IBM Support

"Cannot create ActiveX component ... Error code 80110823 - The specified user cannot write to the system registry" when running a consolidation, caused by incorrect registry key permissions



User launches a consolidation. Looking inside the 'batch queue' user can see that the consolidation has not run successfully. Clicking on the 'details' section, there is an error message.


Controller 10.2.0 with batch queue enabled:

Cannot create ActiveX component

Controller 10.2.0 with batch queue disabled:
Number: 5
Source: ControllerProxyClient
Description: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: Cannot create ActiveX component. (Error occured within method=RunConsol in the module with progid=FrMiscBT.ConsBusinessT)
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ErrObject.Raise(Int32 Number, Object Source, Object Description, Object HelpFile, Object HelpContext)
at ControllerServerCommon.RaiseErrSrv.RaiseError(String sUser, Int32 lErrNo, String sErrSource, String sErrDesc, String sErrHelpFile, Int32 lErrHelpContext)
at FrBatchBT.clsBatchT.Batch(String sGuid, String sUser, Int16 iProcessId, String sJobName, String sParams, Int32 lRegDate, Int32 lRegTime, Int32 lSchedDate, Int32 lSchedTime, Int16 iScheduleType, String sUdl, Int32 lDependentBy, String sTimeChain, Boolean bBatchMode)
at Cognos.Controller.Proxy.CCRWS.clsBatchT_Batch(String sGuid, String sUser, Int16 iProcessId, String sJobName, String sParams, Int32 iRegDate, Int32 iRegTime, Int32 iSchedDate, Int32 lSchedTime, Int16 iScheduleType, String sUdl, Int32 iDependentBy, String sTimeChain,
Boolean bBatchMode)

Error message when trying to start the COM+ application:

Catalog Error
An error occurred while processing the last operation.
Error code 80110823 - The specified user cannot write to the system registry
The event log may contain additional troubleshooting information.


There are several possible causes for the generic "Cannot create ActiveX component" error message.

  • TIP: See separate IBM Technote #1459682 for more examples.

This Technote specifically relates to the scenario where there is also a message "Error code 80110823 - The specified user cannot write to the system registry" when trying to manually start the COM+ application.
  • In this case, the cause is incorrect permissions on a registry key (for example HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID).

More Information:
In one real-life example, the following (initial) permissions were insufficient (on the key HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID):

Diagnosing The Problem

Logon to the Controller application server (as a Windows administrator) and perform the following task:

1. Download and run the third-party (non-IBM) Microsoft tool 'Process Monitor'

2. Click "Start - Administrative Tools"

3. Double-click on 'Component Services'

4. Expand the top row, until you locate 'IBM Cognos Controller Consolidation'

5. Right click on 'IBM Cognos Controller Consolidation' and choose 'Start':

  • The error "Error code 80110823 - The specified user cannot write to the system registry" should appear.

6. Inside 'Process Monitor' look through the captured events.

  • You should see one giving a result "ACCESS DENIED" (relating to 'svchost.exe', showing the relevant registry key name):

This shows which registry key is causing the problem.

Resolving The Problem

Allow the system access to the relevant registry key (for example 'HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID').


1. Logon to the Controller application server as an administrator

2. Launch REGEDIT

3. Right-click on the relevant registry key (for example 'HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID') and choose 'Change Permissions'

4. Add an entry for 'Everyone', and give is 'Full Control':

5. Save changes and test.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS9S6B","label":"IBM Cognos Controller"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Controller","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"10.2.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

