IBM Support

Instructions for upgrading IBM InfoSphere Information Server to version 11.7 Fix pack 1

Fix Readme


Instructions for upgrading IBM InfoSphere Information Server, Version to 11.7 Fix pack 1. This readme document contains guidance for installation of the upgrade package available on Fix Central.


Prerequisite Steps:

1. Update the Update Installer to the latest; download the Update Installer from

2. Instructions to update the Update Installer can be found here.

See section “Installing a new version of the Update Installer before installing an update, fix,
or patch”

3. Download the Fix Pack 1 image from Fix Central

Steps 4 & 5 are only required if you are going to upgrade Information Server Enterprise Search to version

4. Download the Docker image on to the Information Server Enterprise Server (ISES) host from

5. Ensure that the Cassandra and shop4info server pods are up and running before you start the Fix Pack install.

Execute the following command to ensure that the pods are running.

# kubectl get pods

6. Version 11.7 Fix Pack 1 cannot be uninstalled. You must restore to your latest Version 11.7 backup to remove the fix pack. For detailed backup and restore instructions, see the  knowledge Center.

7. The DSODBConfig.cfg file will be overwritten during Fix Pack Install.
Although the file is backed up by the installer at the location below, it is safer to also take a manual backup before the upgrade, if you use the
DataStage Operations Console: InformationServerRoot/Updates/fixpack_FP1_IS117_11700/Server/DSODB/DSODBConfig.cfg

For example, on Linux/UNIX,
cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSODB
cp -p DSODBConfig.cfg DSODBConfig.cfg.keep.

8. Update the XMETA schema if you use an Oracle repository.

a) If you use Oracle for the XMETA repository, before installing 11.7 Fix Pack 1, you must update
the schema using the script "update_xmeta_db_for_schema_upgrade":


Unix Script File: Attached zip file contains the unix script file.



Windows Script File:


SQL Script File:


b) A similar script "create_xmeta_db" was used to create XMETA as indicated in Server.productization.Information Serverinfsv.install.doc/topics/wsisinst_pre_install_oracle_db_linuxunix.html

c) SQL Script file should be save to the same location as .sh/.cmd file.

d). Usage: update_xmeta_db_for_schema_upgrade <OracleSystemUser> <OracleSystemPassword> <ServiceName> <XmetaUserName>


<OracleSystemUser> Oracle system user to login to sqlplus with to update the schema. This user must be assigned the DBA role

. <OracleSystemPassword> Password for the Oracle system user.

<ServiceName> Oracle TNS service name. This must be a working service name.

<XmetaUserName> Name of the Oracle user to update the metadata repository tablespace.






The following five sections lists the steps required in various install scenarios.

1) Using GUI mode to install 11.7 Fix Pack 1 on a system without Enterprise Search

1) On the machine where Information Server is installed, change directory to <IS_HOME>/Updates/bin
For example, cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Updates/bin

2) ./installUpdates -version (check the Update Installer version, it should be or later)

3) ./installUpdates





    • This will launch the Update Installer in GUI mode.

4) Follow the instructions on the screen, and in the patch selection panel. Select the ispkg file you downloaded to begin the install.
(For example, fixpack.is_11_7_0_1.linux64.QA197.180520.ispkg, or, .. etc.).

5) Provide information as required in each panel to complete the install.

II) Using console mode to install 11.7 Fix Pack 1 on a system without Enterprise Search

1) On the machine where Information Server is installed, change directory to <IS_HOME>/Updates/bin
For example, cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Updates/bin

2) ./installUpdates -version (check the Update Installer version, it should be or later)

3) installUpdates -i /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ -p /opt/Builds/ISPKG/<ispkg_file_name>.ispkg -user
isadmin -password P455w0rd -wasadmin wasadmin -waspassword P455w0rd -verbose -console

(Replace the <ispkg_file_name> with actual ispkg file. For example, fixpack.is_11_7_0_1.linux64.QA197.180520.ispkg)

III) Using GUI mode to install 11.7 Fix Pack 1 on a system with Enterprise Search

1) On the machine where Information Server is installed, change directory to <IS_HOME>/Updates/bin
For example, cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Updates/bin

2) ./installUpdates -version (check the Update Installer version, it should be or later)

3) ./installUpdates

4) This will launch the Update Installer in GUI mode. Follow the Installer instructions as shown below:

     Click the Login button.

5) Click Next.

6) The Update Installer attempts to automatically detect the Information Server installation directory. If it cannot, it will prompt you to provide the
Click Next to continue forward.

7) If you don't want to upgrade ISES while upgrading Information Server to, check the "Skip the Information Server Enterprise Search"
checkbox and click Next.
See the "Manual steps to Install or upgrade ISES to 11.7 Fix Pack 1" section to upgrade ISES at a later point in time.

    Otherwise, fill in the information needed to upgrade ISES.

Ensure the ISES Backup Directory has enough space so that a valid backup can be created. The required space depends on the size of your
data in Cassandra/Graph.

Backup/Restore: The Fix Pack install upgrades all components from 11.7 to, including ISES if ISES is installed. As part of the
FixPack install ISES related components will be backed up. For more details, see here.

The time needed to install the Fix Pack depends on the amount of data that must be backed up and restored.

8) In the list of "Packages to be installed", select the 11.7 Fix Pack 1 ispkg file you downloaded, and Click Next.

9) Provide the Information Server Administrator user name and password. Accept the certificate and click Next.

10) On the System Requirements Check page, confirm that all system requirements passed, and then click Next.

11) Review the Preinstallation Summary and click the Install button to start the installation.

12) Click the Finish button after the installation completes.

IV. Using console mode to install 11.7 Fix Pack 1 on a system with Enterprise Search

1) On the machine where Information Server is installed, change directory to <IS_HOME>/Updates/bin
For example, cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Updates/bin

2) Before running the Update Installer, check the system requirements and make sure that your system meets the requirements.

3) ./installUpdates -version (check the Update Installer version, it should be or later)

4)./installUpdates -i /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ -p /opt/Builds/ISPKG/<ispkg_file_name>.ispkg -user isadmin -password P455w0rd -wasadmin wasadmin -waspassword P455w0rd -verbose -console -installES /tmp/ugdockerrepo_11.7.0.1.tar.gz

( Replace the <ispkg_file_name> with actual ispkg file. For example, fixpack.is_11_7_0_1.linux64.QA197.180520.ispkg)

V) Manual steps to upgrade ISES to 11.7 Fix Pack 1

While upgrading a system that has Enterprise Search, in GUI mode, you can skip the upgrade of Enterprise Search.
Subsequently, ISES can be manually upgraded by following these steps.

1) Download 11.7 Fix Pack 1 to a temporary directory

2) Extract the UGDockerDeployment directory from the ispkg to do this run the below command.
( note there is a dot at the end )

unzip fixpack.is_11_7_0_1.linux64.QA149.180419.ispkg UGDockerDeployment.

This will create a directory UGDockerDeployment, next

3) Copy the kubeselfextract.bsx to the ISES host

Scp UGDockerDeployment/UGDockerDeploymentServices/payload/installer/ kubeselfextract.bsx


4) Copy the to a /opt/IBM/InformationServer/UGDockerDeployment/bin/ on Information Server host

mv UGDockerDeployment/UGDockerDeploymentServices/payload/bin/


5) Copy tokenservicepublic.cer from Information Server node into /tmp/tokenservicepublic.cer on ISES node if it is not already in /tmp.

6) On the Enterprise Search host Create a uginfo.rsp as attached file. Update values per your install and ensure the parameters below are in place.

NOTE:  If you are attempting to re-run upgrade after a failed attempt, make a backup of your SHOP4INFO_BAK_DIR using below command.

"mv  /<backupdir>/s4ibackup  /<backupdir>/s4ibackup_bak"


7) Download the latest docker images tar on to the ISES host from


ensure you update the location of the docker image in uginfo.rsp

8) Ensure that the Cassandra and shop4info server pods are up and running before you start the FixPack install.

9) Now Run the kubeselfextract.bsx



You can monitor the install by running a tail on the install log
Ex: tail -f Information Serverkubedeploy_2018_04_25_08_49_12_UTC.log

10) Once the install is complete log on to the Information Server host and run below

cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/UGDockerDeployment/bin/


(This will ensure Shared Open Source points to the kafka , Solr & ZK on ISES Side.)

Post Upgrade actions


I. Follow the instructions below to migrate HBase jobs from to



II. Create the GIT related tables in the metadata repository database if you use DFD


If you have the Data Flow Designer with IBM InfoSphere Information Server version 11.7, after installing 11.7 FP1, you

must create the GIT related tables in the metadata repository database using below listed instructions.

1. Unzip the attached file.

2. Go to the directory <<platform_type>>/CognitiveDesignerRepository/<>.

3. Follow the instructions in the README file to modify the createDFDTables.sql and run the script on Repository Tier.

III. Restore Operations Console configuration file if you use the DataStage Operations Console

a) The original file can be restored from one of the backups after the upgrade:

b) You need to start the AppWatcher if Operations Console is enabled (i.e. DSODBON is set to 1) in the restored DSODBConfig.cfg file.

For example, on Linux/UNIX,
cd InformationServerRoot/Server/DSODB/bin
Run the command below as dsadm or an equivalent user:
./ -start

Then ensure it is running as expected:
./ -status


1. Missing icons on Information Server Enterprise Search Launchpad.

2. Restart of ISES upgrade on Install GUI  is not possible, to retry a failed attempt see section: "Manual steps to upgrade ISES to 11.7 Fix Pack 1."

3. If your Information Server installation includes Enterprise Search, and if for any reason you need to repeat the upgrade to Information Server along with the upgrade of Enterprise Search, you should remove the directory /tmp/data/cassandra/data before repeating the upgrade.

If the directory is not removed, the Installer will read the dirty data in legacy folder: /tmp/data/cassandra/data, and the data will appear to be corrupt. In the Cassandra backup log you may see the following issue:
[2018-05-24 09:11:39.113 UTC] INFO=>> Create snapshot
Unable to use a TTY - input is not a terminal or the right kind of file
error: /var/lib/cassandra/data/janusgraph/janusgraph_ids-fec470c051d911e8812a996c92c59e53/mc_txn_flush_78524060-5f32-11e8-812a-99 6c92c59e53.log
-- StackTrace --
java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /var/lib/cassandra/data/janusgraph/janusgraph_ids-fec470c051d911e8812a996c92c59e53/mc_txn_flus h_78524060-5f32-11e8-812a-996c92c59e53.log
at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(

4.The DataStage Operations Console configuration file DSODBConfig.cfg is overwritten with a new file, causing the Operations Console to be turned off and all the other configuration changes in the file to be lost. To fix this, see section (III) in the "Post Upgrade actions" above.








[{"Product":{"code":"SSZJPZ","label":"IBM InfoSphere Information Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";11.7","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
11 October 2018

