IBM Support

Turning off an "attribute group" for Tivoli Storage Manager Reporting and Monitoring



It is possible that some "attribute group" may delay data collection for Tivoli Storage Manager Reporting and Monitoring so it could be useful to disable it.

Diagnosing The Problem

Disable the desiderated attribute group.

Resolving The Problem

Here is a list of valid "attribute group" with the explanation of what they do, used by Tivoli Storage Manager Reporting and Monitoring:

KSK_ACTLOG, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager activity log entries.

KSK_CMF_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the client missed files data.

KSK_CNS_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the client node status data.

KSK_CNSTG_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the client node storage data.

KSK_DB_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the database data.

KSK_DRV_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server drive table for tape drives associated with this server.

KSK_HEARTBEAT_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server periodically to determine whether the logon from the monitoring agent was successful. This information is placed in to the Agent Log workspace for you to determine that status of the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The status can help you identify if the Tivoli Storage Manager server is not started. See KSK_HEARTBEAT_MINUTES.

KSK_LIB_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for tape library devices associated with this server.

KSK_LOGTOQUERY, Default Value = There is no default value
Specify activity log message numbers to be mined without attention to the message severity. For example, 4005, 4007, 4018, 4037, 4987. Separate numeric values with a comma (,). The maximum number of messages you can specify is 40.

KSK_LOGNOTTOQUERY, Default Value = There is no default value
Specify activity log message numbers that you want to exclude from any results. For example, 4005, 4007, 4018, 4037, 4987. Separate numeric values with a comma (,). The maximum number of messages you can specify is 40.

KSK_NODEA_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the node activity data.

KSK_OCC_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for occupancy data.

KSK_REPLSTAT_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for replication status data.

KSK_REPLDETAIL_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for replication details data.

KSK_PVU_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for PVU details.

KSK_QUERYERR, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for all error entries in the activity log.

KSK_QUERYINF, Default Value = 0
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for all informational entries in the activity log.

KSK_QUERYWARN, Default Value = 0
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for all warning entries in the activity log.

KSK_QUERYSEV, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for all severe entries in the activity log.

KSK_SCHED_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the schedule data.

KSK_SERVER_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for server-specific data such as operations byte counts, operation duration, and total storage size.

KSK_STGDEV_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the storage device data.

KSK_SUMM_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the activity summary data.

KSK_TAPEUSG_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the tape usage data.

KSK_TAPEVOL_ON, Default Value = 1
Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the tape volume data.

KSK_TRACE, Default Value = 0

Use the following steps to disable a specific attribute group:

1. Stop the TSM Agent Instances
    A.  Windows
        -- Open up the Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services (TEMS)
        -- Select each of the Monitoring Agent for Tivoli Storage Manager and stop the agent

    B.  AIX/Linux
        -- itmcmd agent -o instance_name stop sk  (command line)
        -- Open up the CandleManage
           Select each of the Monitoring Agent for Tivoli Storage Manager and Stop the agent

2. Modify the following config file(s) to turn off the tape usage attribute group

    A. Config file Location
           a. Windows: <install_dir>\itm\tmaitm6
              Example:  C:\IBM\itm\tmaitm6

           b. AIX/Linux: <install_dir>/itm/config
              Example:  /opt/Tivoli/TSM/Reporting/itm/config
    B. Config file Name
           a. Windows:  kskenv_xxx (xxx = name of the agent instance)
              Example:  kskenv_myinstance

           b. AIX/Linux: sk_xxx.config   (xxx = name of the agent instance)
              Example:  sk_myinstance.config
           b1. AIX/Linux: sk.ini

    C. Change Parameters
       ** CONSIDERATIONS ***
        You can use any text editor to edit the environment file.
         •Valid values are 0 and 1.
         •A value of 0 disables the query.
         •A value of 1 enables the query
         •An invalid value disables the query.
       Edit the configuration file and change the value of desiderated "attribute group" from 1 to 0

For example:

[{"Product":{"code":"SSGSG7","label":"Tivoli Storage Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Server","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"6.3.4;7.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

