IBM Support

IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) installation fails to start on AIX 6.1 with POWER 8



IBM Business Process Manager installation on AIX 6.1 with POWER 8 might fail to start if certain GUI libraries are not present.


IBM Business Process Manager Installation fails to start on AIX 6.1 with POWER 8, with the following error:

JVMDUMP006I Processing dump event "gpf", detail "" - please wait.
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested System dump using '/opt/hanminw/IM/core.20140424.011426.5308606.0001.dmp' in response to an event
Note: "Enable full CORE dump" in smit is set to FALSE and as a result there will be limited threading information in core file.
JVMDUMP010I System dump written to /opt/hanminw/IM/core.20140424.011426.5308606.0001.dmp
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Java dump using '/opt/hanminw/IM/javacore.20140424.011426.5308606.0002.txt' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to /opt/hanminw/IM/javacore.20140424.011426.5308606.0002.txt
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Snap dump using '/opt/hanminw/IM/Snap.20140424.011426.5308606.0003.trc' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I Snap dump written to /opt/hanminw/IM/Snap.20140424.011426.5308606.0003.trc
JVMDUMP013I Processed dump event "gpf", detail "".
Segmentation fault(coredump)


IBM Installation Manager requires GTK libraries to support the graphical user interface. If the environment does not have required library, or the library version is higher or lower than the requirement, Installation Manager fails when it is starting.

Resolving The Problem

Install the required GTK libraries according to the Required gtk libraries for Installation Manager on AIX document.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFTN5","label":"IBM Business Process Manager Advanced"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation \/ Configuration","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"}],"Version":"8.5.6;8.5.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSFTDH","label":"IBM Business Process Manager Standard"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation \/ Configuration","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"}],"Version":"8.5.6;8.5.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

