IBM Support

IBM InfoSphere Glossary Anywhere client with the correct settings fails login to the server.



IBM InfoSphere Glossary Anywhere client login fails with the error message: 'The connection to the business glossary failed.'


On the client tier, see the full error message in the log file BusinessGlossaryAnywhereyyyymmddhhmmss.log

Error getting server information: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
at PopupPlatform.PopupNetUtils.MakeServiceRequest(String service, String method, String[] parameters, Int32 timeOut, Boolean allowCompression, CookieCollection sendCookies, CookieCollection& resultCookies, Boolean logout)
at PopupPlatform.PopupNetUtils.MakeServiceRequest(String service, String method, String[] parameters, Int32 timeOut)
at PopupPlatform.frmMain.InternalCheckServerConnection()
Error: BG User or Password are invalid.
Showing the error screen. url: host:9080/ibm/iis/igc/?clientLocale=en-US#bgaWelcome/{"replaceFontSize":"m","userName":"username","applicationTitle":"IBM Glossary Anywhere","serverUrl":" host:9080/ibm/iis/igc","mouseCapture":true,"captureAtCaret":false,"CustomizedText":"","keyboardCaptureKey":"Ctrl+Shift+C","mouseButtonSingleCapture":"right","clipboardCaptureKey":"Ctrl+Shift+L","mouseButtonMultiCapture":"right","captureKey":"Shift","captureFromClipboard":true}?bg_req_context={tool:'bga',perspective:'PublishedGlossary'}
Error getting server information: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
at PopupPlatform.PopupNetUtils.MakeServiceRequest(String service, String method, String[] parameters, Int32 timeOut, Boolean allowCompression, CookieCollection sendCookies, CookieCollection& resultCookies, Boolean logout)
at PopupPlatform.PopupNetUtils.MakeServiceRequest(String service, String method, String[] parameters, Int32 timeOut)
at PopupPlatform.frmMain.InternalCheckServerConnection()
Error: BG User or Password are invalid.
Showing the error screen. url: hostname:9445/ibm/iis/igc/secure/logout.jsp
Error: BG User or Password are invalid.
Showing the error screen. url: about:blank
Error: BG User or Password are invalid.
Showing the error screen. url: about:blank


IBM InfoSphere Information Server 11.3.1
IBM InfoSphere Glossary Anywhere client

Diagnosing The Problem

If you browse the content in the web-based tool, does the Internet Explorer web browser reports the warnings or the errors about the certificate ?
Does the Internet Explorer security icon next to the URL shows that the certificate is trusted, or does it show it as an invalid one ?

Resolving The Problem

Install certificate as it is mentioned in the product documentation:

The first time that you access IBM Glossary Anywhere, a general error message will be displayed if the security certificate from the server is not trusted. If you receive such a message, then you must install a security certificate on your target computer.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSZJPD","label":"InfoSphere Business Glossary"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"11.3","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

