IBM Support

WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.0.0 Advanced Edition Fix Pack 4



This document contains the description and download for fix pack of IBM® WebSphere® Partner Gateway Advanced Edition.

Download Description

This fix pack is cumulative and includes all fixes released in earlier fix packs for the V6.0.0 release of WebSphere Partner Gateway.


The second action (response) of the two way PIP can not be sent based on the PIP-instance-ID. The response document can be co-related only by using the document ID contained in the request. With this fix pack, it is possible to co-relate the second action (response) based on either the request document ID or based on the PIP instance ID.

The following property has been added in file.

"bcg.rnif.pip.twoaction.correlation" with default value of "documentid".The possible values are "documentid" or "pipinstanceid", The values are case sensitive.

If "bcg.rnif.pip.twoaction.correlation" is set to "pipinstanceid" and the PIP instance ID is not available in the response document, the document ID of the response will be used.


The following problems were fixed in this fix pack.

To allow specifying the syntax for the ROD documents in the custom handlers, following attributes have been made public.


The following constant has been made available to be set as the syntax.

While sending a document from WebSphere Partner Gateway to WebSphere Process Server (WPS), If the protocol header name is not present in the "packagingHeaders" business object, the following error message is displayed in the SystemOut.log file of WPS. This issue has been resolved with this fix pack.

warning : Error in the element JMS-IBM-MsgTypeMsg :Class 'BCGPackagingHeaders' does not have a feature named JMS-IBM-MsgTypeMsg.

The console raw document viewer does not show a xml end tag when displaying an xml document with no space after the end tag. This has been corrected in this fix pack.

In some cases, the summary data shown in the summary pages was incorrect. With this fix pack, the summary counts now show correct data.

WebSphere Partner Gateway v6 provides support for an additional XSD-based PIP, 7C7. With this fix pack, the 7C7 PIP packages (Notify of Semiconductor Test Data) are included.

As the amount of non_rep numbered subdirectories increased, in some instances, the non_rep data was being written to an older archived number rather than the latest numbered subdirectory. With this fix pack, the behavior is corrected.

The receiver overwrites the "content-length" header with the content length that was read. With this fix pack, the receiver maintains the incoming content-length that is associated with the request.

During heavy load transactions, the end state of the transactions does not get logged because of lack of logger objects. The values for these properties can be increased in case of a large number of gateway threads.

With this fix pack, the logger objects have been made configurable by adding two new properties in the router’s :

- : This property defines number of logger objects with default value of 10.
- : This property defines the timeout period (in milli second) while waiting for a logger object with default value of 10000.

When the number of gateways in WebSphere Partner Gateway is configured to more than 100, at times the Document Manager may encounter a NullPointerException during the start up. With this fix pack, sequence tags are introduced in the "router-cacheEngine.xml" file located under <installed_path>/<bcghub>/router/lib/config to load the cache based on the sequence number.

An xml document is shown with incorrect indentation in the raw document viewer, if the document has self closing tags. This is corrected with this fix pack and the raw document viewer displays the xml document with correct indentation.

WebSphere Partner Gateway fails to process RNIF documents encoded in "Quoted-printable". This is fixed in this fix pack.

Database connection leak occurred during the startup of the Document Manager when loading the Gateway Cache. With this fix pack, database resources were released appropriately in order to avoid database connection leak.

File descriptor handles were not getting closed when message was posted to WebSphere Partner Gateway over the JMS target. With this fix pack, the File descriptor handles are appropriately closed.

An incomplete message (having incorrect Content-Length) is consumed by the receiver. With this fix pack, an incomplete message will be rejected by sending an appropriate HTTP message.

A ROD document containing messages destined for multiple partners does not get successfully processed. Only the first message gets consumed, while the other messages remain in "InProcess" state. This behavior is corrected in this fix pack.

In multiple router setups, during heavy loads, a few documents get delivered twice. This behavior has been corrected with this fix pack.

After successive RNIF transactions, the average transaction time increases, resulting in performance degradation. With this fix pack, the processing time is tuned to be consistent even during heavy RNIF transactions.

In the case of exceptions during the end state logging, the end state events were lost. With this fix pack, in such cases, the event is logged into the DataLogErrorQ. These events can be processed offline using the reprocessDbLoggingErrors script located under <installed_path>/<bcghub>/bin

The FTPScripting Gateway was not setting the document state to "delivered" even after delivering the document to the FTP server causing the document to be resubmitted for delivery during every retry configured. This was happening only in case of ROD to EDI conversion. This has been fixed in this fix pack.

Sometimes, during heavy loads, event logging procedures could cause database deadlocks. With this fix pack, the event logging procedures have been modified to avoid deadlock situations.

If the document sent from WPG to WPS does not contain namespace value set, the data binding is not able to create a business object. This has been corrected with this fix pack.

During RNIF transactions, the data validation error pop up screen does not display the error description in proper format. The display is corrected with this fix pack and the error description is displayed in correct format.

Incorrect format of 3B2 PIP caused Data Validation errors. In the enumerations for "GlobalPartnerRoleClassificationCode", the "fromRole" was set to "Receiver" and the "toRole" was set to "Shipper". In this fix pack, the assignments are corrected. Now the "fromRole" is set to "Shipper" and the "toRole" is set to "Receiver".

When a document is routed to FTP scripting gateway and the document transaction fails for any reason (for example, wrong username or password), the event "Document Failed" does not appear on the console document viewers. The document viewer displays the red mark indicating document failure, but the events for failure are not getting displayed. With this fix pack, the events for failure are also displayed.

The decimal value defined in the ROD input data is not being handled as per the definition of the data type. If the decimal data value is 0 or not mentioned, the resultant field after mapping would have missing data or unrecognizable characters. This has been corrected with this fix pack.

When the source partner is unknown and the user tries to navigate to the details pop up in document analysis screen, the popup text displayed was null. This issue has been corrected in this fix pack.

The namespace mapping is stored in the DIS tables. In Oracle, the namespace lookup based on the dictionary name was returning NULL and causing error in the output. This has been corrected with this fix pack.

When creating a target, if the "Poll Interval" is set to a value more than 32 seconds, the target does not get created and returns with SQLCODE: -413 error. This problem is applicable only on DB2 systems and has been corrected with this fix pack.

In multiple router setups, during heavy loads, a few documents get processed twice, which leads to processing failure.

When a document transaction is rolled back automatically because of any processing issues, the router logs still indicate that the stop process had been initiated by the user. With this fix pack, this message gets logged only in scenarios where the stop process is initiated by the user.

In the event of HTTP session expiry, the Event Viewer and Document Viewer pages throw HTTP 500 error. With this fix pack, the user is directed to the login page.

With Oracle, RNIF flow throws exception for non-English locales. This has been corrected with this fix pack.

The "Proxy Host" field in console was limited to 30 characters. With this fix pack, it can contain upto 90 characters.

Enveloper throws database deadlock errors while processing ROD documents having a large number of transactions. With this fix pack, the transaction processing flow has been modified to avoid deadlock situations.

RNIF Acks were not getting generated on systems with Oracle This problem occurred only when the document was received the first time. This behavior is corrected with this fix pack.

The Archiver looks for the presence of .vcm files. This makes the deletion operation slow, as .vcm files do not exist in the msg_store directory. With this fix pack, the Archiver does not check for .vcm files in the msg_store directory, thus making the search faster.

POP3 Target continuously polls the Mail Server irrespective of the poll interval set in the POP3 target configuration. With this fix pack, the polling schedule is based on interval or calendar.

Document Manager was unable to send back the synchronous MDN for a request within the timeout period of receiver. With this fix pack, the following changes have been done to correct this problem.

Caching is enabled for the channel parse and destination parse. A new property bcg.destinationCache.expiry is added in "" located under <installed_path>/router/lib/config for the expiry interval for the destination cache.

A new port 57081 (default setting) has been opened on the receiver profile. This port will be used for sending back the synchronous MDN from Document Manager to receiver. If the user wants to use a different port, the port can be changed by executing the bcgModifyPortsV6.jacl script located under <installed_path>/bcghub/scripts

The syntax for executing this script is :

./ -f <installed_path>/bcghub/scripts/bcgModifyPortsV6.jacl <cellName> <nodeName> <serverName> <hostName> <PortType> <NewPortNumber>

For example,
./ -f <installed_path>/bcghub/scripts/bcgModifyPortsV6.jacl DefaultNode DefaultNode bcgreceiver wpgblade HTTP3 57082

Make sure the receiver is restarted and the new port number is reflected in "bcg.receiver.sync.responseURL.port" property in the file located under <installed_path>/receiver/lib/config.

Certificate expiry alerts were generated for disabled certificates. With this fix pack, certificate expiry alerts are generated only for the enabled certificates.

A signed document sent from the WebSphere Partner Gateway to Cyclone product fails with "Unexpected-Processing" errors. This has been corrected in this fix pack.

POP3 Receiver throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for messages having more than 2000 characters in content header. This has been corrected in this fix pack to handle a large content header.

The WebSphere Partner Gateway v6 generates UNA segment only when the EDIFACT delimiters used were the non default delimiters. In certain versions of EDIFACT, the UNA segment has to be generated even with the default delimiters. The product has been updated to handle the generation of the UNA segment based on UNB01 element value in addition to the delimiters. If the value of UNB01 element is not UNAOA and default EDIFACT delimiters are used, the UNA segment will be generated.

When WebSphere Partner Gateway sends a signed and compressed document, the AS2 headers do not contain "Content-Disposition". With this fix pack, this header is included.

In the SenderFramework, there were MQ connection leaks while logging events to queue. With this fix pack, the MQ resources are handled appropriately to avoid connection leaks.

SenderFrameWork throws an exception when unable to rename the tmp file in the response directory. This has been corrected with this fix pack.


The following problems have been found in this fix pack:

1). When a document is sent to WebSphere Partner Gateway via AS2 and if AS2 Package IDs and Content IDs differ, the document fails in WebSphere Partner Gateway. Even though the document fails, the event information is not very clear explaining the reason for document failure. In the event text, "From Partner ID" should read "From Content Partner ID" and "To Partner ID" should read "To Content Partner ID".

2). When a large number of documents are in process state and the 'Stop Process' link from console is clicked for any such document, the document processing may not get stopped since it is already processed and delivered. For such a document that got delivered during the time 'Stop Process' was invoked, the event 'Failed to stop the processing' might not get published on the console.

3). The server does not do any further processing of the document once the document is in the gateway queue if the gateway is either disabled or offline. If 'Stop Process' link from console is clicked for any such document, the document processing will not stop until the gateway becomes online or enabled. The user can use the feature of removing the document from the gateway queue from the console itself.

4). When an in-process document's processing is stopped using the "Stop Process" link from the console, it is required that the router must be running. Otherwise, the processing of the document will not be stopped.


Refer to the technote for details of schema-based PIP support in WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.0.0.1 or later.


Migrating certificates from WebSphere Business Integration Connect, V4.2.x to WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.0.0 :

If you are migrating from WebSphere Business Integration V4.2.x to WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.0.0, you must refer to the technote before migration.


International Business Machines Corporation 2005, 2006 Licensed program - Property of IBM . All rights reserved. IBM and WebSphere are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Incorporated. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP. Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics.


WebSphere Partner Gateway Advanced Edition V6.0.0 optionally with fix pack 1,2 or 3..

Installation Instructions


There are separate fix packs for the Advanced and Enterprise Editions. Each fix pack has two major parts, the DBLoader and the Hub. There is separate launcher for each operating system. The WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.0.0 fix packs are located at Please refer to the "Download package" section of this document to download WebSphere Partner Gateway Advanced Edition.

WARNING : Installation of this fix pack cannot be easily reversed. It is very important that you shut down WebSphere Partner Gateway and create a backup of the current installation before proceeding with the fix pack installation. Failure to do so may result in loss of data or prevent you from properly performing the fix pack uninstallation procedure.

1. Shut down WebSphere Partner Gateway servers in the following order:

Navigate to the ProductDir/bin directory and execute the following

On Unix :
a. bcgconsole
b. bcgreceiver
c. bcgdocmgr

On Windows :
a. bcgStopServer.bat bcgconsole
b. bcgStopServer.bat bcgreceiver
c. bcgStopServer.bat bcgdocmgr

2. Back up the database before running the installer. Use the appropriate database utility to perform this step. For example, DB2 and Oracle provide an export utility. Consult your database server documentation for instructions. Do not continue with the fix pack installation without first backing up your database.

3. Run the DBLoader setup launcher for your operating system.

Note: If you receive warnings stating that certain directories will be overwritten, for example: _jvm, press yes to continue the fix pack installation.

4. EDI protocols must be migrated for WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.0.0.1. The DBLoader install wizard installs cf_edi_protocoltypeu.bat, and cf_edi_protocoltypeu.sql files into <WPG INSTALL DIR>/bcgdbloader/scripts/<DB2/Oracle> directory. You will have to execute the script once for each EDI protocol you have created. Note that EDI protocols are created by importing them via the Data Interchange Services Client (DIS Client) or bcgDISImport scripts.

On DB2
a. For Windows platform: Open DB2 command prompt and execute cf_edi_protocoltypeu.bat file. The DB2 command prompt on Windows can be launched by the "db2cmd" command. The following example assumes that database name is bcgapps, database username is db2admin, password ispa55word and EDI protocol name is EDI_Protocol.
cf_edi_protocoltypeu bcgapps db2admin pa55word EDI_Protocol

b. For UNIX platform: Open console and execute file. The following example assumes that user name is bcgapps, database username is db2inst1, password is pa55word and EDI protocol name is EDI_Protocol.

su - db2inst1 bcgapps db2inst1 pa55word "EDI_Protocol"

On Oracle
a. For Windows platform: Open command prompt and execute cf_edi_protocoltypeu.bat file. The following example assumes that user name is bcgapps, password is bcgapps, SID is victoria and EDI protocol name is EDI_Protocol.

cf_edi_protocoltypeu bcgapps bcgapps victoria EDI_Protocol

b. For UNIX platform: Open console and execute file. The following example assumes that user name is bcgapps, password is bcgapps, SID is victoria and EDI protocol name is EDI_Protocol.

su - oracle bcgapps bcgapps victoria "EDI_Protocol"

Note : There are no specific database migration scripts from WebSphere Business Integration Connect V4.2.2.7 to WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.0.0. The user should follow the procedure to migrate from V4.2.2 to V6.0.0 (that is, run the <6.0.0 install>/bcgdbloader/scripts/.../BCGUpgrade_422FP4_600.sql script) and then apply V6.0.0 fixpacks 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Note : If you choose not to have the DBLoader run the SQL files automatically, you can run them manually at the completion of the DBLoader. To do this:

On DB2
Run the following commands

a. UNIX: su - db2inst1
WINDOWS: Start the DB2CLP and make sure you are logged in as the user that owns the DB2 database.

b. db2start (if the database is not started)

c. db2 connect to bcgapps

d. cd <WPG INSTALL DIR>/bcgdbloader/scripts/DB2

e. Run the applicable scripts from below. Determine the level you are starting from. (that is from V6.0.0.0, run all four scripts, from V6.0.0.1, only the last three, from V6.0.0.2, only the last two and from V6.0.0.3, only the last one.)

db2 -td! -f BCGUpgrade_600_600FP1.sql -z /tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600_600FP1.log

db2 -td! -f BCGUpgrade_600FP1_600FP2.sql -z /tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP1_600FP2.log

db2 -td! -f BCGUpgrade_600FP2_600FP3.sql -z /tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP2_600FP3.log

db2 -td! -f BCGUpgrade_600FP3_600FP4.sql -z /tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP3_600FP4.log

Note: The BCGUpgrade_600FP1_600FP2.sql script mentioned in bullet-e above had a migration related issue which was corrected in V6.0.0.3 onwards.

On Oracle
Run the following commands

a. UNIX: su - oracle
WINDOWS: Make sure you are logged in as the owner of the Oracle database.

b. Run the applicable scripts from below. Determine from what level you are starting from. (that is from V6.0.0.0, run all four scripts, from V6.0.0.1, only the last three, from V6.0.0.2, only the last two and from V6.0.0.3, only the last one.)

cd <WPG INSTALL DIR>/bcgdbloader/scripts/Oracle

sqlplus -L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_600_600FP1.sql >/tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600_600FP1.log

sqlplus -L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_600FP1_600FP2.sql >/tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP1_600FP2.log

sqlplus -L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_600FP2_600FP3.sql >/tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP2_600FP3.log

sqlplus -L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_600FP3_600FP4.sql >/tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP3_600FP4.log

5. Run the hub setup launcher for your operating system.

6. Start the console, receiver and router. Consult the Installing WebSphere Partner Gateway guide.


To uninstall the fix pack, WebSphere Partner Gateway must be restored to its original state (prior to the fix pack installation). Restore the system to its original state using the database backup that was created before the fix pack was installed. Failure to do so may result in lost data or prevent you from properly performing the following fix pack uninstallation procedure. Any changes to configuration files must be manually saved and restored.

Note : It is recommended to uninstall the hub before uninstalling the DBLoader.

1. Uninstall hub version

a. Shut down WebSphere Partner Gateway servers in the following order:
Navigate to the ProductDir/bin directory and execute the following

On Unix :
i. bcgconsole
ii. bcgreceiver
iii. bcgdocmgr
iv. (If using the Help Server)

On Windows :
i. bcgStopServer.bat bcgconsole
ii. bcgStopServer.bat bcgreceiver
iii. bcgStopServer.bat bcgdocmgr
iv. bcgStopHelp.bat (If using the Help Server)

b. Save any hub configuration that may have been done by manually copying the bcghub/console/lib/config and /was/profiles/bcgconsole/config directories to a safe location. The hub configuration settings that are not stored in the database are located in the following directories:


c. Save the ProductDir/common tree to the backup location.

d. Uninstall the version hub, removing all components.

e. Delete all remaining files and remove the following directories:

Note: Do not delete the ProductDir/DBLoader and ProductDir/common directories.

2. Revert the bcgapps database and DBLoader back to the previously installed version. This will restore the database and customer data.

a. Run the DBLoader Uninstall. Do not drop the database.

b. Restore the bcgapps database using the backup created before the fix pack was installed.

c. Run the DBLoader for V6.0.0.0. Do not run SQL. If reverting to V6.0.0.3, the DBLoader for V6.0.0.3 must also be run.

3. Re-install Hub

a. Install hub version to the same location ProductDir. If reverting to V6.0.0.3, the Hub install for V6.0.0.3 must also be run.
Note: Be sure to specify the same installation information that was used during the previous installation.

b. Start WebSphere Partner Gateway servers in the following order:
Navigate to the ProductDir/bin directory and execute the following

On Unix :
i. bcgconsole
ii. bcgreceiver
iii. bcgdocmgr
iv. (If using the Help Server)

On Windows :
i. bcgStartServer.bat bcgconsole
ii. bcgStartServer.bat bcgreceiver
iii. bcgStartServer.bat bcgdocmgr
iv. bcgStartHelp.bat (If using the Help Server)

c. Restore the previous configuration by copying and replacing the following directories:


d. Restore the ProductDir/common tree using the backup copy if it was deleted from this computer.

[{"DNLabel":"WPG Advanced on AIX","DNDate":"8/24/2006","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"149136833","DNPlat":{"label":"AIX","code":"PF002"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":null,"DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"WPG Advanced on Linux","DNDate":"8/24/2006","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"153651770","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":null,"DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"WPG Advanced on Solaris","DNDate":"8/24/2006","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"122135521","DNPlat":{"label":"Solaris","code":"PF027"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":null,"DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"WPG Advanced on Windows","DNDate":"8/24/2006","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"147417839","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":null,"DDURL":null}]
[{"Product":{"code":"SSDKKW","label":"WebSphere Partner Gateway Advanced Edition"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"6.0.0;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Product Synonym


Problems (APARS) fixed
JR23409;JR22742;JR22974 ;JR23067;JR23092;JR23161;JR23218;JR23240;JR23241 ;JR23268;JR23285;JR23287;JR23331;JR23339;JR23374;JR23408;JR23452;JR23484;JR23491;JR23497;JR23541;JR23565;JR23570;JR23608;JR23621;JR23726;JR23743;JR23752;JR23757;JR23765;JR23766;JR23806;JR23811 ;JR23839 ;JR23845;JR23850;JR23866;JR23885;JR23887 ;JR23889;JR23895;JR23989;JR23996;JR24016;JR24027 ;JR24049

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

