IBM Support

Release notes for WebSphere Transformation Extender Pack for SWIFTNet FIN

Release Notes


This document provides information about the release of WebSphere Transformation Extender Pack for SWIFTNet FIN


IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Pack for SWIFTNet FIN version release notes (rev. 2)

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2006, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  1. About this release
  2. Installation and configuration information
  3. New and changed behavior
  4. Known issues
  5. Contacting customer support
  6. Notices and trademarks


This file contains the release notes for the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Pack for SWIFTNet FIN version

This release is available and supported on the following WebSphere Transformation Extender Platforms:

- WebSphere Transformation Extender version
- WebSphere Transformation Extender version
- WebSphere Transformation Extender version

All 3 versions are identical except in one aspect:

The Java Validation Component (JVC) is only available on WebSphere Transformation Extender Version 8.1.0 and above. This is because the JVC has been refactored to use the following:

- IBM JRE v1.4.2 for WebSphere Transformation Extender version 8.1.0,
- IBM JRE v5.0 for WebSphere Transformation Extender version 8.2.

The IBM JRE is supplied with WebSphere Transformation Extender version 8.1.0 and above.


Installation and uninstallation procedures

For the procedure to install WebSphere Transformation Extender products, go to

For the procedure to uninstall WebSphere Transformation Extender products, go to


Network rules

Network rules are enforced for the following SWIFTNet FIN messages:

MT 101Request For Transfer
MT 102 and MT 102+Multiple Customer Credit Transfer
MT 103 and MT 103+Single Customer Credit Transfer
MT 104Direct Debit and Request for Debit Transfer Message
MT 105EDIFACT Envelope
MT 110Advice of Cheque(s)
MT 111Advises or confirms the issuance of a cheque to the drawee bank
MT 112Status of a Request for Stop Payment of a Cheque
MT 190Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT 191Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT 192Request for Cancellation
MT 195Queries
MT 196Answers
MT 198Proprietary Message
MT 199Free Format Message
MT 200Financial Institution Transfer for its Own Account
MT 201Multiple Financial Institution Transfer for its Own Account
MT 202General Financial Institution Transfer
MT 203Multiple General Financial Institution Transfer
MT 204Financial Markets Direct Debit Message
MT 205Financial Institution Transfer Execution
MT 206Cheque Truncation Message
MT 207Request for Financial Institution Transfer
MT 210Notice to Receive
MT 256Advice of Non-Payment of Cheques
MT 290Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT 291Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT 292Request for Cancellation
MT 295Queries
MT 296Answers
MT 298Proprietary Message
MT 299Free Format Message
MT 300Foreign Exchange Confirmation
MT 304Advice/Instruction of a Third Party Deal
MT 305Foreign Currency Option Confirmation
MT 320Fixed Loan/Deposit Confirmation
MT 321Instruction to Settle a Third Party Loan/Deposit
MT 330Call/Notice Loan/Deposit Confirmation
MT 340Forward Rate Agreement Confirmation
MT 341Forward Rate Agreement Settlement Confirmation
MT 350Advice of Loan/Deposit Interest Payment
MT 360Single Currency Interest Rate Derivative Confirmation
MT 361Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap Confirmation
MT 362Interest Rate Reset/ Advice of Payment
MT 380Foreign Exchange Order
MT 390Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT 391Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT 392Request for Cancellation
MT 395Queries
MT 396Answers
MT 398Proprietary Message
MT 399Free Format Message
MT 400Advice of Payment
MT 410Acknowledgement
MT 412Advice of Acceptance
MT 420Tracer
MT 422Advice of Fate and Request for Instructions
MT 450Cash Letter Credit Advice
MT 456Advice of Dishonour
MT 490Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT 491Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT 492Request for Cancellation
MT 495Queries
MT 496Answers
MT 498Proprietary Message
MT 499Free Format Message
MT 500Instruction to Register
MT 502Order to Buy or Sell
MT 508Intra-Position Advice
MT 509Trade Status Message
MT 513Client Advice of Execution
MT 515Client Confirmation of Purchase or Sale
MT 517Trade Confirmation Affirmation
MT 518Market-Side Securities Trade Confirmation
MT 527Triparty Collateral Instruction
MT 535Statement of Holdings
MT 536Statement of Transactions
MT 537Statement of Pending Transactions
MT 538Statement of Intra-Position Advices
MT 540Receive Free
MT 541Receive Against Payment
MT 542Deliver Free
MT 543Deliver Against Payment
MT 544Receive Free Confirmation
MT 545Receive Against Payment Confirmation
MT 546Deliver Free Confirmation
MT 547Deliver Against Payment Confirmation
MT 548Settlement Status and Processing Advice
MT 558Triparty Collateral Status and Processing Advice
MT 559Paying Agent's Claim
MT 564Corporate Action Notification
MT 565Corporate Action Instruction
MT 566Corporate Action Confirmation
MT 567Corporate Action Status and Processing Advice
MT 568Corporate Action Narrative
MT 576Statement of Open Orders
MT 578Settlement Allegement
MT 586Statement of Settlement Allegements
MT 590Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT 591Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT 592Request for Cancellation
MT 595Queries
MT 596Answers
MT 598Proprietary Message
MT 599Free Format Message
MT 600Precious Metal Trade Confirmation
MT 601Precious Metal Option Confirmation
MT 604Precious Metal Transfer/Delivery Order
MT 605Precious Metal Notice to Receive
MT 606Precious Metal Debit Advice
MT 607Precious Metal Credit Advice
MT 608Statement of a Metal Account
MT 690Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT 691Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT 692Request for Cancellation
MT 695Queries
MT 696Answers
MT 698Proprietary Message
MT 699Free Format Message
MT 700Issue of a Documentary Credit
MT 701Issue of a Documentary Credit
MT 705Pre-Advice of a Documentary Credit
MT 707Amendment to a Documentary Credit
MT 710Advice of a Third Bank's or a Non-Bank's Documentary Credit
MT 711Advice of a Third Bank's Documentary Credit
MT 720Transfer of a Documentary Credit
MT 721Transfer of a Documentary Credit
MT 730Acknowledgement
MT 732Advice of Discharge
MT 734Advice of Refusal
MT 740Authorisation to Reimburse
MT 742Re-imbursement Claim
MT 747Amendment to an Authorisation to Reimburse
MT 750Advice of Discrepancy
MT 752Authorisation to Pay, Accept or Negotiate
MT 754Advice of Payment/Acceptance/Negotiation
MT 756Advice of Re-imbursement or Payment
MT 760Guarantee
MT 767Guarantee Amendment
MT 768Acknowledgement of a Guarantee Message
MT 769Advice of Reduction or Release
MT 790Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT 791Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT 792Request for Cancellation
MT 795Queries
MT 796Answers
MT 798Proprietary Message
MT 799Free Format Message
MT 800T/C Sales and Settlement Advice [Single]
MT 801T/C Multiple Sales Advice
MT 802T/C Settlement Advice
MT 810T/C Refund Request
MT 812T/C Refund Authorisation
MT 813T/C Refund Confirmation
MT 820Request for T/C Stock
MT 821T/C Inventory Addition
MT 822Trust Receipt Acknowledgement
MT 823T/C Inventory Transfer
MT 824T/C Inventory Destruction/Cancellation Notice
MT 890Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT 891Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT 892Request for Cancellation
MT 895Queries
MT 896Answers
MT 898Proprietary Message
MT 899Free Format Message
MT 900Confirmation of Debit
MT 910Confirmation of Credit
MT 920Request Message
MT 935Rate Change Advice
MT 940Customer Statement Message
MT 941Balance Report
MT 942Interim Transaction Report
MT 950Statement Message
MT 960Request for Service Initiation Message
MT 961Initiation Response Message
MT 962Key Service Message
MT 963Key Acknowledgement Message
MT 964Error Message
MT 970Netting Statement
MT 971Netting Balance Report
MT 972Netting Interim Statement
MT 973Netting Request Message
MT 985Status Enquiry
MT 986Status Report
MT 991Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT 992Request for Cancellation
MT 995Queries
MT 996Answers
MT 998Proprietary Message
MT 999Free Format Message

Maximum data length limits

Logic has been added to verify that FIN MT messages conform with maximum data length limits set by SWIFT.

New schemas

Two new XML schemas, bic.xsd and ccy.xsd, now install in:

<packs install dir>\maps\other

These new XML schemas:

- populate new type trees called bic.mtt and ccy.mtt from the new schemas
- update bictoxml and currencytoxml maps in:
    <packs install dir>\maps\other\bankfiletoxml.mms

They also make use of the schema based type trees when populating bic.xml and currencycodedecimal.xml

Improved JVC message handling

Updates have been made to the JVC to improve the validation handling capability. These updates impact the following :

- tags with option J having data in multi-lines
- tag 77T with underscores "_" as part of data under characters set Z
- tag 91A for MT960 structure definition
- tags with decimal commas on optional fields
- tags with format pattern //8000z
- tag 26C on category 6 messages with format pattern [4x] and form [//8x] subfields are now in one generic format pattern [14x]


Documentation update to MT 564

The documentation for MT564 Corporate Action Notification might show the LMF path for the 36B tag of sequence E as follows:


In this case, change the LMF path to:



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This product includes software developed by the Eclipse Project

[{"Product":{"code":"SSVSD8-1","label":"WebSphere Transformation Extender"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Pack for SWIFTNet FIN","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":";;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
05 October 2022

