IBM Support

Jump Codes to access Commands and Menu Options Quickly in IBM Sterling Gentran:Server for iSeries

Question & Answer


What are the Jump Codes for Sterling Gentran:Server for iSeries?


The Jump Code Feature is a quick access method for navigating to online programs, menus, and commands. You can use either the J command or the JUMP command with a quick name value.
Use the predefined quick names or the 3-digit number representing an online program with the prefix 'EDIX'.
For example, if you want to access the Work with Partners panel (EDIX005-FMT01), type one of the following commands on the command line and press the ENTER key.
J 005

Jump Code To get to… Jump Code To get to…
M Gentran Main Menu ENV Work with Environment Control
PAR Work with Partners AUD Audit Menu
PG Work with Partner Groups SA Search Audit Utility
PT Work with Partner Transactions AI Work with Audit Interchange
PU Work with Partner User Defined Records AG Work with Audit Group
PS Work with Partner Split/Data Separation Records AT Work with Audit Transaction
PE Work with Partner Error Rejection Records MSG Message Center Menu
APP Work with Application Definition MC Work with Message Center
MAP Work with Transaction Mapping PRC Processing Menu
MP Mapping Menu IN Process Transaction Inbound
EM Work with Extended Mapping OUT Process Transaction Outbound
TBL Work with Tables SPL Split File Inquiry
SUB Work with Sub-Split Definition ADD Add Data to the Comm Queues
COM Communications Menu EXT Extract Data from the Comm Queues
CM Work with Communications SYS System Administration
OQ Work with Outbound Queue GLB Global Parameters
IQ Work with Inbound Queue SCH Work with Job Scheduler
CH Work with Comm History Log SCE Work with Scheduled Entries
CS Work with Comm Scripts MON Work with EDI Monitor
CJ Work with Communication Jobs INS Work with Network Command Interface
MQ Work with MQ Links ERR Work with Batch Error Messages
LIN Gentran Line Pools CFG System Configuration Menu
SSN Start Communication Session VPT Gentran:Viewpoint Menu
MQR Receive File from MQ Queue VP Work with Viewpoint Documents
MQS Send File to MQ Queue VPQ Work with Viewpoint Queries
STD Work with Standards MS Gentran Main Menu with Ext for SAP R/3
ST Standards Transactions SAP SAP Extension Menu
SS Standards Segments SIN SAPIN command for SAP
SE Standards Segment Elements AN Work with Automatic Notification
SD Standards Data Dictionary Definition EML Work with Auto Notification E-mail
SC Standards Codes PAG Work with Auto Notification Paging
SAC Standards Activity USR Work with Auto Notification User Exit

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6UY8","label":"Sterling Gentran:Server for iSeries"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"3.6;3.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

