IBM Support

How do I configure IBM Tape Manager for z/VM to share one tape catalog across multiple LPARs (with or without SSI)

Question & Answer


How should I configure IBM Tape Manager for z/VM to run in multiple LPARs but share a common tape catalog? The LPARs can be members of a Single System Image (SSI) cluster or they can be independent LPARs in a non-SSI environment.


IBM Tape Manager for z/VM can be configured to share a common tape catalog across multiple LPARs. SSI is supported but not required for this function. With Tape Manager PTF UI29840, more flexibility has been added allowing you to restart the Tape Manager catalog-node servers on a different LPAR when its original LPAR is down. This means you can continue to do tape processing on other LPARs when one LPAR is down.

If you are using Tape Manager with Backup and Restore Manager for z/VM and have chosen to have only one backup catalog for the entire cluster (and thus only one SFS server), then you must also configure Tape Manager to use one tape catalog for the entire cluster. If you configure Backup Manager to use one backup catalog but configure Tape Manager to have separate catalogs, then Backup Manager might not be able to find the appropriate tape during restore processing.

The following steps help you enable a shared tape catalog across multiple z/VM LPARs and allow the Tape Manager servers for the catalog node to run on any LPAR. Also, see the attached PDF for graphics depicting the configuration.

  1. Tape Manager for z/VM must (still) be configured and running on each LPAR (or member of the cluster.) This is required so that tapes can be mounted on any LPAR.

    • The installation user ID 5697J08C can be a single configuration user, so you need to install the code only once. This is the default shipped in V1.3.
    • Any administrator user IDs can be single configuration users, so you can administer the product on any member of the cluster from one user ID, when it's currently logged on to that member.
    • IBM recommends that you use different user IDs for the various service machines on each LPAR. With PTF UI39860, Tape Manager V1.3 includes samples of all of these directory entries on the samples disk (5697J08C 2C2 or associated SFS directory.)
    • All Tape Manager service machines on the catalog node (TxTMM, TxDMM, TxLMn (if used), and TxCMM (if used)) must be single configuration users and named differently than the Tape Manager servers on other LPARs. IBM recommends TCTMM, TCDMM, TCLMn, TCCMM. The samples provided with PTF UI39860 reflect these recommended names.
    • All Tape Manager service machines on each request node (TxTMM, TxDMM, TxLMn (if used), TxCMM (if used)) must be multiconfiguration (IDENTITY) users and thus configured on each member of the cluster. IBM recommends that you use these user IDs: TRTMM, TRDMM, TRLMn, TRCMM. The samples provided with PTF UI39860 reflect these recommended names.
  2. Sample configuration files for a shared tape catalog are available. Refer to Chapter 3 of the Tape Manager for z/VM V1.3 Installation and Administration Guide for a description of each sample file. Sample files are on the 5697J08C 2C2 minidisk (or associated SFS directory.)
  3. To continue tape operations on all request nodes when the LPAR serving as the Tape Manager catalog node is down, simply restart the Tape Manager catalog node service machines on one of the request nodes. That is, on a request node, issue:

    TCTMM will automatically start other Tape Manager service machines being used, such as TCDMM and TCLM1.

    This means the request node will now have two sets of Tape Manager service machines running (TCxxx user IDs and TRxxx user IDs.) Both are needed since TAPCMD requests issued on that LPAR need to be processed by the TRxxx user IDs. The TRTMM user ID communicates with the TCTMM user ID as required for catalog data.
  4. Refer to the Tape Manager for z/VM V1.3 Installation and Administration Guide for more details on setting up a shared tape catalog across multiple z/VM LPARs.
  5. Considerations for running Backup and Restore Manager for z/VM in a z/VM V6.2 or later SSI environment provides more details on Backup Manager installation and configuration.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSMR3B","label":"Tape Manager for z\/VM"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF037","label":"z\/VM"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
06 July 2021

