IBM Support

Updating IBM Java Runtime in IBM Watson Explorer Annotation Administration Console Version 10.0 or Version 11.0

Fix Readme


Follow the procedures in this document to update the version of IBM Runtime Environment, Java Technology Edition that is provided with IBM Watson Explorer Annotation Administration Console Version 10.0 or Version 11.0. The Annotation Administration Console is a separately installable component of IBM Watson Explorer Foundational Components.


Follow these steps after you download the required version of IBM Java Runtime for your operating system from Fix Central:

1. On the master server, log in as the Annotation Administration Console administrator.
2. Change to the ES_INSTALL_ROOT/bin directory and enter the command "esadmin stop" to stop the system.
3. Enter the command "stopccl" ( on Linux) to stop the Common Communication Layer.
4. Rename the following directories (e.g. _jvm.orig).
    On Linux:
    On Windows:
5. Create empty directories, _jvm and _jvm64, at the same locations.
6. Copy the files that you extracted from the 32-bit and 64-bit JRE packages to the _jvm and _jvm64 directories, respectively.
7. On Linux, enter the command "ls -la" to see whether the read/write/execute privileges and ownership settings for the new _jvm and _jvm64 files match the settings for the original directories. If they do not match, run the chown command to change the settings. In these examples, "esadmin" is the Annotation Administration Console administrator ID and "staff" is the primary group assigned to the Annotation Administration Console administrator ID:
      chown -R esadmin:staff ES_INSTALL_DIR/_jvm
      chown -R esadmin:staff ES_INSTALL_DIR/_jvm64
8. For a multiple server installation, run steps 3 - 7 on all servers.
9. On all servers, log in as the Annotation Administration Console administrator, change to the ES_INSTALL_ROOT/bin directory, and enter the command "startccl" ( on Linux) to start the Common Communication Layer.
10. On the master server, enter the command "esadmin system startall" to start the Watson Explorer Annotation Administration Console system.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS8NLW","label":"IBM Watson Explorer"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"10.0.0;;;11.0.0;;","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

