IBM Support

MP1B: IBM MQ - Interpreting accounting and statistics data, and other utilities



This SupportPac contains a program for formatting IBM MQ statistics and accounting SMF records. There are other programs that help you monitor your IBM MQ system on z/OS.

Download Description

This SupportPac provides an improved program for printing accounting and statistics available in IBM MQ for z/OS.

It also provides a program that monitors queue and channel information, producing output that can be processed by a spreadsheet to monitor data over time.

Possible Uses
Processing the IBM MQ SMF data, and giving suggestions on some possible out of line conditions.
The monitoring programs can be used to show usage of queues and channels over time

New in this Release

  • LOG and LOGHLCSV now include zHyperLink statistics.
  • Page set statistics includes Approx. HWM page allocated.
For more information about these changes, refer to the "Changes history" section of the MQSMF PDF documentation.

Author: Gwydion Tudur, IBM MQ Development, Hursley
Category: 2
Released: 28 Nov 2000
Last Updated:  2 Aug 2024
Current Version: 5.10
»Please note that the version number shown in the right pane is the version of the IBM MQ product that this SupportPac applies to. The date is the last web page refresh.

To view the complete portfolio of IBM MQ SupportPacs, visit the IBM MQ SupportPacs home page.

Installation Instructions

Follow these steps to install the MP1B SupportPac:

  1. Download the MP1B compressed file to a temporary directory.
  2. Decompress the .zip file.
  3. Upload the files mp1b.load.xmit.bin and mp1b.jcl.xmit.bin to z/OS. The files must be uploaded to data sets that are allocated with the following attributes:
    • Record format: Fixed block (FB)
    • Logical record size: 80
    • Block size: 3200
    For example, follow these steps to upload the files by using FTP:
    a) Start an FTP session to the target z/OS system.
    b) Issue the following command to set the attributes of the data sets that are created: quote site cyl pri=1 sec=1 recfm=fb blksize=3200 lrecl=80
    c) Issue the following command to enter binary mode: bin
    d) Issue the following commands to upload the two files:
       put mp1b.load.xmit.bin 'userid.MP1B.LOAD.XMIT'
       put mp1b.jcl.xmit.bin 'userid.MP1B.JCL.XMIT'

    where userid is your z/OS user ID.
    e) End the FTP session by issuing the quit command.
  4. Issue the following commands on z/OS to receive the uploaded data sets:

    This creates data sets userid.MP1B.LOAD and userid.MP1B.JCL.
  5. Further instructions for how to use MP1B can be found inside PDFs in the installed package.

[{"DNLabel":"MP1B zip file","DNDate":"02 Aug 2024","DNLang":"US English","DNSize":"1.38 MB","DNPlat":{"label":"z/OS","code":"PF035"},"DNURL":"*","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null}]

Technical Support

Category 2 SupportPacs are provided in good faith and AS-IS. There is no warranty or further service implied or committed and any supplied sample code is not supported through IBM product service channels.

You can submit a question using the 'rate this page' below but a response is not guaranteed.

Please read the license information contained within the compressed file for this SupportPac to determine if you want to use it.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSYHRD","label":"IBM MQ"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000008Q8AAI","label":"Performance-\u003EAccounting and Statistics"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"9.2.0;9.3.0;9.4.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
02 August 2024

