopt IBM Installation Manager 1.4.2.
PM30239 Failed to do an "update all" operation on multiple installed WebSphere Application Server Feature Packs using Installation Manager.

Fix release date: 25 Oct, 2010
Last modified: 20 Oct 2010
Status: Superseded

Download OSGi and JPA Feature Pack Fix Pack

PM14614 The Java Persistence API classes are found in the wrong jar file which could result in classpath problems.
PM14743 Important maintenance for the WebSphere Application Server v7 Feature Pack for OSGi applications.
PM15695 ClassCastException when using RowChangeVersionStrategy with databases other than DB2.
PM15696 Default table name for OPENJPA_SEQUENCE_TABLE is too long for DB2 on z/OS.
PM16472 OpenJPA should use Sybase specific and JDBC standard column identifiers.
PM16559 Prepared statement parameter values are printed in exception messages when a JPA error occurs.
PM17066 CWSAL0022E: Cannot add asset because bundles that are required are not downdloaded error is thrown.
PM17068 ClassNotFoundException:
PM17071 OSGi Feature Pack generates NullPointerException when admin configuration is not saved.
PM17073 NullPointerException adding an installed Enterprise Bundle Achive (eba) with utility jars to a composition unit (cu).
PM17190 Problem trying to start an application in an OSGi bundle when using a code coverage tool.
PM17191 Downgrade fails on some OSGi applications, including the shipped sample application.
PM17192 Blueprint extensions intermittently missing on Solaris and z/OS platforms.
PM17578 User actions and explanations for exceptions for OSGi application task are not visible in the administrative console.
PM17583 Updates required to the Feature Pack for OSGi applications and JPA 2.0 in support of APAR PM15506.
PM17651 A NullPointerException occurs when openjpa.InitializeEagerly is set to true.
PM17657 A database read lock is obtained when openjpa.Optimistic is set to true.
PM17908 Insufficient information output when you attempt to add a cluster member without a required Feature Pack installed.
PM17949 Out of memory with JPA applications.
PM17991 Importing a deployment manifest might create an invalid configuration and prevent an OSGi application from starting.
PM18615 Function in the Feature Pack for OSGi applications and JPA 2.0 fails to function after installing unrelated maintenance.
PM18695 Container managed blueprint resource references are used incorrectly.
PM18730 OpenJPA more than one java object refers to one DB record.
PM18777 JPA 2.0 Feature Pack positional parameter value not set correctly while running the SQL query.
PM18966 OpenJPA does not recover if the EntityManagerFactory has an invalid datasource, but the EntityManager's datasource is valid.
PM19233 ResultList returned from a JPQL DISTINCT query is not serializable.
PM19307 SIP application deployed as an OSGi bundle fails with ClassCastException.
PM19434 Service-based provisioning for blueprint elements does not work.
PM20296 Admin agent augmentation needs to be enabled.
PM20562 Unaugmentation is not working properly.
PM21121 WebSphere FileTransferClien MBean not found when adding a bundle using the remote file system option.
PM23048 Problems with apar dependency checks for installation manager-based WebSphere Application Server v7 Feature Packs.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSV8AP","label":"WebSphere Application Server V7 Feature Pack for OSGi Applications and Java Persistence API 2.0"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"General","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";;;;;1.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

