IBM Support

db2start on a multi-partition instance may fail with SQL6048N if ksh is not installed



If ksh (korn Shell) is not installed, running db2start on a multi-partition instance may fail with SQL6048N error. This issue is more likely to occur on a Linux platform than other UNIX platforms.


1) db2start failed with SQL6048N, similar to below:

db2inst1@host1:~> db2start
09/21/2014 23:44:03 0 0 SQL6048N A communication error occurred during START or STOP DATABASE MANAGER processing.
09/21/2014 23:44:03 1 0 SQL6048N A communication error occurred during START or STOP DATABASE MANAGER processing.
SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019

2) In db2diag.log, you may see messages similar to below:

2014-09-14- I10481E482 LEVEL: Error
PID : 28659 TID : 139783880472352 PROC : db2start
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, sqleIssueStartStop, probe:8529
MESSAGE : ZRC=0x810F001C=-2129723364=SQLO_NO_CONNECTION "No connection"
DATA #1 : String, 43 bytes
recv failure on db2start or db2stop result
DATA #2 : Member ID, PD_TYPE_SQLZ_MEMBER_ID, 2 bytes

2014-09-14- E12000E420 LEVEL: Error
PID : 28659 TID : 139783880472352 PROC : db2start
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, sqleIssueStartStop, probe:8611
DATA #1 : String, 108 bytes
db2start or db2stop failure from node 0: env: /home/db2inst1/sqllib/adm/db2rstar: No such file or directory

which indicates the source of the error is "env: /home/db2inst1/sqllib/adm/db2rstar: No such file or directory".

However, if you check the file /home/db2inst1/sqllib/adm/db2rstar, it does exist and have the right ownership/permission bits. For example:

db2inst1@host1:~> ls -la /home/db2inst1/sqllib/adm/db2rstar

-r-xr-x--- 1 db2inst1 db2iadm1 1337 Sep 21 22:51 /home/db2inst1/sqllib/adm/db2rstar


The issue was due to the ksh(Korn Shell) package not been installed in the system.

Diagnosing The Problem

After you observe the above db2diag.log messages,

1) at the same time, if you run the command:

db2_all "date"

, it will report an error similar to below:

db2inst1@host1:~> db2_all "date"
-bash: /home/db2inst1/sqllib/bin/db2_all: /bin/ksh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

which indicates /bin/ksh is missing.

2) And if you manually run below command, it reports the same error as in the db2diag.log you observe when running db2start.

db2inst1@host1:~> env /home/db2inst1/sqllib/adm/db2rstar
env: /home/db2inst1/sqllib/adm/db2rstar: No such file or directory

However, if you run db2rstar directly, it reports the file /bin/ksh missing, which is the same error as db2_all.

db2inst1@host1:~> /home/db2inst1/sqllib/adm/db2rstar
-bash: /home/db2inst1/sqllib/adm/db2rstar: /bin/ksh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

The reason that running db2_all or db2rstar need /bin/ksh is because they are both shell scripts with /bin/ksh specified as the shell interpreter in the header of the both shell scripts:


Resolving The Problem

1) You will need to install the pdksh package as per operating system requirements in

Please see system requirements for IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows:

2) Alternatively, you can create a file link /bin/ksh to /bin/bash, which is the default shell in Linux.

3)Please note that the SQL6048N error can also be caused by various other issues. Please see below:

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Routines (SP & UDF) - SQL","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"10.1;10.5;9.5;9.7;9.8","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

