IBM Support

Troubleshooting Hints and Tips for Shared Queues on z/OS



Troubleshooting Hints and Tips for Shared Queues on z/OS


Shared Queue problems encountered needing additional research. Hints and Tips are provided here for self-help.

Resolving The Problem

Troubleshooting hints and tips

1202848 for guidance on determining the amount of coupling facility dump space.
  • Topology details for all distributed queueing related problems. An inbound channel may put to a shared queue, and an outbound channel may get from a shared xmitq. Include the following information for the queue managers and clients that are having the failure:
  • A general description of the distributed queueing environment.
  • Operating system version and release.
  • WebSphere MQ version, release and maintenance level.
  • A full display of the related object definitions:
  • display queue
  • display group
  • display cfstruct
  • display cfstatus

Optional (MustGather) data:

Additional Hints and Tips
  • Coupling Facility failures with MQ for z/OS V5.3.1 and V6.0 and V701:

    There are two main types of failure, and MQ handles these in different ways. See Coupling Facility and structure failure for clarification of how failure scenarios are handled in V6.0 and V701.

    - Firstly, there is a structure failure, which MQ can tolerate at V6 and V701. At V5, if an administration structure fails, all queue managers in the queue-sharing group terminate.

    - Secondly, there is a connection failure to the CF (IXLRSNCODENOCONN or reason X'00000C06'), which MQ does not tolerate. MQ will terminate if it receives a connection failure for either admin or application structures. The reason is that MQ doesn't know if someone else is still connected to the structure (they have not received the connection failure). To maintain data integrity, the queue manager must terminate. Other queue managers in the queue-sharing group might still have connectivity and be able to perform peer level recovery.

    - For testing purposes, a tool called INJERROR is available to simulate damage to a structure. It is not advisable to do such testing in a production environment.

    In WMQ for z/OS 5.3.1, failure of a queue-sharing group's administration (admin) CF structure will cause all the queue managers in the queue sharing group (QSG) to abnormally terminate. CF duplexing of your admin CF structures will reduce the possibility of CF structure failure. However this has an associated performance cost. MQ does not do any management of duplex CF structures, and relies on the CF services to transparently handle duplexing on behalf of MQ.

    For V6 and V7 MQ enables queue managers within a QSG to tolerate failure of that QSG's admin CF structure. On detecting such a failure each queue manager will rebuild its part of the admin structure from its in-memory data. Peer recovery for a queue manager will be suspended until that queue manager has rebuilt its part of the admin structure, meaning that in-flight MQGETs and in-commit MQPUTs messages for the failed queue manager will only be available to other queue managers when the failed queue manager has restarted. All other applications, including shared queue applications, can carry on processing without the admin structure being available. A queue manager at V701 or later in the queue sharing group can build another queue manager's entries in the admin structure.

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[{"Product":{"code":"SSFKSJ","label":"WebSphere MQ"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Shared Queues","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"8.0;7.1;7.0.1;6.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
23 June 2018

