IBM Support

Collecting Data: performance issue on Decision Server Execution Stack

Question & Answer


You are having a performance issue in Decision Server (DS, or Rule Execution Server). You would like to know what documentation you must collect (MustGather) so that the IBM Operation Decision Manager Support team can diagnose your problem. If you gather this documentation before contacting support it will expedite the troubleshooting process, and save you time.


General tuning versus specific issues

IBM technical support is only for specific product issues and questions.

If you need assistance with general tuning, environment health checks or application tuning,  you may want to look into engaging IBM Services. 

If you have a specific product issue or question related to product behavior then we can assist with that via technical support. We will need a detailed use case for the issue, the delay times you are seeing or your question and why you consider this a product performance issue.

1 Settings and environment of the execution stack
  • The exact version of RES 
  • The exact name and version of the application server
  • Describe the topology of the decision server, whether it is a stand alone server or a cluster, number of nodes and servers in the cluster
  • The exact name and version of the RES database
  • A screenshot of the ruleset properties in the RES console of all concerned rulesets 
  • How is XU installed in RES server: a global connector, scoped in a J2EE application or using J2SE mode.
  • RES server JVM start up parameter.

Provide the settings of the XU by attaching one of the following:
  • the ra.xml if using J2SE mode
  • a screenshot of the configuration of the XU Connection Factory in the Application Server console

2 Detailed problem description
You should provide as much information as possible. The main questions that need to be answered:
  • Which components (RES Console, XU, HTDS, Rule Session API , Decision Runner, SSP, MDB) are involved? 
  • If HTDS is used, are you using SOAP or REST API? XML or JSON format?
  • If the Rule Session API is used by the your application, please also provide the following information:
    • Attach the code calling the RuleSession API
    • Are you using managed XOM?
  • Describe the minimal execution scenario to generate the performance issue:
    • How many different rulesets?
    • How many applications are involved?
    • How many concurrent executions?
    • What is the average duration of the ruleset execution?
    • What is the the average number of rulesets executed per second.
    • How many ruleset changes?
3 Log and dumps of the RES execution stack
  • What is the time (or the most possible precise range of time) of the performance issue?
  • The complete logs of the RES components (RuleSession, XU, and persistence). If you use WebSphere Application Server,  include also the FFDC logs.
  • Attach at least 2 XU dumps, one before and one after the issue. If possible one XU dump during the performance issue. You can find info about how to retrieve XU dump from Viewing debug traces for an execution unit (XU)

4 Other info to gather for high CPU usage or system hang

If you also encounter high CPU usage or system hang, please capture the system performance info and java cores as documented in the following must gather depending on your operating system.
These MustGathers are for WebSphere Application Server, you should provide similar info if Decision Server is deployed on other application server:

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSQP76","label":"IBM Operational Decision Manager"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cvpWAAQ","label":"Decision Server->General Performance"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 May 2020

