IBM Support

Rational Team Concert Interim Fix 5 for 5.0.2



IBM Rational Team Concert 5.0.2_iFix005 has been made generally available and contains fixes to version 5.0.2 including all predecessor fixes.

Download Description

Table of Contents
Sections Description

The Change history section provides an overview on what is new in this interim fix with a description of any new functions or enhancements when applicable.

The How critical is this fix section provides information related to the impact of this interim fix to allow you to assess how your environment may be affected.

The Prerequisites section provides important information to review prior to the installation of this interim fix.

The Download package section provides the direct link to obtain the download package for installation in your environment.

The Installation instructions section provides the installation instructions necessary to apply this interim fix into your environment.

Click to review a complete list of the defects (APARs) resolved in this interim fix.

The Known side effects section contains a link to the known problems (open defects) identified at the time of this interim fix.

Supporting Documentation
Document Description

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Prerequisites include:

IBM Rational Team Concert 5.0.2 must be installed to apply this iFix.

Note: Before you install the server patch file, verify that no other test fixes are installed. If other fixes are installed, contact IBM Software Support.

Installation Instructions

Click the corresponding tab below to review the installation instructions to apply the iFix on a server or client host:

Note: Before you install this server patch file, verify that no other test fixes or hot fixes are installed. If other fixes are installed, contact IBM Software Support.

For a CLM deployment on a single server, complete the following steps once.

For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server.

Procedure to install the server patch:

  1. Stop the CLM server.

  2. Verify whether the following directory exists: server_installation_directory/server/patch.
    • If the directory exists, back up and remove its contents.
    • If the directory does not exist, create it.

  3. Copy the server patch file into the /server/patch directory.

  4. Start the server.

Note: For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server.

Procedure to uninstall the server patch:

  1. Stop the CLM server.

  2. Back up and remove the contents of the following directory: server_installation_directory/server/patch

  3. Start the CLM server.

Note: For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server.

Procedure to install the client update site:

  1. Extract the update site file to the computer where the client is installed.

  2. In the Rational Team Concert client, click Help > Install New Software.

  3. In the Install window, click Add.

  4. In the Add Repository window, click Local and navigate to the extracted update site file.
    Note: The update site root directory contains a site.xml file.

  5. Select the patches to install.

  6. If you agree to the terms, accept the license agreement and click Install.

  7. After the installation is complete, restart the Rational Team Concert client.

Note: To update the feature patch, you can install the new version directly over the old patch. You do not have to uninstall the old patch.

Procedure to uninstall the client update site:

  1. In the Rational Team Concert client, click Help > About Rational Team Concert > Installation Details.

  2. Select the patches to uninstall and click Uninstall.

  3. After the uninstall process is complete, restart the Rational Team Concert client.


If you run the uninstall process on a Rational Team Concert client that was installed by using a .zip file, the feature patch will be removed along with the original feature. Removing the patch will break the functionality of the affected feature.

For a client that was installed by using a .zip file, reinstall the features by downloading the Rational Team Concert p2 repository from, and use the same installation steps with the following exception:

  • For step 4, click Archive and select the p2 repository .zip file and install the Rational Team Concert feature. This step will remove the patched plug-ins and replace the missing features with the original versions of the feature from the p2 repository.

If you run the uninstall process on a Rational Team Concert client that was installed by using the p2 repository, to remove the patch, you must uninstall the entire Rational Team Concert p2 feature and then reinstall the entire Rational Team Concert feature through the p2 repository.

Procedure to install the Visual Studio client update:

  1. Close all the running Visual Studio client(s).

  2. Extract the patch zip file to the computer where the RTC Visual Studio client is installed.

  3. In the IBM Installation Manger, click File > Preferences > Repositories > Add Repository and provide the path to the folder extracted in the second step.

  4. Click Ok to close Preferences window.

  5. Make sure that the check box File > Preferences > Files for Rollback > "Save files for rollback" is checked.

  6. Now click on Update in the Installation Manager.

  7. Select IBM Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE package group and click Next.

  8. Select the RTC version that needs to be updated and click Next.

  9. If you agree to the terms, accept the license agreement and click Install.

  10. Select the Visual Studio version(s) and click Next.

  11. Click on Update

  12. Click Finish to complete update.

  13. After the installation is complete, start the Rational Team Concert Visual Studio client.

To update the feature patch, you can install the new version directly over the old patch if the Visual Studio IDE version is 2010 or 2012. You do not have to uninstall the old patch.

Procedure to roll back to the previous client version:

  1. Close all the running Visual Studio client(s).

  2. In the IBM Installation Manager, click Roll Back.

  3. Select the IBM Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE package group and click Next.

  4. Select the patch to roll back to.

  5. Click on Roll Back.

  6. Click Finish.


The 5.0.2 patch can be installed only on top of 5.0.2 GA release.

To remove a patch, only Roll Back should be used in the Installation Manager.

Uninstalling the patch will completely remove the GA release along with the patch(s) installed on top of it.

Procedure to install the Data Collection Component patch:

  1. Stop the DCC server.

  2. Verify whether the following directory exists: server_installation_directory/server/patch.

  3. If the directory exists, back up and remove its contents.

  4. If the directory does not exist, create it.

  5. Copy the server patch file into the /server/patch directory.

  6. Start the DCC server.

Procedure to uninstall the Data Collection Component patch:

  1. Stop the DCC server.

  2. Back up and remove the contents of the following directory: server_installation_directory/server/patch

  3. Start the DCC server.

Procedure to install the patch with JRS deployed on Apache Tomcat server:

  1. Stop the JRS Tomcat server

  2. Copy the following file to a backup directory in the event you need to revert the patch:
    • JRS_Install\server\tomcat\webapps\rs.war

  3. Delete the following file:
    • JRS_Install\server\tomcat\webapps\rs.war

  4. Delete the following directories:
    • JRS_Install\server\tomcat\webapps\rs
    • JRS_Install\server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rs

  5. Place the new rs.war file under JRS_Install\server\tomcat\webapps

  6. Start the server

Procedure to uninstall the patch with JRS deployed on Apache Tomcat server:

  1. Stop the JRS Tomcat server
  2. Restore the original rs.war that was backed up in step 2 of the install instructions to the following directory
    • JRS_Install\server\tomcat\webapps\
  3. Delete the following directories:
    • JRS_Install\server\tomcat\webapps\rs
    • JRS_Install\server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rs
  4. Start the server

Procedure to install the patch with JRS deployed on WebSphere Application Server:

  1. Unzip the reporting-war zip file somewhere either on your local machine or on the JRS server.

  2. In the WAS Admin Console, stop the JRS application: Go to Applications > Application Types > Websphere enterprise applications, select the checkbox next to rs_war and click on Stop.

  3. Update the rs_war file: Select the checkbox next to rs_war and click on Update.

  4. Select "Replace the entire application", then browse to the new rs.war file from the unzipped directory and click on Next. Browse locally if the file was saved on the local machine in step 1, or do a remote browse if the file was saved on the JRS server. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the defaults.

  5. Save the configuration changes when prompted after the update completes.

  6. Start the JRS application: select the checkbox next to rs_war and click on Start.

Procedure to uninstall the patch with JRS deployed on WebSphere Application Server:

  1. Locate the rs.war file in the original JRS installation.

  2. In the WAS Admin Console, stop the JRS application: Go to Applications > Application Types > Websphere enterprise applications, select the checkbox next to rs_war and click on Stop.

  3. Update the rs_war file: Select the checkbox next to rs_war and click on Update.

  4. Select "Replace the entire application", then browse to the rs.war file in the original JRS installation and click on Next. Browse locally if the file was saved on the local machine in step 1, or do a remote browse if the file was saved on the JRS server. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the defaults.

  5. Save the configuration changes when prompted after the update completes.

  6. Start the JRS application: select the checkbox next to rs_war and click on Start.

Download Package

The following sections provide detailed information related to this interim fix.

Click the FC link below to obtain the interim fix from Fix Central.

How critical is this fix?

Impact Assessment
Impact Description

This is a maintenance interim fix. It contains fixes for client-reported and internally found defects.

Test Results


Regression: An error in the Maintenance Delivery Vehicle (MDV) that produces incorrect or unexpected behavior causing a supported feature to stop functioning as designed.
This includes:

  • Coding errors that cause a regression
  • Documentation or packaging problems that cause a regression
  • Errors reported in a new function delivered in a MDV that cause a regression

Incomplete: An error in the MDV has not regressed, but does not work as designed.
This includes:

  • Fixed APARs which did not solve the original problem but did not break anything new
  • APARs reporting documentation errors, such as readme errors, that cause problems applying an MDV but do not lead to a regression

  • Regression and incomplete APARs are considered fix-in-error or MDV-in-error
  • Definitions above apply only to valid APARs that result in product fixes (APARs returned as working-as-designed are not assessed for being fix-in-error)
  • Issues in major releases due to new functionality do not apply in this definition

There are no known regressions to report.

In addition to the fixes listed in this document, the iFix may also contain fixes for security issues.

For more details, please refer to the IBM Product Security Incident Response (PSIRT) Blog.

Problems Solved

Defects resolved in this iFix.

This server patch contains fixes for the following defects:

APAR (WorkItem URL) Description
Data Collection Component

[Backport 5.0.2] Dashboard report is showing the last time the Java ETLs were run not when the last DCC ETLs were run.


[Backport 5.0.2] CQPAR00108139: Job status shows failure for all resource groups even though only one of them actually failed.


[Backport 5.0.2] [DCC] Records marked as softdeleted in TIMESHEET could be active again - DCC.


[Backport 5.0.2] DCC - Timesheet ETL issues.

Jazz Reporting Service

[Backport 5.0.2] JRS data source issues when using LDAP and custom DW extension names that end with “.‿.


[Backport 5.0.2] CQPAR00118878: Custom Enumerations in certain case display as literal ID instead of name.


[Backport 5.0.2] CQPAR00118829: JRS Not able to Handle RQM Categories like Attributes.


[Backport 5.0.2] Missing custom link types for requirements.


[Backport 5.0.2] Issues with RM custom attributes.


[Backport 5.0.2] Able to download query spreadsheet non-authenticated/authorized, potential for malicious use and phishing attack.


[Backport 5.0.2] JRS using the data warehouse is showing no results in non CM-enabled project traceability reports from requirements.


[Backport 5.0.2] DW data source SQL queries do not handle a schema prefix.


[Backport 5.0.2] Report Builder lists Soft Deleted project areas when selecting Scope.


[Backport 5.0.2] JRS Failing to Input Validate and output encode data, leading to potential XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Vulnerability.

Rational Jazz Foundation

NPE in ManagedFloatingLicenseClient$LeaseCache.getCheckoutOperations.


Diagnostics Oracle JDBC Driver version check does not accept


Error during creation of Life Cycle Project in CLM 5.0.2RC1 with JazzProjectAdmins permission.


Investigate implications of two components having the same ID.


Issue #1 Maintenance 5.0.2 - PMC 341917.


Issue #3 Maintenance 5.0.2 - PMC 341970.


RTC ETL's should be able to handle date values where the year is not 4 digits long.


DelegatedAuthHandler and LoginPageStatusHandler ignores property.


The LPA templates can not be retrieved after a migration from 5.0.1 (with a server rename) to 5.0.2.


5.x Indexer for Excel can run out of memory.


All Project Areas are deleted during upgrade to RDNG 5.0.2 if finalizeApplicationMigration is rerun following a failure.


Adopt Report caching slow on Oracle (344963).


Modify ClientHttpUtil to deal with an unexpected extra redirect when hitting /authenticated/identity (in 5.0.2 iFix).


Project Dashboard shows incorrect content after loading a WI or Query Result and then performing a browser refresh in IE.


Online Migration can skip states in the event of a retry-able DB exception (fix in 5.0.2).


Creating iterations can break if translation is wrong (Fix in 5.0.2).


Handle the query cancellation in query iterator and QueryFilter (resource context filter).


Deleting resource in no-history storage area should not update history index to 502.


Online migration can skip states on subsequent runs.

Rational Team Concert

repotools -renindex gives an error: SEVERE: Failed to register SecureProtocolSocketFactory.


RTC Planned-For drop down shows limited values.


Build subset not building all dependent items as expected.


Missing color expressions in 5.0.1. and newer (Server).


'undefined' state shown in dynamic query selection from Work Item widget.


Adding literal to enumeration shows error.


Removing the summary from the header section causes formatting problems - Advanced Fix.


Removing the summary from the header section causes formatting problems.


Back-port defect 347359 to 5.0.2 iFix005 - AbstractScmTypeHandler should implement INewTypeHandler.onTransactionFailed.


SetBuildMapComponentUUIDTask - only the first 512 build maps are migrated.


Kanban/Taskboard group by owner is slow with many users.


Poor plan loading performance when there is a tree display with many layers.


Dependency build baseline creation should fail the build if the stream resource does not exist.


Dependency build failed when a stream is locked by a scan that was interrupted.


Clicking on "Select More Items" does not open the window "Access Context Selection" in the web client.


Long option labels are not shown in QueryableComboView.


parent links label when generated from work item template does not reflect latest summary when printed from the WebUI.


[5.0.2 iFix 002] Improve user experience when dealing with large (1000+ 2048+) numbers of components.


[Oracle] ROWNUM limit is applied before ORDER BY.


Eclipse and WebUI do not generate the same descriptor for parameterized queries.


Records marked as softdeleted in TIMESHEET could be active again - Java ETL.


ORA-01795 maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 during CCM rebuildTextIndices.


WebUI - infinite calls to PlanRestService#postGetItems2() when loading a plan that has restricted visibility children.


DependencyQueryService should run against the file without dependencies once.


custom enum-type attribute is unexpectedly displayed in the history without "Synchronize Attributes" operation.


Removed team member is still visible in the Work Breakdown view on WebUI.


Dependency build automatically unlock the stream after 10 minutes.


Source Code Data scanning service not picking up file name changes.


Back-port defect 327641 to 5.0.2 iFix003 - Visual Studio: Cannot resolve a conflict because of this error message "Sync item with id '...' is not a conflict".


Unexpected tab "Ups..." after creating new plan.


Work items incorrectly linked to build when using subset builds.


Clicking "Owned by" header in the plan view sorts the owners based on UUID, not the name.


WorkItemPublisher does not check for array size in tagWorkItems().


Correct NPE when non-BF engine is defined for a BF definition for 5.0.2.


Browser gets locked up in taskboard plan view with many owners.


Backport blocking synchronization requests from 3rd party tool with an external system (RTC) to 5.0.2.


class ISparqlQueryService failed to load for SystemDefinitionService.


Fix defect 342786 for 5.0.2 iFix stream.


Back-port defect 343463 to 5.0.2 iFix003 - RTC warehouse job SCM fails due to the error: [SQL0199] Keyword CONTENT not expected.


Slow performance accepting change sets on MS SQL Server.


Custom enum-type attribute is unexpectedly displayed in the work item editor without "Synchronize Attributes" operation.


Plans with Circular Tracks References do Not Open.


Adopt Only enumeration display name or value can be returned by Reportable REST API and not both (344297).


Getting errors when executing concurrent builds during accept changes.


Work Item Promotion creates a build property that can grow large enough to terminate the BFA process.


Backport defect 340225 to 5.0.2 iFix004 - Unable To View .h and .c Files in Web Client.


Drag & Drop Edit of "Work Item" Editor Presentation Layout is not working in 5.0.2.


Investigate using transactional caches during history for versionable.


[Defect 344131] Investigate using transactional caches during history for versionable.


Promotion fails when there are more than 41 work-items.


buildReport.xml not available in post-build script.


Can't query buildPath from build maps anymore.


When a gap is detected during promotion preview the error message displays the wrong change set.


Cross repository tracks links with Accumulated Time column causes refresh loop and empty summary.


Checkbox respond is slow when configuring Taskboard/Kanban States in Column Display tab.


Inconsistent case in translation of "Unassigned" fails to load work items ~ "Não Designado" vs. "Não designado".


Back-port defect 346552 to 5.0.2 iFix005 - RecentChangeSetsAffectingIterator pulls too much from the inner nodes affecting iterator.


Creating a new linked WI in another Project Area is not working anymore. It will always create a new WI in the SAME Project Area/.


Back-port defect 350470 to 5.0.2 iFix005 AcceptImpl.detectGaps should exhaust current page of iterator results before requerying.


Collecting buildable files takes a long time for dependency build after all the files changed.

This client update site contains fixes for the following defects:

APAR (WorkItem URL) Description
Rational Team Concert Eclipse Client

Missing color expressions in 5.0.1. and newer (Eclipse Client).


Issue with cross component re-factor (move).


Fix for "327641: Cannot resolve a conflict because of this error message Problem running 'resolve conflict': <uuid> is not in conflict".


[RichUI] Item is not located under the correct Folder.


Sharing the query with a condition for querying multiple Types failed with a permission error.


Back-port defect 344241 to 5.0.2 iFix003 - scm [not lscm] move path command leads to RuntimeException of the type CLIClientException: Attempted to beginRule: P/* does not match outer scope rule: F/*.


Back-port defect 345551 to 5.0.2 iFix004 - NPE from scm show history.


Fix for Conflict move needs to include unparented adds or moves (345423).


Modify ClientHttpUtil to deal with an unexpected extra redirect when hitting /authenticated/identity (341149) -- Eclipse client -- 5.0.2 fix.


Backport defect 348599 to 5.0.2 iFix004 - Moving an eclipse project in repository causes original project to become unshared, pending changes view still says its loaded.


Back-port defect 351628 to 5.0.2 iFix005 - Exception occurred using CLI "scm move" command.


SE59241 Language definitions appear in random order.

Rational Team Concert Visual Studio Client

Request for multiple RTC 5.0.2 Backports [defects : 339231, 307440].


address issue in item 340443 - 5.0.2 iFix004.


Visual Studio: 414 Request-URI Too Long error is thrown when Searching for Change set.


Change set search filters - "Created before" and "Created after" should work from beginning of day.


Clicking on a link that reports problems with multiple work items in Team Advisor fails.


Back-port defect 327641 to 5.0.2 iFix003 - Visual Studio: Cannot resolve a conflict because of this error message "Sync item with id '...' is not a conflict".


In intermediate history on a file, disable context menu options in case of Undo state.

Additional fixes:
APAR (WorkItem URL) Description Steps to apply
Rational Jazz Foundation

Fix defect in redirect web page.

NOTE: If the context root used by the any application is not the default, it will be necessary to rename the WAR file (and adjust some of the directory paths referenced below) based on the context root currently in use. For example,

  • if your current context root for Requirements Management is 'rdm', you must rename the rm.war file to rdm.war.
  • if your current context root for Quality Management is 'jazz', you must rename the qm.war file to jazz.war
  • if your current context root for Change and Configuration Management is 'jazz', you must rename the ccm.war file to jazz.war

In summary, the name of the WAR file needs to be the same as the respective context root in use.

NOTE: For users of the RDNG browser add-on, the rm.war file must be properly matched with the browser plugin files. This only applies during installation of the plugin, so for those users that have already installed the plugin, no action is required. For any new installations of the browser plugin, the customer should contact IBM Support and request a refresh of the browser add-on files along with the properly paired version of the rm.war file that includes this fix.


  1. Backup these files:
    1. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/jts.war
    2. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/ccm.war
    3. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/qm.war
    4. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/rm.war
  2. Copy the jts.war file somewhere either on your local machine or on the CLM server (you may copy to the JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps directory)
  3. In the WAS Admin Console, stop the jts application: Go to Applications>Application Types>Websphere enterprise applications, select the checkbox next to jts_war and click on Stop.
  4. Update the jts_war file: Select the checkbox next to jts_war and click on Update.
  5. Select "Replace the entire application", then browse to the new jts.war file from step 2 and click on Next. Browse locally if the file was saved on the local machine in step 1, or do a remote browse if the file was saved on a different machine. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the defaults.
  6. Save the configuration changes when prompted after the update completes.
  7. Start the jts application: select the checkbox next to jts_war and click on Start.
  8. Repeat 2-7 with all other WAR files that you need to upgrade.


  1. Backup these files:
    1. JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/jts.war
    2. JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/ccm.war
    3. JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/qm.war
    4. JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/rm.war
  2. Copy the WAR files to the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps directory.
  3. Stop the Tomcat server.
  4. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/jts directory.
  5. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/ccm directory.
  6. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/qm directory.
  7. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/rm directory.
  8. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/jts directory.
  9. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/ccm directory.
  10. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/qm directory.
  11. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/rm directory.

Use TLS instead of SSL by default.

  1. Stop the Apache Tomcat server.
  2. Back up the JAZZ_HOME/tomcat/conf/server.xml file to server.xml.bak.
  3. Extract the file to a temporary directory.
  4. Copy the server.xml file to the JAZZ_HOME/tomcat/conf directory.
  5. If you made any custom configuration changes to your server (such as changing port numbers), manually copy them from server.xml.bak to the new server.xml file.
  6. If you are using Windows:
    1. Back up the JAZZ_HOME/server/server.startup.bat file to server.startup.bat.bak.
    2. Copy the server.startup.bat file to the JAZZ_HOME/server/ directory.
    3. If you made any customizations to the server startup file, manually copy them from server.startup.bat.bak to server.startup.bat
  7. If you are using Linux:
    1. Back up the JAZZ_HOME/server/server.startup file to server.startup.bak.
    2. Copy the server.startup file to the JAZZ_HOME/server/ directory.
    3. If you made any customizations to the server startup file, manually copy them from server.startup.bak to server.startup
  8. Start the server

The LPA templates can not be retrieved after a migration from 5.0.1 (with a server rename) to 5.0.2.

  1. Go to the JAZZ_HOME/server directory.
  2. Execute the following command:
    repotools-jts -clean

[5.0.2] LocalGroupLDAP doesn't support case insensitive mode (343625).

This change is only relevant if you need to use LocalGroupLDAP in case insensitive mode.

  1. Stop the Apache Tomcat server
  2. Rename JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/lib/ to JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/lib/
  3. Copy the attached plugin into the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/lib
  4. Add the line
    as below to tomcat/conf/server.xml:
    Resource name="LocalRoleMap" auth="Container"
    			descripion="Role mapping file"
    			pathname="/opt/jazz/server/mapping.csv" />
  5. Start the Apache Tomcat server

All Project Areas are deleted during upgrade to RDNG 5.0.2 if finalizeApplicationMigration is rerun following a failure.

  1. Go to the JAZZ_HOME/server directory.
  2. Execute the following command:
    repotools-jts -clean
Rational Team Concert

repotools -renindex gives an error: SEVERE: Failed to register SecureProtocolSocketFactory.

  1. Go to the JAZZ_HOME/server directory.
  2. Execute the following command:
    repotools-ccm -clean
  3. Execute the following command:
    repotools-qm -clean

Back-port defect 347359 to 5.0.2 iFix005 - AbstractScmTypeHandler should implement INewTypeHandler.onTransactionFailed.

The server patch from this iFix must be applied to 5.0.2 server BEFORE running the migration scripts for the fix to take effect.


SetBuildMapComponentUUIDTask - only the first 512 build maps are migrated.

This patch must be added to the 5.0.2 installation's patch directory after the 5.0.2 server is installed but BEFORE an attempt is made to migrate the 4.x or 5.0 data to 5.0.2.

Since the fix is in the migration code itself, the issue can not be resolved if the 4.x or 5.0 has already been migrated to 5.0.2.

In case for the migrated build definitions, customers have to set the property for each build definition in Properties tab as the following:

Then apply the fix and restart the 5.0.2 server, the migrated build definitions will be migrated again. Once the migration completed, the property above will be set to false by the migration service.


Backport build: JBE changes directories when invoked on zLinux and PPC linux...

When using for build on zLinux, pLinux and AIX for RTC 5.0.2, use the new or to replace <install-dir>/jazz/buildsystem/buildengine/eclipse/ to fix APAR PI33660 depending on your platform. The script file should then be renamed to for compatibility with existing scripts.

PI36803 is missing from 4.0.5GA Build Toolkit zip on Linux for System Z. is missing from Build Toolkit zip on Linux for system z for RTC 5.0.2 causing a ClassNotFoundException when running package. Following the instructions below to apply the mising jar:

  1. FTP the jar in binary mode to Linux for System z.
  2. copy the jar to install_dir/jazz/buildsystem/buildtoolkit.
  3. restart the bfagent.

Known Side Effects

The following defects were not resolved in this interim fix:

Review the 5.0.2 Release Notes page on for links to queries that list known problems and workaround articles for this release.

Open defects

Review the following list of open APARs for Rational Team Concert on the IBM Support Portal.

Review technote 1461170: Open APARs for Rational products available on the Web for information on how to configure your MyNotifications subscription account and subscribe to the APARs you are interested in following.

Change History

What's new

No new features or functions in this iFix.

Review the 5.0.2 New and Noteworthy page on for a description of the new features included in this release.

Click the link in the Download Options column:

[{"DNLabel":"RTC 5.0.2 iFix_005","DNDate":"1 May 2015","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"269786183","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null}]
[{"Product":{"code":"SSUC3U","label":"IBM Engineering Workflow Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"5.0.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Product Synonym

Rational Team Concert

Problems (APARS) fixed

Document Information

Modified date:
20 July 2018

