IBM Support

Using a Shared Configuration Database in WDI v3.3 z/OS

Product Documentation


This document contains the instructions for installing a shared WDI Client Configuration z/OS database. A shared Configuration database replaces the default Configuration database supplied with WDI Client. It allows many users to share the same Queries and makes the user's configuration information available to the user regardless of what machine they are using.


WebSphere Data Interchange Client is installed with a local (Windows) Configuration database. However, it can be run with a shared Configuration database. Using a shared Configuration database allows multiple users of WebSphere Data Interchange Client to share Queries, System definitions, and it can ease maintenance considerations.

Note: These instructions assume you will be installing WDI Client 3.3 Fix Pack 2 or higher along with the base install. A link to Fix Pack 2 is included at the end of this document. These instructions will not work for Fix Pack 1 or earlier.

The following assumptions are made:

  • You have the ODBC drivers necessary to access any database used by WebSphere Data Interchange Client.
  • You are able to install these ODBC drivers.
  • You are able to setup the ODBC Data Source Names (DSN) needed to access any database used by WebSphere Data Interchange Client.
  • You have obtained the EDICFG33 DDL file. This file is available in the distribution library named EDI.V3R3MCD.SEDISQL1 in member EDICFG33.

Perform the following steps to setup a shared Configuration database:
  1. Install the Configuration database to a database management system, such as DB2, using the EDICFG33 DDL. The DDL must be modified to your installation naming conventions.
    Note: The EDICFG33 DDL is not supported on DB2 for z/OS version 7. You must have DB2 for z/OS version 8 to install a shared configuration database on z/OS.
  2. If needed, install the ODBC drivers needed on your machine to access the shared Configuration database and those that will be needed to access other WebSphere Data Interchange databases.
  3. Use the ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) that accesses the new shared Configuration database. This normally would be the name used to identify the WDI operational tables. If not create one.
  4. Follow the standard instructions to install WebSphere Data Interchange Client.
  5. Install the latest WebSphere Data Interchange Client Fix Pack. At least Fix Pack 2 must be installed.
  6. Open preferences in WebSphere Data Interchange Client using the View->Administration->Configuration database->Options menu item.
  7. In options, change the ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) to the Data Source Name associated with the new shared configuration database. Add a database qualifier for the Configuration database, if needed. EDICFG33 is the name in the sample DDL. Save the changes.
  8. Close WebSphere Data Interchange Client.
  9. Start WebSphere Data Interchange Client. It should open using the new shared Configuration database.
  10. Import the default queries into the WDI Client. This must be done using WDI Client and not using the batch IMPORT capability. The file name to import is "TQuery_export.eif". It is distributed in the .../WDI Client/V3.3 directory in which WDI v3.3 client was installed. This may take 15-20 minutes.
  11. You may want to delete the default "Development" System if users of the shared Configuration database will not have the default "Development" database installed on their PC. The default "Development" database is normally installed on a PC during the WDI Client install. It can also be added to a PC by copying it from another machine.
  12. Create the ODBC Data Source Names for the other WebSphere Data Interchange databases (such as development, test, and production databases) that will be accessed by users of this shared Configuration database.
  13. Define the Systems in WebSphere Data Interchange Client associated with each database that will be accessed by the users of this shared configuration database.
  14. Delete the default WDIClient32CFG ODBC Data Source Name if desired.

This machine should now be ready to run WebSphere Data Interchange Client normally.

Perform the following steps for each machine that will use WebSphere Data Interchange Client installed on their machine with the shared Configuration database:

  1. If needed, install the ODBC drivers needed on the user’s machine to access the shared Configuration database and those that will be needed to access the other WebSphere Data Interchange databases.
  2. Create the ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) that will be used to access the Configuration Database. This name can be any unused Data Source Name, however it is recommended that each user define the same name. It may aid in simplifying support issues.
  3. Create the ODBC Data Source Names for the other WebSphere Data Interchange databases (such as development, test, and production databases) that will be accessed by the user of the shared Configuration database. These Data Source Names must match those named in the “System” definitions created during the setup of the shared Configuration database.
  4. Install WebSphere Data Interchange Client normally.
  5. Start WebSphere Data Interchange Client and then open preferences using the View->Administration->Configuration database->Options menu item.
  6. In options, change the ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) to the Data Source Name associated with the new shared configuration database. Add a database qualifier for the Configuration database, if needed. EDICFG33 is the name in the sample DDL. Save the changes.
  7. Close WebSphere Data Interchange Client.
  8. Start WebSphere Data Interchange Client. It should open using the new shared Configuration database.
  9. Test access to each of your defined Systems.
  10. Delete the default WDIClient32CFG ODBC Data Source Name if desired.

The machine is now ready to run WebSphere Data Interchange Client normally.


  • Each user utilizing the shared Configuration database will have the same Systems defined in WebSphere Data Interchange Client. It is important that each database that the user will access be properly defined within ODBC on the user’s machine.
  • Each user of the shared Configuration database will be able to update certain items in the shared Configuration database, such as Systems, and custom field labels. Every user will be affected by any change made by a single user. Queries support the concept of “public”, “protected”, and “private”, so they can be protected if desired. The user can only purge entries he has created in the Message Log.
  • Each user will have read access to all messages contained in the Message Log, regardless of the user that originated the message

Click here to go to the WDI 3.3 Client downloads page.

Original Publication Date

21 May 2007

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFKTZ","label":"WebSphere Data Interchange"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"WDI 3.3 Client","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"3.3","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 July 2019

