IBM Support

New features and other changes in Rational ClearQuest version 9.0.0.x

Question & Answer


What are the new features and other changes in ClearQuest?


Descriptions of the changes are organized by version-specific tabs.

Tab navigation


This release introduces support for the following enhancements:

  • Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT)
  • - ClearQuest data-pull reports with BIRT v4.6 is now supported.

  • Enhancements to User Interface
  • - ClearQuest now allows the user to configure whether mandatory fields are only shown once when one or none of them is selected in the custom record view. For more information, refer to the technote Mandatory fields show only once when one or none of them is selected in the ClearQuest web custom record view.

  • Platform support
  • This release introduces support for the following platforms:

    - DB2 Enterprise Server Edition 11.1

    Note: For ClearQuest Help content configuration, see the tech note Configuring ClearQuest help content.


    This release introduces support for the following enhancements:
  • Security
  • - ClearQuest E-Mail Reader support of SSL/TLS protocols for secure POP3 connection.

  • User administration
  • - Additional characters are now allowed in group names, specifically ".", "@", and "~". Using these characters requires database feature level 10.

  • Enhancements to User Interface
  • - ClearQuest now allows the user to configure which fields are shown in the result set when searching for a record using OSLC UI. For more information, refer to the Configuring result set display fields shown when searching for a CQ record over the OSLC delegated UI technote.

  • Oracle support
  • - ClearQuest adds support for connecting to Oracle with a service name instead of a SID. For more information, refer to the ClearQuest support for Oracle Service Names technote.

  • Platform support
  • This release introduces support for the following platforms:

    - RHEL 6.9 (X86), 7.4 (x86)

    - AIX 7.2 TL1

    - Mozilla Firefox 50, 51, 52, 53, 54| ESR 45.9.0, 52.2.0

    - Chrome 57-60

    - Microsoft Edge 40

    - WebSphere Application Server / IBM HTTP Server

    Note: For ClearQuest Help content configuration, see the tech note Configuring ClearQuest help content.


  • Platform support
  • This release introduces support for the following platforms:

    - Window Server 2016

    - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1

    - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3

    - WebSphere Application Server / IBM HTTP Server

    - Microsoft Edge 38

    - Microsoft SQL Server 2012 TLS 1.2

  • Help  

  • To learn how to configure the help content for ClearQuest Eclipse clients, see the tech note Configuring help content for ClearQuest Eclipse clients.


    This release introduces these features:

  • ClearQuest Web.

    Enables List View Query feature to run user-defined queries on the List View control. This new feature transforms the existing List View control based on user-defined queries. As a result, you are able to configure the List View control to show different results with customized columns. For more information, refer to

  • Single Sign On
  • The Single Sign On (SSO) feature is now available for ClearQuest Web. The SSO feature uses your enterprise identity management solution to streamline logins to ClearQuest Web.

  • APIs
  • Two new object model APIs are added to the CQSession for partially loading a record.The new APIs contain:

    LoadPartialEntity method that can partially load an entity based on the record type name (entDefName) and the display name (displayName).

    LoadPartialEntityByDbId method that can partially load an entity based on the record type name (entDefName) and the ID (dbID).

    For more information, refer to

  • Platform support
  • This release introduces support for the following platforms:

    - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.8 and 7.2  

    - WebSphere Application Server / IBM HTTP Server

    - Firefox 46, 47, 48 and 49; and Extended Support Releases 45.4

    - Chrome 54

    Status of the feature level

    There are no new features in this release.


    Platform support

    This release introduces support for the following platforms:

    • Solaris 11, Update 3
    • AIX 7.2 and 7.1 TL4
    • WebSphere Application Server / IBM HTTP Server and
    • Firefox 43, 44, and 45; and Extended Support Releases 38.7 and 45
    • Chrome 49

    Updating WebSphere Application Server

    If you are running WebSphere Application Server 8, 8.5, or 8.5.5, internal changes that were made to ClearQuest Web in this release will require changes to your WAS installation. To update your WAS installation, take one of the following measures:

    • Install the WAS iFix for PI50993, or WAS fixpack or (refer to
    • Configure the classpath order for the ClearQuest Web application within TeamEAR to search for parent last. In the left panel of the WAS web console (for example, http(s)://hostname:12443/ibm/console), navigate to Applications, Application Types, WebSphere enterprise applications. On the list, click TeamEAR > Manage Modules > cqweb.war, then change the class load order to "Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last)". Click OK and save, then restart the CQWeb WAS profile.

    Note: If WAS 7.x is deployed, no changes are necessary.

    Reporting Driver plug-ins required by Crystal Reports

    For information about the Reporting Driver plug-ins required by Crystal Reports, refer to tech note


    This release introduces the following features:

    • Deferred reference list loading: This feature improves the performance of record loading by deferring the loading of the associated reference lists until they are actually needed. For information on controlling deferred reference list loading, refer to tech note
    • Java support: This release supports Java 7 on Solaris and Java 8 on all other supported platforms.

    [{"Product":{"code":"SSSH5A","label":"Rational ClearQuest"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";;;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

    Document Information

    Modified date:
    17 June 2018

