IBM Support

Release notes for WebSphere Transformation Extender Silent Installation V8.1

Release Notes


This document provides information on the release of WebSphere® Transformation Extender Silent Installation V8.1.


IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender, Version 8.1
Silent Installation Release Notes (rev. 1)

©Copyright IBM Corporation 2006. All Rights Reserved.


  1. About the silent installation
  2. Installation script files
    • Windows environments
    • UNIX environments
  3. Silent installation response files
    • Required response files
    • Windows environments
    • UNIX environments
  4. Running silent installations
    • Windows environments
    • UNIX environments
  5. Generating response files
    • Windows environments
    • UNIX environments
  6. Silent Uninstallations
    • Windows environments
    • UNIX environments
  7. Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
  8. Contacting customer support
  9. Notices and trademarks


The IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender products can be installed on your computer without user interaction (in silent mode) by using script and response files. The batch script for Windows environments and the sample response files for both Windows and UNIX environments used for the silent installation of the products are provided on the Installer CD.

The silent installation provides original equipment manufacturer (OEM) customers the ability to embed and run IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender installations from within their own products.



To install the products in your Windows environments in silent mode, run the SilentInstalls.bat batch script file, located in the SilentInstalls directory provided on the Installer CD.

When you run the SilentInstalls.bat sample batch file, it demonstrates how the product installation processes are completed without user interaction.

To run the SilentInstalls.bat batch file so that response files are used for the installation processes, copy the SilentInstalls directory to a local drive and then customize SilentInstalls.bat so that the variables in the "User configurable settings" section meet your installation requirements.


To install the products in your UNIX environments in silent mode, create a shell script and use the tx_record sample response file, located in the Responses_Unix directory provided on the Installer CD.

When you use the tx_record sample response file, it demonstrates how the product installation processes are completed without user interaction.

To use the silent installation, the shell script that you create will run the UNIX installation script and provide an installation response file. The provided tx_record sample response file can be generated for your specific installation environment.

Note: The shell and batch script files can not be used to install IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender products from the ESD site.


The IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender products provide sample response files on the Installer CD. The response files contain prerecorded responses to the prompts that you encounter during a typical interactive installation and control the behavior of each product installation. They are provided for computers that have not had the product installed previously or for computers that currently have other versions of the product installed.


Each installation requires a unique response file and provides a mechanism to create the response file by recording the responses entered during an initial interactive installation procedure. This response file can then be used as input into subsequent silent installations.

The sample response files specify default responses that represent a typical product installation for each installation window.

The sample response file for UNIX installations is located in the Responses_Unix directory. For computers that have no prior installations of the product present, the files for Windows installations are located in the Responses_CleanInstall directory. For computers that have a version of the product installed, the files for Windows installations are located in the Responses_WithPriorTXVersion directory.

The following list presents the default responses for each of the prompts by product:

Prompt Response
====== ========

IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio
IBM Software License Agreement: Accept
User Name: IBM Software User
Company Name: IBM Customer
Install Directory: C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Transformation Extender 8.1
Setup Type: Typical
Program Menu Folder Name: IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender 8.1
Install Complete: Do not view release notes

IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Command Server
IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher
IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender
IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender SDK (Windows only)
Language for Install Dialogs English
(International versions only)
IBM Software License Agreement Accept
User Name IBM Software User
Company Name IBM Customer
Setup Type Typical
Install Complete Do not view release notes

IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Launcher Agent
IBM Software License Agreement Accept
User Name IBM Software User
Company Name IBM Customer
Setup Type Typical
Unique ID for Service Name ea1
Install Complete Do not view release notes

IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Launcher Studio
IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender PACK for Web Services
Language for Install Dialogs English
(International versions only)
IBM Software License Agreement Accept
User Name IBM Software User
Company Name IBM Customer
Install Complete Do not view release notes

IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Security Collection
Language for Install Dialogs English
IBM Software License Agreement Accept
User Name IBM Software User
Company Name IBM Customer
Selected Components All
Install Complete Do not view release notes

IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Online Library
Language for Install Dialogs English
Adobe If not found, do not
install it
IBM Software License Agreement Accept
Setup Type Typical
Install Complete Do not view release notes
or Online Library


InstallShield, an industry-standard installation tool, was used to create installations for Windows. It provides a built-in mechanism to generate and use response files.

You can pass command line options to the installation program (setup.exe) to record response files or use them to run subsequent installations in silent mode.


Installations on UNIX environments are shell-script driven.

You can pass command line options to the installation program (DTXINST) to record response files or use them to run subsequent installations in silent mode.



Running Methods
To run installation programs in silent mode using generated response files, use one of the following methods:
  • GUI Installer tool

    Run the installations using the GUI Installer tool with both Advanced options, "Silent Installs" and "Use Response files," enabled. You must provide a Response File Directory path to an existing directory where the response files are located.
  • SilentInstalls.bat batch file

    Run the SilentInstalls.bat batch file, which uses response files that provide information needed to install the product.

    Before you run the batch file, make sure that the GENERATE_RESPONSEFILES flag in the batch file is not defined, which indicates to the script to use the response files to install the product in silent mode, and that the script variable RESPONSEDIR identifies the directory that contains the required response files. The results of the installation process will be stored in the directory specified by RESULTDIR. See SilentInstalls.bat for further details.
  • InstallShield using setup.exe

    For InstallShield installations, pass the necessary options directly to the setup.exe program to use generated response files. For example, the following command runs the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender installation program (assuming D: is the CD-ROM drive where the Installer CD is located):

    D:\TX\setup.exe -s -f1C:\Responses\tx.iss


    -s Indicates to InstallShield to run in silent mode.
    -f1 Specifies the path of the response file to use. In this example, the response is C:\Responses\tx.iss.
    -f2 If specified, this is the path of the log file containing the results of the installation. The log file will contain one of the following result codes:

0 Success.
-1 General error.
-2 Invalid mode.
-3 Required data not found in the Setup.iss file.
-4 Not enough memory available.
-5 File does not exist.
-6 Cannot write to the response file.
-7 Unable to write to the log file.
-8 Invalid path to the InstallShield Silent response
-9 Not a valid list type (string or number).
-10 Data type is invalid.
-11 Unknown error during setup.
-12 Dialog boxes are out of order.
-51 Cannot create the specified folder.
-52 Cannot access the specified file or folder.
-53 Invalid option selected.

Note: InstallShield response files are very sensitive to the order of the dialogs. If a dialog is displayed that is not listed in the response file, the installation program fails. If a dialog is listed in the response file but is not executed by the installation program, the installation fails.

Note: The initial state of a client computer is very important when using response files. If a version of the product has previously been installed on a client computer, the required responses may be different than responses for computers with no other version of the product present. This is due to the installation directory selection and the registering of file extensions used by the product.

Installation Order

Because of the limitations surrounding response files, the order of each installation is important. The selection of the installation directory (DTXHOME) and the registering of file extensions are significant. The first installation program that you run is the one that sets the installation (DTXHOME) directory. The remaining installation programs then use the same installation directory. Similarly, the dialogs associated with registering file extensions are only displayed when another program is using the file extension (such as a prior version of the product). After the file extension is registered to the program version being installed, the file extension registration dialogs are no longer displayed.

The following list is the recommended installation order for Windows environments:
  • IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio
  • IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher
  • IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Command Server
  • IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender (or IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender SDK)
  • IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Launcher Agent
  • IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Launcher Studio
  • IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender PACK for Web Services
  • IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Secure Adapter Collection
  • IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Online Library


Running Methods
To run installation programs in silent mode using generated response files, use one of the following methods:
  • GUI Installer tool

    Run the installations using the GUI Installer tool with both Advanced options, "Silent Installs" and "Use Response files," enabled. You will need to provide a Response File Directory path to an existing directory where the response files are stored.
  • DTXINST shell script

    Pass the "-s <ResponseFileName>" to the DTXINST shell script. "<ResponseFileName>" identifies the file containing the response information to be used. For example, the following command will run the IBM WebSphere Transaction Extender installation program:

    -s /responses/tx_record

    The responses contained in the /responses/tx_record response file will be used to provide information needed to install the product.

    Note: Errors in the response file cause the installation process to exit immediately.

    Note: All user prompting generated during the installation are automatically answered with an affirmative response.

Installation Types

Certain UNIX products are considered base products and cannot be combined within a single installation. The following products are considered base products:

- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Command Server
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker

Installation Order

The UNIX installation process does not present the same installation order limitations as does the Windows installations. However, certain UNIX products depend on the presence of a prior product installation.

The following list is the recommended installation order for UNIX environments:

- Base IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender product
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Launcher Agent
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Launcher Studio
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender PACK for Web Services
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Secure Adapter Collection
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Online Library

Note: The IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Launcher Agent and IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Launcher Studio can be installed with or without a prior base product installation.


Windows Environment

Generating Methods
To generate response files for Windows installations, use one of the following methods:
  • GUI Installer tool

    Run the installations using the GUI Installer tool with both the Advanced options, "Silent Installs" and "Generate Response files" enabled. You must provide a Response File Directory path to an existing directory where the response files are to be stored.
  • SilentInstalls.bat batch file

    Run the provided SilentInstalls.bat batch file so that response files are generated during the installation process.

    Before you run the batch file, make sure that the GENERATE_RESPONSEFILES flag is defined as TRUE and the script variable RESPONSEDIR identifies a directory which will be used to contain the generated response files. The results of the installation process will be stored in the directory specified by RESULTDIR. See SilentInstalls.bat for further details.
  • InstallShield using setup.exe

    For InstallShield installations, pass the necessary options directly to the setup.exe program to record response files. For example, the following command runs the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender installation program (assuming D: is the CD-ROM drive where the Installer CD is located):

    D:\TX\setup.exe -r -f1C:\Responses\tx.iss


    -r Indicates to InstallShield to record a response file.
    -f1 Specifies the filename where the responses will be recorded. In this example, the responses will be stored in C:\Responses\WebSphereTX.iss.


Generating Methods
To generate response files for UNIX installations, use one of the following methods:
  • GUI Installer tool

    Run the installations using the GUI Installer tool with both Advanced options, "Silent Installs" and "Generate Response files," enabled. You will need to provide a Response File Directory path where the response file will be stored.
  • DTXINST shell script

    Pass the "-r <ResponseFileName>" to the DTXINST shell script. "<ResponseFileName>" is the name of the file where response information will be stored. For example, the following command will run the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender installation program:

    -r /responses/tx_record
    The responses used during the installation process are recorded in the /responses/tx_record file.

    The DTXINST installation program accepts the following command line arguments:

    DTXINST [ []
    DTXINST [-r <response_file>]
    DTXINST [-s <response_file> [-l <log_file>]]


    <install_dir> Names an installation directory to use.
    <temp_dir> Names a directory to use for temporary file storage during the installation process.
    -r <response_file> Names a file to receive the installation information provided during an interactive installation. If a log file is not specified, one is created using the response file specification, with an appended .log suffix.
    -s <response_file> Names a response file containing the installation information from a previously recorded session. If a log file is not specified, one is created using the response file specification, with an appended .log suffix.
    -l <log_file> Names an optional log file used to capture the information presented during the installation.

    Note: The "-r" and "-s" options are mutually exclusive. If both are provided, the action will be to record the installation.

If command line options are present, argument specification of either the installation or temporary directory will be ignored.

If no command line switches are present, the first argument provided is assumed to be the installation directory. The parent to this directory must already exist. The second provided argument will be interpreted to be the temporary installation working directory. This directory overrides the default temporary directory presented during the installation process. The directory specification provided must already exist.

After the response files are generated, they can be used to run the same installation program on a different computer in "silent" (non-interactive) mode.

Note: Errors in the response file cause the installation process to exit immediately.



The ability to silently uninstall IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender products on Windows is provided in conjunction with the silent installation procedures. A sample SilentUnInstalls.bat batch file that can be used to run this process is included on the Installer CD in the SilentInstalls directory.

Silent Uninstallation Prerequisites

Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools is required for accessing the Windows registry. Details are available at:


Because a silent uninstallation is not available for UNIX environments, use the standard removal process. For example, you can use the following command to remove all files in the specified directory /opt/ibm/wsdtx (the default IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender installation directory):

rm -rf /opt/ibm/wsdtx




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WebSphere Transformation Extender, Version 8.1

Related Information

[{"Product":{"code":"SSVSD8-1","label":"WebSphere Transformation Extender"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Documentation","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.1","Edition":"International;US","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSVSD8-1","label":"WebSphere Transformation Extender"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.1","Edition":"International;US","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Product Synonym

Ascential DataStage TX Mercator

Document Information

Modified date:
05 October 2022

