IBM Support

z/OS® V1R10 Communications Server hardware and software requirements

White Papers


z/OS® Communications Server software requirements on z/OS V1R10 operating system


This information is also found in the z/OS V1R10.0 Planning for Installation manual. It is included here for your convenience.

z/OS V1R10 Communications Server Hardware Requirements:
Communications Server provides direct LAN communication and provides for point-to-point communication over S/390 channels (ESCON and/or Block Multiplex) to several IBM and equivalent other vendor devices.
    • Direct LAN communication is provided by:
      • IBM Open Systems Adapter - Express
      • IBM Open Systems Adapter
      • IBM 3172 Interconnect Controller
      • IBM 8232 LAN Channel Station
    • Point-to-point communication over System z channels is supported with the following devices:
      • IBM RS/6000
      • IBM Channel-to-Channel Adapter
      • IBM 374X Communications Controller
      • IBM 2216 Multiaccess Connector
      • IBM Netfinity® Server
      • Cisco 7200 and 7500-series Channel Attached Routers
      • NSC Hyperchannel A220
A System z10 or System z9 server is required to use the following functions:
    • OSA-Express network traffic analyzer
    • OSA-Express virtual MAC
    • QDIO diagnostic synchronization
A System z10, System z9, z990, or z890 server is required to use the following functions:
    • ICSF encryption/decryption instructions, called crypto assist, which provide synchronous clear key support for DES, TDES, and SHA-1 algorithms for IPSEC.
    • The checksum offload of IPv4 packets enhancement. An OSA-Express with a supporting level of microcode is also required.
    • IPv4 Broadcast support for Hipersockets.
    • Segmentation Offload (Large Send). An OSA-Express with a supporting level of microcode is also required.
For communication with remote resources, one or more of the following products, or their equivalent, is required:
  • Channel-to-channel adapter
  • FICON channel-to-channel adapter
  • IBM 2216 NWays Multiaccess Connector
  • IBM 3088 Multisystem Channel Communication Unit
  • IBM 3172 Nways® Interconnect Controller
  • IBM 3174 Establishment Controller
  • IBM 3720, 3725, or 3745 Communication Controller
  • IBM 3746 Nways Multiprotocol Controller
  • IBM Cross-System Coupling Facility (XCF)
  • IBM Enterprise System Connection (ESCON) channel
  • IBM Open Systems Adapter-Express
  • IBM Open Systems Adapter

APPN over native ATM requires:
  • OSA-2 adapter
  • ATM external private or public equipment, for example, IBM 8260 NWays Multiprotocol Intelligent Switching Hub

Multinode Persistent Sessions support requires a coupling facility with a minimum of CFLEVEL=1.

VTAM Generic Resource support requires a coupling facility with a minimum of CFLEVEL=0.

VTAM cryptographic enhancements, when used with the extended recovery facility (XRF) and Transaction Security System (TSS) family of products (4755), require 4755 Model 23 and later.

SNA triple DES (TDES) session level encryption requires a Cryptographic Coprocessor on the server.

Top of Page

z/OS V1R10 Communications Server Software Requirements:
     (5648-063) or later                               
 °   For X.25 interface support: X.25 NPSI V3R4        
     (5688-035) or later for 3745 or 3720, or X.25     
     NPSI V2R1 (5668-719) for 3725, and the            
     corresponding level of NCP that supports NPSI     
 °   For SNMP NetView client support, either of the    
     -   Tivoli NetView for OS/390 V1 (5697-B82). R4   
         requires the PTFs for APARs OA13616 and       
     -   Tivoli NetView for z/OS V5 (5697-ENV). R1     
         requires the PTFs for APARs OA12826 and       
 °   For file access protection for FTP: z/OS Security 
     Server feature                                    
 °   For FTP DB2 query: DB2 V8 (5625-DB2) or later      
 °   For user-written programs in Pascal that          
     interface to a TCP, UDP, or IP boundary: IBM VS   
     Pascal Compiler and Library (5668-767)            
 °   For IMS sockets on z/OS: IMS V8 (5655-C56) or     
 °   For Network Print Facility support: ACF/NCP V7R1  
     (5648-063) or later                               
 °   For user-written programs in C that interface to  
     an X Window System client, Remote Procedure Call, 
     TCP or UDP protocol boundary, DPI®, IP, or z/OS   
     UNIX feature (Rcommands, RPC, or X Window         
     System): z/OS C/C++ without Debug Tool feature    
 °   For TCP/IP functions written in C (C sample       
     programs, Network Database System client and      
     server, Network Computing System, Remote          
     Procedure Call, non-z/OS UNIX X Window System) or 
     z/OS UNIX features (ONC/RPC, X Window System):    
     z/OS C/C++ without Debug Tool feature  
°   For HPR Border Node and HPR network management,   
     either of the following:                          
     -   Tivoli NetView for OS/390 V1 (5697-B82). R4   
         requires the PTFs for APARs OA13616 and       
     -   Tivoli NetView for z/OS V5 (5697-ENV). R1     
         requires the PTFs for APARs OA12826 and       
 °   For High Performance Routing (HPR), automatic     
     network routing in composite network node: NCP    
     V7R3 (5648-063).                                  
 °   To use the Performance Monitor Interface: Tivoli  
     NetView Performance Monitor V2R7 (5655-043) with  
Revision     PTF UA39936  (APAR OA24230) .                        
 °   To use Spare SDLC lines: NCP V7R2 (5648-063) and  
     NTuneMON V2 (5648-141).  
Top of Page

z/OS V1R10 Communications Server Related Information:

z/OS Communications Server detailed system requirements

z/OS V1R10.0 Migration

Preventive Service Planning (PSP) bucket (use search: (upgrade zosv1r10 subset csip) OR (upgrade zosv1r10 subset cssna))

z/OS Communications Server software support

z/OS Communications Server Troubleshooting Information Center

z/OS Hardware support

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSN3L","label":"z\/OS Communications Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Component":"All","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"1.10","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

