IBM Support

The server database fails to respond in a replicated environment



In rare cases, an IBM Spectrum Protect server might not recognize which server is the source or target of a previous node replication. The IBM Spectrum Protect server cannot complete node replication from the current source server to the current target server.


During replication, the server attempted to replicate a node to another server. However, the other server already has a replica of the node from what appears to be a different primary server.

If you must reinstall a new IBM Spectrum Protect server, the source server GUID must be updated to ensure that replication completes successfully.

Resolving The Problem

1. On the source replication server, update the server definition and specify that the server verification key is reset when the source replication server next signs on to the target server. To update the server definition, issue the following command:

update server serverB forcesync=yes

2. On the target replication server, update the server definition of the source server and specify that the server verification key is reset when the source replication server next signs on to the target server. To update the server definition, issue the following command:

update server serverA forcesync=yes

3. On the source replication server, complete the following steps:

     a. Set the name of a target replication server. For example, to set the target replication server, serverB, issue the following command:

     set replserver serverB

     b. Enable outbound sessions. For example, to enable sessions from the source server to the target replication server, serverB, issue the  following command:

     enable sessions server serverB direction=outbound

     c. Remove the node from replication by issuing the following command, for each node that must be replicated:

     remove replnode node_name

         Tip: You can use wildcard characters to specify multiple nodes. Test removing a node or multiple nodes before you remove a large amount of nodes.

4. On the target replication server, complete the following steps:

     a. Remove the node from replication by issuing the following command, for each node that must be replicated:

     remove replnode node_name 

         Tip: You can use wildcard characters to specify multiple nodes. Test removing a node or multiple nodes before you remove a large amount of nodes.

     b. Change the attributes of the registered node to specify that the node is ready for replication and synchronize the data with the data on the source replication server during replication. Issue the following command for each node:

     update node node_name replstate=enabled replmode=syncreceive

         Tip: You can use wildcard characters to specify multiple nodes. Test updating a node or multiple nodes before you update a large amount of nodes.

5. On the source replication server, update the node attributes to specify that the node is ready for replication and synchronize the data with the data on the target server during replication. Issue the following command for each node:

update node node_name replstate=enabled replmode=syncsend

Tip: You can use wildcard characters to specify multiple nodes. Test updating a node or multiple nodes before you update a large amount of nodes.

6. On the source replication server, validate and test replication by completing the following steps:

     a. Ensure that your replication configuration is correct and check the connection to the target replication server by issuing the following command for each node:

     validate replication node_name verifyconnection=yes

         Tip: You can use wildcard characters to specify multiple nodes. Test validating a node or multiple nodes before you validate a large amount of nodes.

     b. Start node replication and specify that the command processes in the foreground by issuing the following command:

     replicate node node_name 

         Tip: You can use wildcard characters to specify multiple nodes. Test replicating a node or multiple nodes before you replicate a large amount of nodes.


What to do next

Issue the QUERY STATUS command to display information about the server and to verify that replication is enabled and that the replication rules apply to the data.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEQVQ","label":"IBM Spectrum Protect"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Server","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.1.5","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
08 August 2018

