IBM Support

AWSBHT087E and AWSDCJ200W (or AWSDCJ202W) errors are received



AWSBHT087E Batchman determined jobman failed: AWSDCJ200W Stopped with exit 127. The TWS jobman process will not start on a Unix system. There is either and issue with the jobman file or a library cannot be loaded.


All TWS Engine processes start except for jobman. The complete message found in stdlist/traces/<DATE>_TWSMERGE.log follows:

AWSBHT087E Batchman determined jobman failed: AWSDCJ200W Stopped with exit 127

...on Solaris:
BATCHMAN:* AWSBHT087E Batchman has determined that jobman has failed with the following exit code: AWSDCJ202W Stopped by:SIGKILL.


The return code 127 means that the file was not found or that a required library could not be found.

Diagnosing The Problem

1. Confirm that the <TWAHome>/TWS/bin/jobman file exists and has the correct ownership and mode.

For example:
-r-s--s--x 1 root m86 1007432 Dec 9 2012 jobman

NOTE: The numeric representation of the mode is 6511. Also, the owner must be root.

2. Attempt to list dynamic dependencies for jobman:

$ cd <TWAHome>/TWS/bin

$ ldd jobman

NOTE:: Run the ldd command before and after sourcing the file.

If an error is returned from the ldd command then check ownership and mode of the files and directories that should contain the required libraries.

Resolving The Problem

Inspect the mode and ownership of files in /usr/Tivoli/TWS including /usr, /usr/Tivoli, /usr/Tivoli/TWS, etc.

In one case, the mode for /usr/Tivoli was 700. Changing the mode to 755 resolved the issue. Since all other TWS Engine processes (netman, mailman, batchman, writer) started without issue, it appears that the libraries in <TWAHome>/TWS/bin were accessed by those binaries and the jobman process was forced to find libraries under /usr/Tivoli/TWS.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSGSPN","label":"IBM Workload Scheduler"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":"8.4;8.5;8.5.1;8.6;9.1;9.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

