IBM Support

Release Notes for WebSphere Transformation Extender V8.1 - V8.1.0.5 for z/OS

Release Notes


This document provides information about the release of WebSphere® Transformation Extender V8.1 for z/OS. These release notes apply to all subsequent fix packs until superseded by new editions.


IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for z/OS, version 8.1
release notes (rev. 6)

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2006, 2015. All Rights Reserved.


  1. About this release
  2. Related References
  3. Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
  4. IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender - Common Components
  5. IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Command Server
  6. IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher
  7. IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker
  8. IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender
  9. Information common to all the features
  10. Contacting customer support
  11. Notices and trademarks


The new features for this release are listed in the What's new in IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for z/OS section of this file. For additional information about the new features for other IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender products, see the "What's New" documentation.

For additional information such as answers to frequently asked questions, and solutions to or workarounds for problems that have been documented for this release, view the Technotes that are on the IBM Support Web site.

For details about installing and configuring the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender z/OS features, see the following program directory:

Program Directory for IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Use with z/OS
(order number: GI11-2870)

The sections in this file provide release notes for the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender z/OS features listed below. There are also sections for notes that apply to specific products,
as well as across products.

- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender - Common Components
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Command Server
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender

These notes are applicable to the features that have already been installed. They provide additional configuration instructions for deploying the installed features to your runtime environment, setting environmental variables, running examples, as well as other post-installation information to assist you in using the installed features.

What's new in IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for z/OS

SMP/E Installation

The installation process for the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for z/OS features is now done through System Modification Program Extended (SMP/E). For instructions about installing the WebSphere Transformation Extender for z/OS features, see the "Program Directory for IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Use with z/OS" (order number: GI11-2870).

IMS map and MDQ file preloader exit

The map and mdq preloader exit is a new IMS user exit routine that provides a way for you to preload IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender map and mdq files into memory. When you use this exit, all subsequent access to these files during map execution are from memory and don't require any file input and output (I/O) processing from these preloaded files. For prerequisites and instructions about using the exit, see the IMS/DC Execution Option (1103.pdf) documentation that is posted on the product Web site (

The CICS Execution Option supports the use of Extra Performance Linkage (XPLINK) compiler optimization. For more information about using XPLINK with the CICS Execution Option, see "XPLINK and
non-XPLINK linking options" under "CICS environment" in the 8. IBM WEBSPHERE TRANSFORMATION EXTENDER section.


This section lists by function, references to documentation for the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for z/OS features.

The documentation PDF (.pdf) files are installed with the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Online Library. The Online Library PDF (library.pdf) file includes a listing of the PDF files by function. Latest versions of these PDF files are posted on the product Web site ( These latest versions are only a subset of the documentation set.

Also, the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Information Center, an IBM Eclipse help system, is installed with the Windows and UNIX versions of the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender base products.

Details about the documentation and how to access it are in the documentation release notes installed with the Online Library. Check the product Web site ( for the latest version.

To use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Command ServerCommand Server1010
To use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Command Server in your
batch execution environment
Command Server1010
To use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender UNIX System Services (USS) Software
Development Kit API in your USS execution environment
Platform API1020
To use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender in your
IMS execution environment
IMS/DC Execution Option1103
To use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender in your
CICS execution environment
Command Server1010
To use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender in your
z/OS Batch execution environment
Platform API1020
To use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender in your
UNIX System Services (USS)
execution environment
TX Programming Interface
Java API

To use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with LauncherLauncher1011
To use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher in your
UNIX System Services (USS)
execution environment
To use the z/OS native administration interface for the IBM WebSphere Transformation with LauncherLauncher1011
To use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for
Message Broker
Message Broker1119
To bind the application plan using the sample DTXBIND JCLCommand Server1010
To use the multiple versions of IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for the CICS execution environment in a single CICS regionCommand Server
(z/OS CICS section)
To configure and use the map and mdq preloader exitIMS/DC Execution Option1103
To create the resource name file (.mrn) on WindowsResource Registry1041
To use the CICS adapterCICS Adapter1105
To use the DB2 (z/OS ODBC) adapterDB2 (z/OS ODBC) Adapter1055
To use the DB2 (Windows/UNIX) adapterDB2 (Windows/UNIX) Adapter1054


Exit map call function

When you run the DTXBMJCL example JCL that is included in the installation and used for the Installation Verification Process (IVP), a load failure occurs and an error message is returned. This is caused by a syntax error in the EXIT function call to the DTXTPBSP COBOL EXIT program in the reverse map. However, the IVP indicates that the product was successfully installed.

If you want to run the DTXBMMVS reverse map to see how the Burst feature is used, a workaround solution is to modify the map source. Change the first parameter of the EXIT call in the DTXBMMMS map source that is in the DTX.SDTXMAPS PDS to a null value by removing the space between the quotation marks. It should be changed to:

=EITHER (EXIT("","dtxtpbsp","LINE"), "Exit DTXTPBSP not found")

Generate the DTXBMMMS map and re-submit the DTXBMJCL example JCL that is in the DTX.SDTXSAMP PDS.

For information about how to modify the map source and run the map, see the DTXBMRME reverse example readme file in the DTX.SDTXSAMP PDS.

PACKAGE function change

There has been a change to the PACKAGE function, where it will now return a valid code page for data contained within group objects, which previously had an unknown code page.

This primarily affects the following three map rule functions on all platforms:


For example, if you are running a map on the UNIX System Services (USS) execution environment, that is set up to use the Java adapter, and has a rule that uses the PACKAGE function, change the rule to use, instead, the CPACKAGE function. Also, specify the character set as NATIVE for the second argument on the rule. Because of a change to the PACKAGE function, if you use it in this specific case, the map will convert the data to the NATIVE code page, which might be invalid for the Java adapter, and cause a Java exception error.

If you are running maps on the USS execution environment, the character set for NATIVE is EBCDIC, which is invalid for the JAVA adapter.

Change the rule from:




In this example, when you specify NATIVE in the second argument of the CPACKAGE function, the function treats the data as if it already is in the appropriate code page and therefore, does not attempt to convert it to NATIVE.

Possible delay in viewing GUI contents on USS

Since z/OS operating systems do not have GUI hosting capabilities, the Launcher's Java-based GUIs need to be displayed on a remote X Windows server. This might cause a delay in viewing the contents of these GUIs on the remote machine when running the IBM Transformation Extender with Launcher on UNIX Systems Services (USS) platforms.

Several factors can attribute to the time delay in displaying the GUI including, but not limited to:

- Network traffic
- CPU utilization on the z/OS system
- TCP/IP communication delays
- Capabilities of the X Windows server

Possible USS Launcher failure

A large number of maps, triggers, or I/O requirements might cause the IBM Transformation Extender with Launcher on the UNIX System Services (USS) platforms to fail due to resource shortage. You might need to increase the region size or adjust 'SYS1.PARMLIB' parameters, which affect z/OS operating systems on USS platforms. Most of these parameters are described in the IBM z/OS Initialization and Tuning Guide section for member 'BPXPRMxx'.

Adjust settings in the dtx.ini file

Because every system environment is different, it is recommended that, when running the IBM Transformation Extender with Launcher on the UNIX Systems Services (USS) platform, you review the dtx.ini documentation and make the necessary adjustments to the settings to allow for appropriate resource allocation for your specific environment. See the IBM z/OS Initialization and Tuning Guide section for member 'BPXPRMxx' for recommendations on additional parameter settings.

PUT map functions with the database adapter

When using the DBLOOKUP, DBQUERY, GET and PUT map functions with the database adapter, the adapter will use and expect the default values for the Delimiter, Terminator and Release settings. This is because the data passed to and from the adapter is, in this case, not represented by a type tree generated in Database Interface Designer. The adapter will use the default values for the Delimiter, Terminator and Release settings since it cannot access this information from a type tree.

Preserving the encoding of XML files

To preserve the encoding of XML files created on an ASCII platform, these files (including files such as the Resource Registry .mrc and .mrn files) should be transferred in BINARY mode (using FTP or IND$FILE) and not ASCII mode. Note, however, that these files, transferred in BINARY mode, will still be ASCII-encoded and therefore not readable on the mainframe platform.

An XML instance document might contain an encoding attribute, which identifies the code page of its content. If you transfer these files to your mainframe in ASCII mode or convert the files to EBCDIC, you will need to manually change the encoding setting in the resulting XML instance document to identify the correct code page (normally "UTF-8" should be changed to "IBM-1047") to ensure that the XML parser correctly processes the file.


Configuration steps

The files that are installed with the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender - Common Components base feature are programs and JCL that are used with the other IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender optional features that you have installed. This section describes the required configuration steps for the common components.

Accessing DB2 databases in CICS and IMS environments

When you are running the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender in your CICS and IMS environments and need to access and manipulate data in your DB2 database, you must use the DB2 (z/OS) Call Attachment Facility (CAF) adapter.

To use the DB2 (z/OS) CAF adapter, follow the steps described in the Binding the Data Base Request Module (DBRM) section.

Accessing DB2 databases in Batch and USS environments

When you are running the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Command Server feature in your Batch environment or the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender feature in your UNIX System Services (USS) execution environment and need to access and manipulate data in your DB2 databases, you can use either the DB2 (z/OS) CAF adapter or the DB2 (z/OS ODBC) adapter.

To use the DB2 (z/OS) CAF adapter, follow the steps described in the Binding the Data Base Request Module (DBRM) section.

The prerequisite for using the DB2 (z/OS ODBC) adapter is that the ODBC support is set up in the DB2 subsytem. For more information about installing and configuring ODBC, see the "DB2 UDB for z/OS ODBC Guide and Reference." There are no additional configuration steps required to use the DB2 (z/OS ODBC) adapter.

Allocating an HFS on USS environments

It is recommended that you define a unique mount point on your UNIX System Services (USS) environment for the deployed runtime environment for the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender USS features that you have installed, run the DTXDHFS JCL that is installed in the DTX.SDTXSAMP PDS. The DTXDHFS JCL will allocate a Hierarchical File System (HFS) data set on your USS environment, mount it, and set the owner and file permissions.

Defining programs to CICS region for
CICS adapter server-side components

Before using the CICS adapter, define the programs to the CICS region that will be running the CICS adapter server-side components.

The programs can be defined to CICS by adding statements to the CICS CSD definitions. To update the CSD, use the definitions in the DTXCRDEF member of the DTX.SDTXSAMP PDS included in the installation. The DTXCRDEF file contains example RDO commands.

Add the DTX.SDTXLOAD load library to the DFHRPL concatenation for the CICS region that will be running the CICS adapter server-side components.

For additional information about using the CICS adapter, see the CICS adapter documentation (1105.pdf) that is posted on the product Web site (


Configuration steps

Binding the DB2 plan

For configuration steps for the Data Base Request Module (DBRM) that is included with the installation files, see the Binding the Data Base Request Module (DBRM) section.


There are several examples that are described in the following readme files installed in the DTX.SDTXSAMP PDS and are used to demonstrate the various feature components.

For your Batch environment:
- Burst Map example

- DB2 Map example
- run only if you will be using the DB2 adapter

- WebSphere MQ example
- run only if you will be using the IBM WebSphere MQ adapter

- Resource Registry example
- run only if you will be using the Resource Registry Names to
make calls.


Configuration steps

The files that are installed with the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher require you to do some configuration steps.

UNIX System Services (USS)

For additional configuration steps that are common to other IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender features installed on UNIX System Services (USS), see the Additional configuration on USS section that is in the Information common to all the features section.

z/OS native administration interface

Before you use the z/OS native administration interface for the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher, make sure that the IBM XML Toolkit for z/OS v1.8 load library (default name is IXM.SIXMLOD1) has been added to the system linklist or the TSO logon PROC STEPLIB.

Launcher Administration, Management Console, and Resource Registry

For non-Windows environments, to use these products, the X Windows server, whose IP address or domain name that is specified in the export DISPLAY setting, needs to be running on the local host machine or system. You need to communicate to the remote system (X Windows client) where (display_name) on the local host to display the X Windows WTX GUI client application before you run the WTX GUI client application.

You will need to set the DISPLAY environment variable and export it to communicate to the X Windows WTX GUI client which X Windows server will do the displaying for it using the following syntax:


export DISPLAY=<display_name>:<server_display[.screen_number]>

  • The DISPLAY environment variable name must be in uppercase letters.
  • The display_name is the IP address or domain name of the local host machine that will be displaying the X Windows WTX GUI client application.
  • The server_display refers to the number assigned to the X server that will do the displaying on the host machine.
Most of the time, you will specify the server_display as :0, and not specify the screen_number because most local host machines have a maximum of one display monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

If your system has more than one monitor (display screen), each of which is identified by a unique screen number, as in multi-headed systems, you will specify the screen_number by appending it to the end of the X server_display specification, for example, :0.1. This communicates to the remote server which screen the WTX application should access. The default screen_number is 0, which refers to the primary screen, and when it is 0, you do not need to specify it; for example, you can specify only the server_display simply as :0.

Example 1:


  • is the domain name of the local host that will be displaying the X Windows WTX GUI client application.
  • 0 is the value for the server_display that is assigned to the DISPLAY environment variable.

  • The host system exports the value to the X Windows client so that it will display the X Windows WTX GUI client application on the primary screen of the computer with the domain name through the X server assigned as 0.

Example 2:

export DISPLAY=

  • is the IP address of the local host that will be displaying the X Windows WTX GUI client application.
  • 0 is the value for the server_display that is assigned to the DISPLAY environment variable.

  • The host system exports the value to the X Windows client so that it will display the X Windows WTX GUI client application on the primary screen of the computer with the IP address through the X server assigned as 0.


Configuration steps

For additional configuration steps that are common to other IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender features installed on UNIX System Services (USS), see the Additional configuration on USS section that is in the Information common to all the features section.

Updating the WebSphere Message Broker for z/OS environment

The Message Broker environment file (ENVFILE) needs to be updated with the exported environment variables required by the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker z/OS UNIX System Services (USS) runtime environment.

Updating WebSphere Message Broker V6 ENVFILE

As a result of running the DTXINST JCL, the process created the shell script in the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker z/OS runtime environment that it defined:


The wtx_dir location refers to the z/OS runtime environment where the DTXINST JCL job deployed the installed IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker z/OS feature. This script contains the commands that will set the environment variables required by the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker z/OS run time.

To update the ENVFILE, do the following steps:
  1. Add the following command line to the end of the profile member, BIPBPROF, located in the PDSE data set for the brokers:

    . /wtx_dir/wmqi/
  2. Run the BIPGEN JCL that is located in the PDSE for the brokers to recreate the ENVFILE environment file.

    The BIPGEN JCL will invoke the shell script specified in the command line that you added to the BIPBPROF profile member, which will set the required environment variables.

For information about editing the BIPBPROF member and running the BIPGEN JCL, see the WebSphere Message Broker Version 6.0 information center.

Updating WebSphere Message Broker V5 ENVFILE

The IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker z/OS environment variables need to be added manually. Update the mqsicompcif file for the broker instance that will be interfacing with IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker on z/OS.

To update the ENVFILE, do the following steps:
  1. Update the following environment variables:

    PATH - add /wtx_dir/bin to the list
    LIBPATH - add /wtx_dir/libs to the list
    LILPATH - add /wtx_dir/wmqi to the list
  2. Add the following variables to the Environment Variable Section of the mqsicompcif file:

  3. Run the mqsicustomize command to recreate the ENVFILE file.

For information about editing the mqsicompcif file and customizing the broker, see the WebSphere Business Integration information center.


The IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender feature supports the following execution environments:

- z/OS Software Development Kit
- UNIX System Services Software Development Kit

CICS environment

The IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender includes the CICS Execution Option through which you can run maps in your CICS environments. Prior to this release, this functionality was provided in the CICS Command Server product.

Configuration steps for the CICS environment

The files that are installed with the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender require you to do some configuration steps.

Updating CICS CSD definitions and DFHRPL

The IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for the CICS execution environment installs the DTXCTBL file in the DTX.SDTXSAMP PDS, which contains the RDO definitions. Use the supplied RDO definitions to update the CICS CSD definitions, defining transactions, programs and data sets for the region or regions where you will be using the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for the CICS execution environment.


The CICS Execution Option takes advantage of the improved language support for C/C++ that exploits the Extra Performance Linkage (XPLINK) compiler optimization introduced in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V 3.1.

IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for z/OS includes two load libraries, DTX.SDTXLOAD and DTX.SDTXLOD2. The DTX.SDTXLOAD load library contains files that support the use of XPLINK. If you want to use XPLINK and you are developing and running applications on CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V 3.1 or later, you must add the DTX.SDTXLOAD load library to the DFHRPL concatenation. If you do not want to use XPLINK, you must add the SDTXLOD2 load library to the DFHRPL concatenation.

DTXCTBL CSD definitions for XPLINK and non-XPLINK

The default settings in the DTXCTBL file are for the XPLINK versions of the program definitions for IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for z/OS.

The DTXCTBL file is divided into the following program definition categories:
  • program definitions for various components such as the mapper, resource manager, adapters and ICU
    • XPLINK
    • non-XPLINK
  • ICU program definitions for IBM XML Toolkit for z/OS
    • non-XPLINK
    • XPLINK
  • transaction resource definitions
    • XPLINK
    • non-XPLINK
  • file resource definitions
    • used for both XPLINK and non-XPLINK

The XPLINK and non-XPLINK versions contain the program definitions for the same product components, but the program names and the specific definitions are different.

The program definitions for the CICS drivers, DTX810CI (XPLINK version) and DTX810KI (non-XPLINK version) are used for the current version of IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for z/OS. The program definitions for MERCCICS and DSTXCICS are provided for backwards compatibility when migrating from the Mercator or DSTX/CICS Command Server products in older releases.

Besides providing a C++ XML parser component, the IBM XML Toolkit for z/OS v1.8 load library (default name is IXM.SIXMLOD1) provides the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries used for localization. For localization purposes, you will need to add the IBM XML Toolkit for z/OS v1.8 load library to the DFHRPL concatenation, whether or not you use the XPLINK linking
options, as well as keep the ICU-related program
definitions in the DTXCTBL file.

To use the XPLINK versions of the program definitions, use
the file the way it is delivered, with the default settings.

To use the non-XPLINK versions of the program definitions,
comment and uncomment the sections as described here:

- program definitions
- comment the driver definitions in the XPLINK section



- uncomment the driver definitions in the non-XPLINK section



- transaction resource definitions
- comment the XPLINK version

* XP Link definition of DTXT transaction

- uncomment the non-XPLINK version

* non-XP Link definition of DTXT transaction

Loading maps

To use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender feature on CICS execution environments, and to successfully complete the IVP, you must load the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender executable maps into a VSAM keyed-sequential data set (KSDS) by doing the following steps:
  • Define the VSAM cluster used to store IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender executable maps. You can use the sample DTXCIJCL JCL to define the VSAM KSDS.
  • Extract, format, and load IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender maps into the VSAM map KSDS. You can use the sample DTXCMJCL JCL that will extract, format, and load the maps into the VSAM KSDS that was defined by the DTXCIJCL JCL.

Language Environment (LE) Requirement

The transformation server is ported to CICS using the IBM "C/C++" compiler and requires the z/OS Language Environment runtime libraries. The z/OS IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for the CICS execution environment is compatible with all supported releases of Language Environment (LE).

This will require that LE support be installed in CICS.

(Optional) Setting up the DB/2 (z/OS) adapter to use the CICS CAF

To use the DB/2 (z/OS) adapter, you will need to set it up to use the CICS DB/2 Attachment Facility. You will be updating the CSD. For information about updating the CSD, see the IBM CICS System Definition Guide.

To set up the adapter to use the CICS DB/2 Attachment Facility:
  1. Bind the Data Base Request Module (DBRM).

    See the Binding the Data Base Request Module (DBRM) section.
  2. Create a DB2ENTRY in the CICS CSD for the DBUTILE plan.
  3. Create DB2TRAN entries in the CICS CSD for each CICS transaction that will call the z/OS IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for the CICS execution environment and invoke a DB2 map.
  4. Create a DB2TRAN entry in the CICS command line for the DTXI (used for backward compatibility to a previous release) and DTXT transactions.
  5. If your site uses the RCT macro, DSNCRCT, to define the entries for the CICS DB/2 Attachment Facility, you will need to code and assemble the DSNCRCT TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction to add the entry for the DBUTILE plan.

Multiple versions of the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender
for the CICS execution environment in a single CICS region


If you are installing this feature for the first time, continue with the Additional updates to CICS CSD definitions section.

This feature enables people who use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for the CICS execution environment or the Mercator Integration Broker or Ascential DataStage TX to run multiple versions of these products concurrently in a single CICS region. The benefit of this feature is the ability to do a staged migration to IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender while being able to run your existing product release in the same CICS region.

This feature is only available starting with Ascential DataStage TX version 7.5. As of Ascential DataStage TX 7.5, only one prior release of Ascential DataStage TX can be used at the same time as this version.

For more information, see the topic about Multiple Command Server versions in the z/OS CICS section of the Command Server documentation (1010.pdf) that is posted on the product Web site (

If you are not installing multiple versions of the these products in the same CICS region, continue with the Additional updates to CICS CSD definitions section.

Installing multiple versions
  • Complete the feature installation steps as defined in this document.
  • Install IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for the CICS execution environment in a region that has an existing version of the Mercator Integration Broker or Ascential DataStage TX.
  • Both versions will be separate instances of the product for the CICS execution environment that can run concurrently.
  • The CICS RDO definitions supplied with this release contain resource definitions that provide backwards compatibility for existing users of the product for the CICS execution environment.

These definitions will create conflicts and render the prior release unusable. Before installing the RDO definitions for this release, either comment out or delete the following items:
  • program entry: MERCCICS or DSTXCICS
  • transaction definitions:

    MERC or DSTX - for the start CICS transaction

    MERT, DSTT or DSTX - for the start of the test sample transaction

    Note: If you do not comment out or delete the above items, these RDO definitions will create conflicts between an older release and the new release and as a result, you will not be able to use the prior release.

There are multiple program entry and transaction definitions options depending on which release of the product for the CICS execution environment you currently have installed.
  • Do not delete the CICS RDO group, TSIMERC or ASCLDSTX.
  • Place the data set definition of the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender load library for the CICS execution environment for this release after the load library of the existing release in the DFHRPL concatenation.

Additional updates to CICS CSD definitions

If you plan to run multiple, concurrently executing IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for the CICS execution environment tasks that share the map keyed-sequential data sets (KSDS), set the STRINGS parameter for the map KSDS equal to the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks you want to allow in the z/OS CICS region.

Note: If you are adding the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender to an existing IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender installation (meaning, that this is not a new installation), you must update the CSD. Unless you are planning on running multiple versions of IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender in a single CICS region, remove the ASCLDSTX group from the CSD and add the new system definitions.

Note: The use of CICS Temporary Storage Queues might increase if you upgrade from Mercator Integration Broker or Ascential Datastage TX. The VSAM-based work space manager has been replaced with a TSQ-based work space manager.

The benefits of using a TSQ-based work space manager is that it simplifies the installation process and improves the performance of your map execution. The storage requirements for TSQ may be impacted. You must ensure that there is enough available TSQ.

For more information about how to size temporary storage, see the Sizing Temporary Storage section.

Sizing temporary storage

Temporary Storage Queue (TSQ) is used to back IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender work spaces required to run a map. Work space refers to a physical store that is used to shadow input and output data. Shadow data is usually created when the map uses an adapter or Transient Data Queues, or the map is expecting the data to contain record separators. Work spaces are also used by the core transformation services to store information about the data that is being mapped.

Because you can develop a map with no inputs and outputs, work spaces may not be used in some situations.

The minimum number of possible work spaces for a map execution is 1. The maximum possible number is 1 + (2 * number of inputs) + (2 * number of outputs).

TSQ will not be used by a map if the map's source and targets are passed as memory buffers and the workspace in memory option (-WM) is used.

Each work space is keyed by a unique TSQ qname. The format of the qname is TXnnnnnNddddddd, where nnnnn is the CICS task id and ddddddd is a sequence number.

In theory, the maximum size of a single work space is 1,073,545,221 bytes.

To calculate the TSQ space requirements for a particular map, you need to determine the maximum data size of each input and each output.

The formula for a specific input is:
TSQ size = (max data size * 5)

The criteria for the multiplier of 5 is 1 for the shadow file and 4 for the work space used by the core transformation service. The amount of space required by the core transformation service may actually be less. It depends on a number of factors such as the number of objects being validated. Four (4) is typical for a complex type tree with lots of types defined.

Sizing Temporary Storage Example:
This section presents an example of how the temporary storage for a map is sized.

Assume that your map has two inputs and one output. Input 1 is a WebSphere MQ message. Input 2 is a lookup from a DB/2 table. The target destination for the output is to DB/2.

The MQ message is 100,000 bytes. The DB/2 lookup is 1,200 bytes. The target destination for the output is to DB/2 and is 25,000 bytes.

Work space estimates:

Input 1 500,000 = 100,000 + (100,000 * 4)
Input 2 6,000 = 1,200 + (1,200 * 4)
Output 1 25,000 = 25,000

Map total size is: 531,000.

In this example, the actual amount of TSQ used will be greater based on the fact that the size of the TSQ records used by the work space manager is 32,763. Also, the map's page size setting will determine the minimum amount of space used by the core.

Assuming a 64K page size setting, the estimate would be:

Input 1 622,497 = ((100,000 / 32,763) + 32,763) + ((((400,000 / 65,535) + 65,535) / 32,763) + 32,763)
Input 2 131,052 = 32,763 + ((65,535 / 32,763) + 32,763)
Output 1 32,763

New map total size is 786,312.

The actual required amount will depend on how many 64K pages are necessary to validate the input.

An additional factor for which you need to account when sizing temporary storage is the maximum number of concurrent transactions that will be running the map.

Assuming there can be 3 concurrent tasks, the total temporary storage would be:
2,358,936 = 3 * 786,312

(Optional) Defining and loading the Resource Name file

Optionally define and load the VSAM entry-sequenced data set (ESDS) that stores the DTXCRMRN resource name file. The step should be done only if you want to use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender resource name file, and successfully complete the IVP for the Resource Registry example described in the DTXCRRME readme file.

To define and load the resource name file (.mrn), run the DTXRRJCL example JCL that is in the DTX.SDTXSAMP PDS.

To use the resource name file on CICS, create the resource name file. For information about creating the resource name file (.mrn) on Windows, see the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Resource Registry documentation (1041.pdf). The DTXCRMRN example resource name file is provided in the IBM
WebSphere Transformation Extender installation in the DTX.SDTXSAMP PDS.

Examples for the CICS environment

There are several examples that are described in the following readme files installed in the DTX.SDTXSAMP PDS and are used to demonstrate the various feature components. See the Loading maps section for the required configuration steps.

- Burst Map example

- DB2 Map example
- run only if you will be using the DB2 adapter and the DB2 plan

- WebSphere MQ example
- run only if you will be using the IBM WebSphere MQ adapter

- Resource Registry example
- run only if you will be using the Resource Registry
- for configuration requirements, see the (Optional) Defining and loading the Resource Name file section

IMS environment

Configuration steps for the IMS environment

There might be configuration steps required for you to do before you can use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender feature, depending on your business needs and if specific system administration and set up prerequisites have not yet been done in your IMS environment. For more information, see the IMS/DC Execution Option (1103.pdf) documentation that is posted on the product Web site (

(Optional) Binding the DB2 plan

For configuration steps for the Data Base Request Module (DBRM) that is included with the installation files, see the Binding the Data Base Request Module (DBRM) section.

UNIX System Services (USS) Software Development Kit

For additional configuration steps that are common to other IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender features installed on UNIX System Services (USS), see the Additional configuration on USS section that is in the Information common to all the features section.

Note: For information about using the API on USS, see the Platform API documentation (1020.pdf) that is posted on the product Web site (


Binding the Data Base Request Module (DBRM)

Upgrading from an earlier version

If you are using the DB2 (z/OS) adapter with your current release of the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender and with a prior release or prior releases of the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender concurrently, we suggest binding the application plans as a package. This will allow multiple releases of the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender to be bound to the same application plan.

Binding the DBUTILE application plan

If you have not already bound the DBRM, you will need to do the configuration steps described in this section so that you can use the DB2 CAF adapter.

There is only one Data Base Request Module (DBRM), named DBUTILE. It is contained in the DTXDBUTE member of the DTX.SDTXSAMP PDS included with the installation files. It can be bound as the DBUTILE plan by running the DTXBIND JCL that is included in the feature installation, or bound as a package and included in a plan of your choice.

The DBUTILE plan name will be used when the DB2 adapter connects to the DB2 subsystem where its DB request module was bound.

For more instructions about binding the application plan using the sample DTXBIND JCL, see the Command Server documentation (1010.pdf) that is posted on the product Web site

Additional configuration on USS


The DTXINST JCL job is used create the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender UNIX System Services (USS) runtime environment. Run this job if you have not yet run it to deploy the installed files on USS and only after you have installed one or more of the following features:

JDTX812 Transformation Extender
JDTX813 Transformation Extender for Message Broker
JDTX814 Transformation Extender with Launcher

Modify the SET INSTHOME statement in the JCL to define the location of your IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender - Common Components base feature installation if it is different than the default
location settings. The default location is:


Modify the SET CRTHOME statement in the JCL to define the location of the directory structure where you want the UNIX System Services (USS) runtime environment for the optional features you installed to be created if it is different than the default location settings. The default location is:


When you run the DTXINST JCL, it will run the SET commands, and then run the following two steps: MAKEDIR and INSTALL.


The MAKEDIR step runs the BPXBATCH MVS utility program, which uses a MKDIR command to create the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender home directory.


The INSTALL step runs the BPXBATCH MVS utility program, which runs the createuser shell script from the bin directory of the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender - Common Components base feature. The script creates the following subdirectories in the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender home directory
(DTX_HOME_DIR) location, specified in the CRTHOME setting, and installs the files from the location specified in the INSTHOME setting into these subdirectories:


Note: The wmqi subdirectory is created if you have installed the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker optional feature.

The createuser shell script creates symbolic links to the bin, libs and config directories of the installed IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender features. It also creates the setup shell script and optionally creates the deploy shell script for the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker if you have installed this optional feature.

The INSTALL step uses the INSTHOME symbolic parameter to identify the installed location of the common components directory and the CRTHOME symbolic parameter to identify the location of the user runtime directory.

(Optional) Binding the DB2 plan

For configuration steps for the Data Base Request Module (DBRM) that is included with the installation files, see the Binding the Data Base Request Module (DBRM) section.

Setting USS environment variables

- Set the export _CEE_RUNOPTS environment variable.

If you are using Java 1.4.2 on a z/OS operating system and you want to use the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender in your UNIX System Services (USS) execution environment, you must add XPLINK to the _CEE_RUNOPTS USS environment variable:


- Modify the setup script in the current directory to set the DISPLAY, JAVAHOME and _BPX_SHAREAS environment variables.

The setup script defines the environment variables required to run the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender. The DISPLAY, JAVAHOME and _BPX_SHAREAS environment variables are defined as the following:
  • DISPLAY is the address of the X Server.
  • JAVAHOME is the install directory of JAVA v1.4.2 on the mainframe.
  • _BPX_SHAREAS determines whether or not the z/OS shell will run foreground processes in the same address space in which the shell is running.

These environment variables can either be uncommented in the setup script or included in your profile (.profile).

Note: The DISPLAY and JAVAHOME variables are currently commented out in the script, while the _BPX_SHAREAS variable is not.

Note: If you include these settings in your profile (.profile) in your UNIX System Services (USS) home directory, you can avoid having to reset these variables each time you install the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender in your USS environment.

- Set the environment variables for IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender.

Enter ". ./setup" at the command prompt from the directory where you deployed the runtime environment under UNIX System Services (USS) for the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender features that you have installed.

Now you can begin to run the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender that you installed on your UNIX System Services (USS) execution environment.

(Optional) Defining DB2 system load library

To use either the DB2 (z/OS), and DB2 (z/OS(ODBC)) adapter in your UNIX System Services (USS) execution environment, the hlq.SDSNLOAD DB2 system load library needs to be defined to the system linklist.

Otherwise, the STEPLIB variable will need to be exported with the location of the DB2 load library as follows:


where hlq is the high-level qualifier for the DB2 installation

Each time you run the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender, you can use this export statement at the shell prompt or you can add the export statement to the /etc/profile or the .profile file of the specific user of the feature.

(Optional) Defining IBM WebSphere MQ system load libraries

To use the IBM WebSphere MQ adapter in your UNIX System Services (USS) execution environment, the IBM WebSphere MQ system load libraries need to be defined to the system linklist.

Otherwise, the STEPLIB variable will need to be exported with the location of the IBM WebSphere MQ load
libraries as follows:


where hlq is the high-level qualifier for the IBM WebSphere MQ installation.

Each time you run the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender, you can use this export statement at the shell prompt or you can add the export statement to the /etc/profile or the .profile file of the specific user of the feature.

(Optional) Accessing Oracle 9i database

The Oracle 9i client adapter is available for you to use in maps on your UNIX System Services (USS) execution environment. This adapter allows access to data stored in Oracle 9i databases on remote systems.

To be able to access data using the Oracle 9i client adapter:
  • Install and configure Oracle 9i.
  • Be sure that Oracle 9i is included in the PATH= environment variable and that other environment variables required by the Oracle 9i database are set appropriately.

    Note: Environment variables required by the Oracle 9i database that are involved with translation from ASCII to EBCDIC require particularly close attention.
  • Support is not currently provided for direct connection to an Oracle database on the same z/OS system on which the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender is executing.

(Optional) Using Language Environment parameters

The IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender UNIX System Services (USS) execution environment is a 31-bit application. The Language Environment (LE) parameters at many sites are optimized for COBOL programs and 24-bit applications.

To prevent the application from running out of memory because it lacked storage below the 16 megabyte (MB) line, and then terminating abnormally with an ABEND code such as 80A, the LE parameters listed below are recommended.

Note: These LE parameters are documented in the "z/OS: Language Environment Programming Reference" publication.

Put the following LE parameters in an export statement to be added to the .profile file of the specific user of the feature.

Memory Management


Error Management


(The following LE parameters must be placed all on one line,
without any space between them.)


(Optional) Defining port numbers when using the E-mail adapter

The e-mail adapter is available for use in maps run on your UNIX System Services (USS) execution environment.

To ensure correct operation of the e-mail adapter, you need to define the port numbers for SMTP and pop3 in the "TCPIP.ETC.SERVICES" or /etc/services files.
  • The well-known port number for SMTP is 25.
  • The well-known port number for pop3 is 110.
  • For a complete list and discussion of well-known port numbers, see the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) website at

Using Transformation Extender on USS

The IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender contains JAVA interfaces, which include a number of components that are available for you to be able to run the UNIX System Services Software Development Kit on z/OS operating systems running on the mainframe in a UNIX environment.

Note: To see all the components that have been included in this feature release, see the Web site

There are some fundamental differences between how the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) interacts with IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender in the UNIX System Services (USS) execution environment as opposed to how it interacts with IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender on other platforms.

These differences are related to the native character encoding of USS and the JVM. The USS environment is based on EBCDIC whereas the Java JVM underlying encoding is based on UTF-8.

LATIN-1 data is the most appropriate data type to exchange with the JVM. As a result, there are a couple of things you need to consider when writing a map to call a Java-based adapter on UNIX System Services (USS) as listed below:

- All character text data items that will be passed to the adapter should be defined in the type tree with the
"Data language" property set to ASCII.

- The Java-based adapter will typically return an ASCII-encoded byte stream.

In most cases, the format of the output results that will be returned from the adapter and passed to the map should be defined in the type tree with the "Item Subclass" property set to "Text" and the "Interpret as" property set to "Binary", especially, if the results will be the input into another map or adapter.

For additional information regarding the Java programming code page considerations, see the reference information for Java on z/OS on the IBM web site.


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WebSphere Transformation Extender, Version 8.1

[{"Product":{"code":"SSB27W","label":"WebSphere Transformation Extender for z\/OS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"WTX for z\/OS","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":";;;;;8.1","Edition":"International","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Product Synonym

Ascential DataStage TX Mercator

Document Information

Modified date:
03 October 2022

