IBM Support

FAQ: IBM Cognos Mobile with MobileIron AppConnect SDK

Question & Answer


This article covers details on how to get started with the IBM Cognos Mobile app integrated with MobileIron AppConnect


Q: What is IBM Cognos Mobile with MobileIron AppConnect?
A: The IBM Cognos Mobile app on iOS is integrated with the MobileIron SDK. It can be deployed and managed by the MobileIron platform.

Q: Who should enable the app to use MobileIron AppConnect?
A: Enable the MobileIron toggle in the app's settings if your company has deployed the MobileIron@Work MDM software to your device.

Q: Which version of the MobileIron AppConnect SDK is integrated with the app?
A: The app (v11.0.0.5) is integrated with version of the MobileIron SDK

Q: What needs to be configured before the app can use MobileIron?
A: For detailed information on how to configure the MobileIron environment, please contact MobileIron directly. At a high level, the admin will need to:

  • install and configure the MobileIron Core server.
  • Add the IBM Cognos Mobile app to the App Distribution area and provide it the relevant configuration settings for your environment
  • install the Mobile@Work software on the device
  • From the iOS device, go to the IBM Cognos Mobile settings and enable the MobileIron toggle

Q: Which MobileIron AppConnect capabilities are integrated with the app?
A: IBM Cognos Mobile supports and tests the following features and capabilities:
  • Secure tunneling: When enabled, the network traffic will flow through the MobileIron secure tunneling framework.
  • User authorization: Only white-listed users can use the app.
  • App remote wipe: the admin can remotely wipe the content of the app (using the Retire feature)
  • Copy paste restriction: When enabled, the user will not be allowed to select a piece of text from a report and select Copy from the pop-up
  • Restricted apps: Restrict export of PDF, XLS, CSV to only the white-listed apps defined by the admin
  • Encryption: Use MobileIron's encryption when enabled.
  • Logs: Sends any MobileIron error codes to the MobileIron logs on their server

The ability to pass the Cognos BI server URL as an app-specific configuration to the app is not supported. The app has its own auto-configuration mechanism. See this article for details.

Q: Are any IBM Cognos Mobile capabilities disabled when using MobileIron?
A: No, enabling MobileIron does not disable any of the capabilities other than the ones mentioned above which are controlled by MobileIron.

Q: Is the MobileIron AppConnect wrapper also supported?
A: No, IBM only supports the SDK integrated app. For more details on the wrapping process, please read our FAQ on how to wrap the app with your MDM.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSTSF6","label":"IBM Cognos Analytics"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF014","label":"iOS"}],"Version":"11.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

