IBM Support

HOWTO Enable JSON for non-DBADM



SQL0551 (-551) returned for non-DBADM users when they try using JSON via


Trying to use receives SQL0551 / -551 (authorization error).

/home/snoopy/sqllib/json/bin: ./ -user snoopy -url
e.txt;" -password xxxx

JSON Command Shell Setup and Launcher.
This batch script assumes your JRE is 1.5 and higher. 1.6 will mask your
Type -help to see options

IBM DB2 NoSQL JSON API build 1.4.173
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2013 All Rights Reserved.

nosql>Type your JSON query and hit <ENTER>
nosql>Type help() or help for usage information. All commands are case
[nosql][1.4.173] CDJSN1155E Verification failed for DB2 JSON enablement.
Reason "10", SQLCode "-551"

Resolving The Problem

Grant the non-DBADM user, in our example "snoopy" the required privileges for JSON objects by running the script below

db2 -tvf grantperm.db2


-- Change to your JSON database name

connect to jsondb;

grant select on systools.sysjson_index to user snoopy;
grant insert on systools.sysjson_index to user snoopy;
grant delete on systools.sysjson_index to user snoopy;

grant execute on function systools.json_val2 to user snoopy;
grant execute on function systools.json_binary to user snoopy;
grant execute on function systools.json_binary2 to user snoopy;
grant execute on function systools.json_table to user snoopy;
grant execute on function systools.json_table_binary to user snoopy;
grant execute on function systools.json_len to user snoopy;
grant execute on function systools.json_type to user snoopy;
grant execute on function systools.json2bson to user snoopy;
grant execute on function systools.bson2json to user snoopy;
grant execute on function systools.bson_validate to user snoopy;
grant execute on function systools.json_get_pos_arr_index to user

grant execute on function systools.json_update(BLOB(16M), VARCHAR(256),
VARCHAR(32672), VARCHAR(32672) FOR BIT DATA, INTEGER) to user snoopy;

grant execute on function systools.json_update(BLOB(16M),
VARCHAR(32672)) to user snoopy;

grant execute on specific function systools.REG_MATCHES_NOFLAGS to user

grant execute on specific function systools.REG_MATCHES to user snoopy;

connect reset;

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Database Objects\/Config - Authorization\/Privilege","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.7;10.1;10.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

