IBM Support

Defaulting the filter on Select Owner pop-up to always be expanded.

Question & Answer


Is it possible to default the filter on the Select Owner pop-up to always be expanded instead of collapsed?


In order to have this select action default to showing the filter
expanded you will need to modify the code in the Library.xml file.

To do this you will need to goto Application Designer, Select Action,
Export System XML, and click on the Download arrow for the Library xml.
Then save the library.xml as type XML, and also make a backup copy of
it. Then open up the XML file in a text editor such as wordpad and look
for "select owner".

You should see code that looks similar to this:
<dialog id="owner" label="Select Owner">
<tabgroup id="owner_labor">
<tab beanclass="psdi.webclient.beans.common.OwnerBean" default="true"
id="owner_labor_owner" label="Persons" relationship="persons">
<section id="owner_labor_owner_labordiv1">
<sectionrow id="owner_labor_owner_grid1_1">
<sectioncol id="owner_labor_owner_grid1_1_3">
<section id="owner_labor_owner_grid1_1_3_grid2">
<textbox dataattribute="persongroup"
id="owner_labor_owner_grid1_1_3_grid2_2" inputmode="query" label="Person
Group" lookup="persongroup"/>
<textbox dataattribute="filterdate" datasrc="MAINRECORD"
id="owner_labor_owner_grid1_1_3_grid2_3" lookup="datelookup"/>
<buttongroup id="owner_labor_owner_grid1_1_1_Tblbuttons2">
<pushbutton id="owner_labor_owner_grid1_1_1_Tblbuttons2_1"
label="Refresh" mxevent="REFRESHLIST" targetid="owner_labor_owner"/>
<sectionrow id="owner_labor_owner_labordiv1_1">
<sectioncol id="owner_labor_owner_labordiv1_1_1">
<table id="owner_labor_owner_labordiv1_1_1_tbllabor"
inputmode="readonly" label="Persons" orderby="persongroup asc">
<tablebody displayrowsperpage="15" filterable="true"

Change the last line to add filterexpanded="true" so it looks similar to

<tablebody displayrowsperpage="15" filterable="true"

then save your modified library.xml.

Next in application designer, click on the "Import Application
Definition" icon and browse for your modified xml file and then click
OK. After a few seconds it should come up and say application imported
successfully. Then logout and back in and test.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Appl Designer","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.5","Edition":"Standard","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

