IBM Support

Add Menu Bar, Advanced Search, Save query and Bookmarks in a custom application



Steps on how to add Menu Bar, Advanced Search, Save query and Bookmarks buttons in a custom application.

Resolving The Problem

1. Go to Application Designer and export the new app xml file.

2. Create the Search More Fields dialog in the new application xml and import it.

<dialog beanclass="psdi.webclient.system.beans.QbeBean" id="searchmore" inputmode="query" label="More Search Fields">
<section id="qbe_grid2">
<sectionrow id="qbe_grid2_r1">
<sectioncol id="qbe_grid2_r1_c1">
<section id="qbe_grid2_r1_c1_s1">
<textbox dataattribute="DOMAINID" id="qbe_grid2_r1_c1_s1_tb2" inputmode="query"/>
<textbox dataattribute="DOMAINTYPE" id="qbe_grid2_r1_c1_s1_tb4" inputmode="query"/>
<textbox dataattribute="MAXTYPE" id="qbe_grid2_r1_c1_s1_tb3" inputmode="query"/>
<textbox dataattribute="LENGTH" id="qbe_grid2_r1_c1_s1_tb5" inputmode="query"/>
<textbox dataattribute="SCALE" id="qbe_grid2_r1_c2_s1_tb7" inputmode="query"/>
<sectioncol id="qbe_grid2_r1_c2"/>
<buttongroup id="qbe_buttongrid"><pushbutton default="true" id="qbe_buttongrid_1" label="Find" mxevent="dialogok"/>
<pushbutton id="qbe_restoreappdefault_button" label="Restore Application Defaults" mxevent="qbeclear"/>
<pushbutton id="qbe_revisebutton" label="Revise" menutype="SEARCHMOREREVISE" targetid="searchmore"/>
<pushbutton id="qbe_buttongrid_3" label="Cancel" mxevent="qbecancel"/>

3. Click Select Action -> Add/Modify Signature Options

4. Add the signature options exactly how it is below. including the Description.

Option -> Description

BMXVIEWMANAGEWHER -> Sigoption to control the visibility of the Detail section in View/Manage Queries dialog
BMXVIEWMANAGEWHERRO -> Sigoption to control the editability of the Clause field in View/Manage Queries dialog
BOOKMARK -> Add to Bookmarks
SEARCHBOOK -> Bookmarks
SEARCHMORE -> More Search Fields
SEARCHSQRY -> Save Current Query
SEARCHTIPS -> View Search Tips
SEARCHVMQR -> View/Manage Queries
SEARCHWHER -> Where Clause

5. Click Select Action -> Add/Modify Search Menu

6. Add the Search Menu options exactly how it is below. including the Description.

Key Value -> Header Description

SM 10 -> Advanced Search




SM20 -> Save Query




7. Go to Security Groups app and bring up your group.

8. Grant access to all the new Signature Options that you just created.

9. Sign out and Sign in to test.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Appl Designer","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.1.1;7.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

