IBM Support

Business Space powered by WebSphere: V7.0.0.2 Update for WebSphere Portal



This Fix Pack updates Business Space powered by WebSphere to the V7.0.0.2 level in a WebSphere Portal installation.

Download Description

This Fix Pack updates Business Space powered by WebSphere to the V7.0.0.2 level in a WebSphere Portal installation, for use with the following WebSphere products:

WebSphere Business Compass
WebSphere Business Monitor
WebSphere Business Services Fabric
WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus
WebSphere Process Server

The table below shows all of the issues resolved in Business Space V7.0.0.2 Update for WebSphere Portal:

APARProblem Description
JR35235During the creation of a Deployment Environment (using the Deployment Environment creation wizard in the administrative console), if you specify Oracle9i as the database, then the Deployment environment creation fails with the following error:

00000036 WBI_BSpace_Cm E      
configure CWLDB9014E: The configuration of component WBI_BSPACE failed.    
Reason BCSB1103I:  
The selected database is not supported by Business Space.....
JR35309The following internally identified issues have been resolved (note that all of these issues were originally resolved in Business Space V7.0 Interim Fix 1):

Issues within the Lotus Mashups embedded component:
  • After creating a space that is not designated as a favorite, the space shows up in the Favorites view (although refreshing the page removes the space from the Favorites view).
  • After exporting a page, and then re-importing the page back into Business Space, the language used in the page may suddenly change.
  • If the owner of a space changes a page in the space (for example, dragging a widget onto the page), but the space owner is changed before the page is saved, when the new owner accesses the page, the changes made by the original space owner are lost.
  • After hiding spaces in the space manager, sometimes the visual indicator that tells you that the space is hidden does not display.
  • After changing a page owner to a different user, when you attempt to change the page owner a second time, the first owner remains the page owner.
  • When you search for users using a partial name, the results do not display the users that meet that search criteria. For example, if you type "a" in the search field and start the search, no users are found, even those users who have names that start with that character.
  • When using Internet Explorer, when you open and close various dialog boxes, you may notice a memory leak in your browser, sometimes as high as 5 MB for each open-and-close action. This occurs in the following scenarios:.
  • Drag a widget onto a page, click the configuration icon at the top of the widget, and select Edit Settings. After you close the configuration dialog box, you may experience close to 1MB of memory leak.
  • You may also notice memory leaks when working with pages continuously for long periods of time.
  • When working in a clustered server environment, you may notice that pages do not load properly because they fail to retrieve the default page theme.
  • Events do not get sent multiple times across pages.
  • Dependency/catalog federation issues exist involving URLs without ports and case-insensitive hostname comparisons.

Issues in Portal migration:
  • An exception may occur during layout migration, causing some pages to fail to migrate.
  • Configuration information for some widgets is lost during migration, causing those widgets to not work properly after migration.
  • After migration, some widgets may hang while loading.
  • Private pages cannot be migrated.
  • Migration of WPS/WESB Version 6.2 feature pack widgets is not supported.
  • The Draft Projects widget (in Business Compass) and ProcessDefinitionList widget (in Human Task Management) do not load on Portal after migration.
  • Changes to page layout prior to migration are not preserved; the resulting layout is always the three columns layout.

Other migration issues:
  • Changes to widget size prior to data migration are not preserved; the widget size after migration is always the default size.
  • Wiring information for widgets does not correctly migrate from previous releases.
  • Access control lists relating to user distinguished names are not migrated correctly.

Configuration issues:
  • Business Space configuration fails to augment a profile to use an existing local SQL Server database.
  • Manual configuration of Business Space with WebForm Server fails.
  • Augmentation of a profile for Business Space to use an existing local SQL Server reports that the database operation failed.
  • With DB2 z/OS as the database, the data source used by Business Space is created incorrectly during profile configuration, storing a database name instead of a connection/database location name.

Navigation/display issues:
  • If you click "Home" inside a page with unsaved changes, you are not prompted to save your changes and so the changes are lost.
  • When you navigate away from a page with a hidden widget, a NullPointerException occurs.
  • If a page is hidden from the view list, the page edit setting dialog does not close when you click the Save button.
  • When using Internet Explorer 7, in drop down menus, if the text is wider than the field, excess white space is displayed on the left and right side of the drop down button. (The text will now occupy the entire width of the field without the excess white space.)
  • When using Internet Explorer 7, a security warning dialog appears after a widget's menu item is selected and then a page tab is clicked.
  • When using Internet Explorer, the edit panel of the Script Adapter widget is stretched to take the entire width of the browser window.
  • When using Internet Explorer, the edit panel of the Script Adapter and Website widgets are not the correct size.
  • When using Internet Explorer in a right-to-left environment (Arabic or Hebrew), moving the mouse over a widget results in the widget being drawn in an incorrect position.
  • When using Firefox, the Web Feed widget is not visible when it is displayed on a page outside of Business Space.
  • The content of a widget in the top row of a multi-row layout (T, I or inverted T) changes size based on content and overlaps the widgets in the row below it.
  • When using the Task Information widget to display a completed task form, the read-only fields of the form are not greyed out when displaying the form using Webform Server.
  • The sample URLs for the following widgets: Spreadsheet, Document and Presentation require a leading slash in URL location to load.
  • When displaying event information in the Script Adapter widget, an error value is shown when the event payload type is numeric or is empty.
  • Using a direct URL to open a space without providing a page ID causes an error.
  • When you view a global page within a space and then log out, the next time you log in the global page is still visible, but appears within a different space.
  • The wiring dialog displays the event code name instead of the event title (as defined in the widget XML).
  • Some translation issues exist for the Portuguese-Brazilian language.

Other operational issues:
  • When using SQLServer with the Data Direct JDBC driver to retrieve Blob data type personalization data, an exception is encountered.
  • When using Internet Explorer 7, there is a memory leak.
  • The GZIPOutputStream has a memory leak.
JR36106Business Space does not display the owner name after the creation of a space in some scenarios.
JR36172The configureBusinessSpaceOnPortal command will not complete successfully against a Portal cluster, preventing integration of Business Space with a Portal cluster.
JR36435The following additional internally identified issues have been resolved:

Issues within the Lotus Mashups embedded component:
  • When you attempt to leave a unsaved page and go to another page, a dialog box displays that prompts you to either save or undo your changes. If you click Undo several times, and then click Save, the page you are trying to access is unexpectedly replaced by the page you just saved.
  • Users with view permission incorrectly have certain edit rights for spaces. When using the tabbed theme, sometimes users who have only view permission for a space can reorder the pages in that space, but only users with edit permission should be able to reorder pages in spaces. (In V7.0.0.2, only users with edit permission can reorder pages in spaces.)
  • When you attempt to create a new space with an unsaved page open, the dialog box that prompts you to save the page displays twice.

Migration issues:
  • The batch files for updating the Business Space database schema cannot be invoked on non-Windows platforms after profile migration. The files that are generated by Business Space do not have execution privilege.

Configuration issues:
  • Database related exceptions occur if Business Space and DB2 are configured on the same z/OS image.
  • The Team List widget service endpoints must always end with a '/', for example, http://myserver:9080/UserImageWeb/UserImageServlet/images/.
  • The currentSQLID custom property always has to be assigned additional privileges for the Business Space data source. (In V7.0.0.2, this property has been removed.)
  • If you run the administrative task "configureBusinessSpace" with the "-replaceDatasource" parameter, an error message saying that the JNDI value "jdbc/mashupDS" (data source) exists is displayed.
  • When profiles are upgraded after maintenance is applied (Interim Fix or Fix Pack), existing endpoints will default to the original Business Space endpoint locations, possibly overwriting custom endpoints.
  • Import of a template fails in WebSphere Portal if the Portal administrator does not have administrative privileges on the underlying WebSphere Application Server instance.
  • Additional command line help text is needed for Business Space administrative tasks.

Navigation/display issues:
  • With Internet Explorer 7 as the browser, in the Team List widget, when the hierarchy of a team is three or more levels deep, the tree does not show the third level correctly.
  • With Internet Explorer as the browser, in the Palette, if Hebrew or Arabic is the browser language, the order of the parentheses for the number of viewers is incorrect.
  • With Internet Explorer as the browser, if option 'script debugging(Internet Explorer)' is turned on, login with a non-secure profile fails, and no script error is displayed.
  • With Internet Explorer 6 as the browser, the height of a widget after maximize and restore fills the entire height of the column.
  • Maximizing any widget causes it to be sized larger than the current browser window instead of filling the window.
  • When a widget is configured with a default height, the default height is not applied.
  • The positioning of fly-out menus in the wiring diagram causes the menu to cover the wrong portion of the diagram.
  • After login to Business Space, a Log in button might be shown in the top right of the main page instead of a Log out button. (When this occurs, no spaces or pages are available to display, but selecting Log in allows login to proceed without prompting for user name and password, after which the appropriate space and page is displayed.)
  • With Internet Explorer 6 as the browser, changes to widget size are not persisted when changing pages or logging out.
  • When loading a page containing wires, some wires may not be active.
  • Some widget styles may be applied incorrectly depending on the order of items on the page.
  • If you create a new page while editing the current page, the current page is not saved correctly when you start the new page creation.
  • If you change pages while editing the current page, the current page is not saved correctly before the page change occurs, and the modified content replaces the content of the page you are switching to.
  • You might be prompted to save or undo changes when navigating away from a space with no change to it.
  • Java™Script exceptions occur when using bi-directional locales.
  • Timing related issues might occur when loading a page with multiple widgets, where the iWidgets have the same resource file dependencies.
  • When the edit settings of the ScriptAdapter widget is selected for a second time during the same Business Space session, the dialog for the Script Adapter widgets settings does not display.

Other operational issues:
  • Accessibility support in the Business Space framework and Business Space common widgets is incomplete.
  • Business Space enforces HTTPS during logon. (In V7.0.0.2, this restriction has been removed.)
  • A benign exception message about Trust Association is written to SystemOut.log.


  • In a stand-alone Portal environment, you must have Business Space V7.0 configured for WebSphere Portal. (In a clustered Portal environment, Business Space V7.0 could not be configured for WebSphere Portal because of the issue in APAR JR36172 (refer to the table above listing resolved issues). With the fix for APAR JR36172, Business Space V7.0.0.2 Update for WebSphere Portal supports such a configuration.)
  • WebSphere Portal must be at V6.1.5.1.

[{"INLabel":"Installing Business Space V7.0.0.2 Portal Update","INLang":"English","INSize":"2222","INURL":""}]
[{"DNLabel":"BusSpace V7.0.0.2 Portal Update","DNDate":"6/30/2010","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"111381165","DNPlat":{"label":"AIX","code":"PF002"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null}]
[{"Product":{"code":"SSSRR3","label":"WebSphere Business Monitor"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Business Space","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB36","label":"IBM Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSCP4Q","label":"WebSphere Business Compass"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Business Space","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"","label":"Linux zSeries"}],"Version":";;7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSAK4R","label":"WebSphere Business Services Fabric"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Business Space","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";;7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SS7J6S","label":"WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Business space","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"","label":"Linux iSeries"},{"code":"","label":"Linux pSeries"},{"code":"","label":"Linux xSeries"},{"code":"","label":"Linux zSeries"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";;7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSQH9M","label":"WebSphere Process Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Business Space","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"","label":"i5\/OS"},{"code":"","label":"Linux zSeries"}],"Version":";;7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB36","label":"IBM Automation"}}]

Problems (APARS) fixed
JR35235 JR35309 JR36106 JR36172 JR36435

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

