IBM Support

Additional Refresh Button for Assignment Manager, Work List



Unable to add a refresh button to the Assignment Manager screen for the Work List section that can be used without expanding the filter.


Expanding the filter allows use of the magnifying glass icon, but the screen displays much wider with the filter expanded and causes some fields to not be visible without scrolling.

In Maximo 6.2 Assignment Manager, the current Work List could be refreshed using the binoculars icon, which was available whether the filter was expanded or not.

You may experience problems if the Assignment Manager screen is used to manage a high volume of jobs and being able to refresh the screen easily is a feature which was used frequently in Maximo 6.2.

Resolving The Problem

We have been investigating this case, and yes, there is a way to have the 'Refresh Work List' button to the top of the Work List section, in Assignment Manager application. However, this will require you to export the workman.xml file, modify some content and then import the modified workman.xml file again in Application Designer.

1. Go to Application Designer and search for the Assignment Manager application definition record
Then click on 'Export Application Definition' button and save the file in some folder

2. Change the exported file on a XML editor according to below (SEARCH FOR THIS : table id="assignments_table" , AND CHANGE AS BELOW) :

<table id="assignments_table" label="Work List" selectmode="multiple">

<buttongroup id="wmassign_Buttongroup2">
<pushbutton id="wmassign_button_12" label="Filter Work to Match Labor" mxevent="matwolist"/>
<pushbutton id="wmassign_button_22" label="Filter Work to Match Crew" licensekey="CREW" mxevent="crwmatwo"/>
<pushbutton id="wmassign_button_32" label="Refresh Work List" mxevent="amworkrefresh"/>
<pushbutton default="true" id="wmassign_button_42" label="New Row" mxevent="addrow"/>

<tablebody customizable="true" displayrowsperpage="8" filterable="true" filterexpanded="false" id="assign_tablebody">

3. Save your XML file.

4. Go to Application Designer and search for the Assignment Manager application definition record.

5. Click on 'Import Application Definition' button and select the file you changed.

6. Save record.

7. Go to the Assignment Manager and check that the 'Refresh Work List' button is available on the top of the Work List section.

You will now have an additional refresh button on the Work List screen.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.0;7.1;7.1.1;7.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

