IBM Support

Unable to install OpenPages 7.0 and CommandCenter in mixed operating systems using OpenPages Administrative Console



The OpenPages Administrative Console allows you to install OpenPages application and CommandCenter only in the same operating system. If you have mixed operating systems in the application servers and reporting servers, the installation cannot be done using the normal process. For example, you cannot install OpenPages on Windows and then install CommandCenter on AIX or Linux.


The operating system cannot be specifically selected for each application server and reporting server. You may notice the validation error "Invalid directory format" in the directory fields when filling out the information in the form.


The installation in mixed operating systems cannot be done due to some limitations in the OpenPages Administrative Console.


Mixed operating systems which are Windows, AIX and Linux.

Resolving The Problem

To install OpenPages application in one operating system and CommandCenter in another operating system, follow these steps:

Install OpenPages on application servers
  1. Go to Change Settings at the top deployment level to open up the forms. Select the operating system for the application servers.
  2. Fill out the information on the Admin Server page.
  3. Fill out the information on the Non-admin server page if any.
  4. On the Reporting Server page, leave the default value in the following fields or enter any paths to pass the UI validation. These values will not be used in the actual CommandCenter installation later on because once the OpenPages installation is completed, the installation process will stop before running CommandCenter installation.
    • Cognos Home
    • Cognos Java Home
    • CommandCenter Home
    • Framework Output
    • CommandCenter Backup/Restore
    • Database Client Home Directory

5. On the Database Server page,
  • Regardless of the database type, if the database schema is already installed, select Already Installed in Database Creation Information section and fill out the form and click Finish. Then proceed to step 6.
  • If you want to install the database schema in Oracle, fill out the form and click Finish. Then proceed to step 6.
  • If you want to install the database schema in DB2 and the application servers and database server have mixed operating systems between Windows and Unix, follow the following steps below. Otherwise, fill out the form, click Finish and proceed to step 6.
    • a. Enter any paths using the corresponding path separator format in Database Path and Catalog Path fields to pass the path validation for now.
      b. Then click Finish and close the OpenPages Administrative Console.
      c. In Windows Explorer, go to the current deployment workspace. To find out where the current deployment workspace is, select File > Select Deployment... in the OpenPages Administrative Console to get the directory.
      d. In the workspace, open topology.xml in the text editor.
      e. Search for the key DB2CatalogPath and DB2DataBasePath, then update the values with the correct path.
      f. Save the file and open the OpenPages Administrative Console.
      g. To ensure the paths are updated correctly, go to Change Settings at the top deployment level and verify the above two database paths on the Database Server form.
      h. Ignore the validation error on these two paths and click Cancel.

6. Click Execute All Remaining Steps.
7. Once the OpenPages installation completes on all the application servers, proceed to Install CommandCenter on reporting servers.

Install CommandCenter on reporting servers

Please note: The following steps do not execute some of the prerequisite validations. Make sure the reporting servers meet all the prerequisites before proceeding to the CommandCenter installation.
  1. In the OpenPages Administrative Console, create a new deployment to install CommandCenter from the menu File > New > New Deployment...
  2. Enter a new path for the new deployment and click OK.
  3. Go to File > Preferences... and enable Deployment Steps.
  4. Go to Change Settings at the top deployment level.
  5. Select the operating system for the reporting server.
  6. On the Admin Server and Non-admin Server pages, fill out the information for application server. Leave the default value or enter any paths to the fields that require the directory.
  7. Fill out the information on the Reporting Server pages.
  8. On the Database Server page, select Already Installed in Database Creation Information section and fill out the form. Click Finish.
  9. In the Deployment tab, right click the Reporting Server #1 node. Select Advanced > Prepare CommandCenter Install. Click Deploy.
  10. Go back to Deployment tab, right click the Reporting Server #1 node. Select Advanced > Deploy Tomcat for CommandCenter Install. Click Deploy.
  11. Go back to Deployment tab, right click the Reporting Server #1 node. Select Advanced > Deploy Cognos for CommandCenter Install. Click Deploy.
  12. Go back to Deployment tab, right click the Reporting Server #1 node. Select Advanced > Wrap up for CommandCenter Install. Click Deploy.
  13. Repeat the steps 9-12 for Reporting Server #n if any.
  14. On each reporting server, open <Cognos_Home>/configuration/ in the text editor.
  15. Locate openpages.application.url property and add/update the application port from the corresponding application server in the URL. For example, http\://<App_Server>\:10108/openpages and save the file.
  16. Restart the Cognos server.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFUEU","label":"IBM OpenPages with Watson"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

