IBM Support

Generate an Authorization or license Key - SPSS Statistics add-on module

Question & Answer


How To Generate an Authorization and / or license Key for your SPSS add-on module


When licensing an installation of SPSS additional modules are not listed in the License Authorization Wizard


How to create an Authorization Code or license key to activate the installation of SPSS add-on modules?

To generate an authorization code or license key for your SPSS product, access the "License Key Center". If you do not have access, refer to the Accessing the "License Key Center" documentation (#1968941)

Generating an Authorization code:

Log in to the "License Key Center" click the product and version you want to generate an authorization code for

1 - Quantity Purchased and Quantity Available are displayed.

2 - If there is no Quantity available, the code was generated, click the "view codes" link to see your code.

3 - If there is Quantity Available click Generate

4 - Choose your quantity.

5 - click Create Multiple codes or One code, click Next

6 - Confirm Quantity, click Next

7 - click Add a Feature (See Examples above your choice), click Next

8 - Confirm installation type Selection, click Next

9 - Select Dongle option (do not check), click Next

10 - Choose expiration date or leave blank for default, click Next

11 - Add comments (not needed, only used for internal tracking)

12 - click Create Authorization code

Generating a license code from your Authorization code:

Some installations require a license key rather than an authorization code. Such situations are;

- your system does not have internet access

- your companies security protocols do not allow your system to connect to the internet to generate a license key for your software. In this case, you must generate a license key for your software.

With the Authorization code generated:

1 - click the code

2 - Enter in the Lock code of the users system (the lock code is found by drilling down into the installation files and double-clicking the echoid.exe file)

3 - click Activate

- Paste into the license Authorization Wizard to license the software.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSLVMB","label":"IBM SPSS Statistics"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Statistics Desktop","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"Not Applicable","Edition":"Campus Edition;Developer;Premium;Professional;Standard;Student Version","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

