IBM Support

Error DBI1581E when cancelling a DB2 pureScale fix pack update



Cancelling a fix pack update to Version 10.5 Fix Pack results in error DBI1578E. When cancelling an online fix pack update on a DB2 pureScale instance, the installFixPack command can fail to enter maintenance mode.


This problem is fixed in Version 10.5 Cancun, and occurs only in Version 10.5 Fix Pack 3 or earlier fix packs.


The installFixPack.log file contains this error:
Unable to enter maintenance mode for host '<HOST-B>' because another host '<HOST-A>' is already in maintenance mode in this cluster. Issue the command 'db2cluster -cm -exit -maintenance' on host '<HOST-A>' to remove the host from maintenance mode and then re-issue this command.

To verify that db2 is started and healthy on members and CFs on <HOST-A>,run the db2instance -list command.

To verify that <HOST-A>is not under maintenance mode, run the following db2cluster command on <HOST-A>:

$ db2cluster -cm -verify -maintenance
Host 'HOST-A' is currently not in maintenance mode.

Check the value of the PeerNode IsQuorumNode flag.
To check the value of PeerNode, run the lsrsrc command on the host that reported it is already in maintenance mode (for example, 'HOST-A'):
lsrsrc IBM.PeerNode
Resource Persistent Attributes for IBM.PeerNode
resource 1:
Name = "<HOST-A>"
NodeList = {1}
RSCTVersion = ""
ClassVersions = {}
CritRsrcProtMethod = 0
IsQuorumNode = 0
IsPreferredGSGL = 1
NodeUUID = ""
HostName = "<HOST-A>"
ActivePeerDomain = "db2domain"
NodeNameList = {"<HOST-A>"}

If the IsQuorumNode flag is set to 0, the value must changed to 1.

In this case, you received the error while attempting the cancel operation on <HOST-B>.
However, to resolve this problem, you must run the command from <HOST-A>.

Resolving The Problem

To continue the cancel fix pack operation, run the steps below from <HOST-A>:

1) Change the value of the the IsQuorumNode flag to 1, by running the following commands as root:
chrsrc -s "Name like '"<HOST-A>'" IBM.PeerNode IsQuorumNode=1

2) Verify that IsQuorumNode is now set to 1. Run the lsrsrc command:
lsrsrc IBM.PeerNode
Resource Persistent Attributes for IBM.PeerNode
resource 1:
Name = "<HOST-A>"
NodeList = {1}
RSCTVersion = ""
ClassVersions = {}
CritRsrcProtMethod = 0
IsQuorumNode = 1
IsPreferredGSGL = 1
NodeUUID = ""
HostName = "<HOST-A>"
ActivePeerDomain = "db2domain"
NodeNameList = {"<HOST-A>"}

3) Rerun the installFixPack command.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"DB2 Tools - Troubleshooting","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"10.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

