IBM Support

MustGather: Collecting Data for IBM FileNet Case Foundation 5.2.x Case Analyzer issues

Question & Answer


What information should be collected when I experience a problem with the Case Analyzer component of the IBM FileNet Case Foundation 5.2?


Must Gather for the IBM Case Foundation 5.2.x Case Analyzer software

Collecting data before calling IBM support will help you understand the problem and save time analyzing the data.

Collecting data early, before opening the PMR, helps IBM® Support quickly determine if:

  • Symptoms match known problems (rediscovery).
  • There is a non-defect problem that can be identified and resolved.
  • There is a defect that identifies a workaround to reduce severity.

Locating the root cause of a problem can speed development of a code fix.

Describing the Problem

This background information is needed for opening a PMR, but is not gathered by the data collector:

  • How often does this problem occur?
  • Can the problem be reproduced? And if so, how is it reproduced?
  • How many users are affected by this problem?
  • Is the problem in newly exercised functionality? Or was this previously working and now it's stopped working?
  • What, if anything, has been changed?
  • What is the business impact of this problem?
  • Is there a workaround?

Gathering Operating System Versions, Settings and Logs

These commands collect:
  • OS Version
  • OS Environment Variables
  • OS Kernel parameters
  • OS running processes
  • OS networking information
  • OS locale information
  • OS log files
Run the following commands on the Content Foundation Content Platform Engine server and collect the output:

AIX Servers
/usr/sbin/instfix -ivq ​OS Patches or Maintenance level​
env ​OS Environment Variables​
errpt -a​OS Configuration & Error Reporting​
/usr/sbin/lsattr -E -l sys0 ​OS Kernel parameters​
ps -ef​currently running processes​
netstat -an​socket information​
locale -a​
locale information​
/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log​include system log files​

HP Servers
/usr/sbin/swlist -l product ​OS Patches or Maintenance level​
env ​OS Environment Variables​
/usr/sbin/dmesg ​OS Configuration & Error Reporting​
/usr/sbin/sysdef ​OS Kernel parameters​
ps -ef​currently running processes​
netstat -an​socket information​
locale -a​
locale information​
/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log​include system log files​

Solaris Servers
/usr/bin/showrev -a ​OS Patches or Maintenance level​
env ​OS Environment Variables​
/usr/sbin/prtdiag -v ​OS Configuration & Error Reporting​
/usr/sbin/sysdef -D ​
/usr/bin/getconf -a​
OS Kernel parameters​
ps -ef​currently running processes​
netstat -an​socket information​
locale -a​
locale information​
/var/adm/messages & /var/log/syslog​include system log files​

Windows Servers
WMIC /OUTPUT:C:\ProcessList.txt PROCESS get Caption,Processid,Usermodetime,Commandline​current running processes including the command line​
set​OS Environment Variables​
Windows 2003: ​
cscript C:\windows\system32\eventquery.vbs ​
/L application /R 1000 /V ​
cscript C:\windows\system32\eventquery.vbs ​
/L system /R 1000 /V ​

Windows 2008 and newer:​
wevtutil epl System Systemlog.evtx​
wevtutil epl Application Applicationlog.evtx​
OS Event Logs​
netstat -an​socket information​
chcp​display code page​

Linux Servers
uname -a​OS Version​
/usr/bin/showrev -a ​OS Patches or Maintenance level​
env ​OS Environment Variables​
/usr/sbin/prtdiag -v ​OS Configuration & Error Reporting​
/usr/sbin/sysdef -D ​
/usr/bin/getconf -a ​
OS Kernel parameters​
/usr/bin/getconf -a​configuration info​
ps -ef​currently running processes​
netstat -an​socket information​
locale -a​
locale information​
/var/log/messages.*​include system log files​

Content Foundation Content Platform Engine Process Version and Build

java -classpath \Program Files\IBM\FileNet\ContentEngine\lib\pe.jar filenet.vw.toolkit.utils.VWBuildStamp

You may need to fully specify the path to java and you may need to fully specify the path to pe.jar.

Content Foundation Content Platform Engine Configuration and Status

In a web browser, go to your Content Engine's basic info pages:



In the above URLs, replace cpehost with the actual hostname of your Content Manager server, and, if necessary, replace 9080 with the actual port for your CE Server.

Include the returned HTML and XML pages.

Content Foundation Content Platform Engine Process Configuration and Status

Include the returned HTML page for these URLs as seen in a browser:



In the above URLs, replace cpehost with the actual hostname of your Content Foundation Content Platform Engine server, and, if necessary, replace 9080 with the actual port for your server.

In the response to the java_dump=true request, in the "Other message" area, you'll see the location of the java dump that was created. Look in that location and capture the *javacore.*.txt file.

You must substitute a valid connection point name for myCP in the above URLs.

Collect the following database information for Case Analyzer installation and configuration issues:

Case Foundation Case Analyzer supports publishing to the Microsoft® SQL Server, DB2® for Linux®, UNIX and Windows®, and Oracle® databases.

  • The dedicated TCP/IP port number of the database instance used by the Case Analyzer
  • The name of the database server, if Case Analyzer is configured with a remote database
  • The ca_db_administrator user ID for the Case Analyzer database instance. This ID is the user created in Creating required users for run time
  • If you use OLAP integration with Microsoft SQL Server:
  • The name of the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services server, if separate from the database server
  • The name of the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services instance, if Analysis Services is configured as a named instance
  • Database version

Case Analyzer Logs and Traces

Depending on the issue you are troubleshooting you will need to enable vwtool tracing. To enable the tracing follow the steps detailed in the link below:

Enable the following tracing options:
  • Case Analyzer Publishing (Trace the Case Analyzer event publishing process)
  • Case Analyzer Collection (Trace the event collection process which queries the event logs)
  • Case Analyzer Database (Trace the database query statements that are run by Case Analyzer)
  • Case Analyzer RPC (Trace the remote procedure calls from the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine)
  • Case Analyzer Upgrade (Trace the Case Analyzer upgrade operation)
  • Case Analyzer OLAP (Trace the interaction with the OLAP database that is conducted through the OLAP connector)
  • Event exporter (Trace the core framework for Case Analyzer, which drives the Case Analyzer publishing and collection processes)

Additional file collection


It may be appropriate to include screenshots of errors or other symptoms that will help us understand the problem.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSTHRT","label":"IBM Case Foundation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Case Analyzer","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";5.2.1;5.2","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

