IBM Support

Known Issues and Limitations: Version 4.1.x IBM Spectrum Protect™ Snapshot MMC Snapin & Base System Services

Preventive Service Planning


This document details the Known Issues and Limitations for the IBM Spectrum Protect™ Snapshot MMC Snapin and Base System Services 4.1.x.


Tip: Beginning with Version 4.1.3, Tivoli Storage FlashCopy® Manager is now IBM Spectrum Protect™ Snapshot. Some applications such as the software fulfillment systems and IBM License Metric Tool use the new product name. However, the software and its product documentation continue to use the Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager product name. To learn more about the rebranding transition, see

The IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot MMC Snapin and Base System Services component provides the MMC GUI interface ​​File System and Custom Application Snapshot support feature which provides a generic backup agent that can be used to create snapshots of file systems, other applications or databases not explicitly supported by the IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot product on Windows.

This document is divided into linked sections for ease of navigation. You may use the links below to jump to the desired section of the document.

General Issues and Limitations
Exchange Environment Specific Issues and Limitations
SQL Environment Specific Issues and Limitations
VSS Issues and Limitations
National Language Support (NLS), and Other Issues When Operating in a Non-English Environment
Data Protection for VMware "application protection" Integration Related Issues and Limitations
Known Issues and Limitations Resolved with 4.1.2
Known issues and Limitations Resolved with 4.1.3
Known issues and Limitations Resolved with
Known issues and Limitations Resolved with 4.1.6

General Issues and Limitations

  • Metro / Global Mirror configurations are not supported with Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager components running on the Windows platform.

  • Changing the temporary password of the TSM Configuration Wizard Marco leads to Errors
    The TSM configuration wizard of Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager for Windows provides an option for the wizard to configure the Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) server.

    When the option is selected, an administrator can edit the TSM server configuration macro before it is submitted to the TSM server.

    The generated TSM macro template includes statements which
    contain a temporary password. This password will be reset during configuration using passwordaccess generate.

    The problem occurs if the value of the temporary password is
    changed. This because another generated script expects that specific temporary password to be used.

    Changing the temporary password directly in the TSM marco could lead to errors like the following:

        ACN5229E An error occurred while obtaining VSS information from the following Local DSMAgent Node: 'myNode'.
        ACN0520E Failed to connect to Local DSMAGENT Node 'myNode' at address:port 'myDNSaddress:33915'.
        Verify that the TSM Client Acceptor Daemon (CAD) is installed, configured, and running properly.

        MM/DD/2013 18:13:58 ANS1835E PASSWORDACCESS is GENERATE, but password needed for server 'myServer'.
        Either the password is not stored locally, or it was changed at the server.
        MM/DD/2013 18:13:58 ANS1025E Session rejected: Authentication failure

    Workaround: None. This is a permanent restriction of the product. If you are using the TSM Configuration wizard, you must not change the temporary password defined in the TSM macro called by the configuration wizard. This wizard uses this temporary password in several places.

    Also, the comments included in the TSM macro used by the configuration wizard will be updated to include an additional warning that the temporary password should not be changed. (IC99664)

  • The following 4 naming limitations exist for:

  • - the Database name
    - the Mount path for 'mount backup' command.
    when protected by $component.

    Limitation Description
    'restore' command
    'mount' command
    1.Database name ends with 14 digits surrounded by parentheses characters.
    db/sg name: 'DB(XXXXXXXXXXXXXX)'
    Supported, but the object Id should be specified with the restore command
    Supported, but the object Id should be specified with the mount command
    2.Database name either ends with, or contains, a substring of 14 digits surrounded by parentheses characters, and is followed by the equal sign.
    db/sg name: 'DB(XXXXXXXXXXXXXX)=DB'
    Not supported
    3.Mount path for 'mount backup' command ends with 14 digits surrounded by parentheses characters.
    mount path: 'C:\dir1\dir2(XXXXXXXXXXXXXX)'
    Supported, but the object Id should be specified with the mount command
    4.Mount path for 'mount backup' command either ends with, or contains, a substring of 14 digits surrounded by parentheses characters, and is followed by the equal sign.
    mount path: 'C:\dir1\dir2(XXXXXXXXXXXXXX)=\dir3'
    Supported, but the object Id should be specified with the mount command

    1. Database name ends with 14 digits surrounded by parentheses characters. For example: 'DB(20120409153304)'
      In this case you will not be able to restore the Database or mount backup by name. To restore or mount backup you will have to specify Object ID associated with the backup after the database name. Object ID should be surrounded by parentheses.
        Example 'restore' command: tdpexcc.exe restore $db_or_sg_name($objectID) full

    2. Database name either ends with, or contains, a substring of 14 digits surrounded by parentheses characters, and is followed by the equal sign. For example: 'DB(20120409153304)=AB'
      In this case you will not be able to run "mount backup" for this Database. There is no workaround for "mount backup" command. "restore" command is not affected.

    3. Mount path for 'mount backup' command ends with 14 digits surrounded by parentheses characters. For example: 'c:\dir1\dir2(20120409153304)'
      In this case you will not be able to mount a backup by name. To mount backup, you will have to specify the Object ID associated with the backup after the database name. The Object ID should be surrounded by parentheses.
        Example 'mount' command: tdpexcc.exe mount backup $db_or_sg_name($objectID)=c:\path\)

    4. Mount path for 'mount backup' command either ends with, or contains, a substring of 14 digits surrounded by parentheses characters, and is followed by the equal sign. For example: 'c:\dir1\dir2(20120409153304)=\dir3'
      In this case you will not be able to mount backup by name. To mount the backup, you will have to the specify Object ID associated with the backup after the database name. Object ID should be surrounded by parentheses.
        Example 'mount' command: tdpexcc.exe mount backup $db_or_sg_name($objectID)=c:\path\)

    Note: Backup of a database or name that includes one of the limitations will not be prevented. (IC79445) (IC94303)

  • If backup has been mounted on a remote server and a "Restore Into" operation is started, the operation will fail with:

      • "FMV1086E (RC104) File not found during Backup, Archive or Migrate processing"

    Workaround: None. Performing a "Restore Into" operation with a backup that is mounted on a remote server is not supported. You must first unmount the backup from the remote server. (96701)

  • Under rare circumstances a FlashCopy Manager stand alone server backup can fail and make future stand alone backups inoperable without recommended circumvention

  • The problem can only occur during the initial stand alone server backup when the FlashCopy Manager agent service is abnormally terminated while the backup is running.

    The problem occurs because a saved copy of the local data bases is not available to recover to because a previous backup never completed. Also, subsequent backups fail because the database files were left in a corrupt state by the first backup.

    The problem can only happen during the initial backup. Once a backup successfully completes, saved copies of the local databases are available for recovery.

    Workaround: Stop the FlashCopy Manager agent service, delete all local FlashCopy Manager database files in the FlashCopy Manager staging directory, and then restart the FlashCopy Manager agent service. (98688)

  • When interacting with the Automation view in the MMC GUI a Tips button is available. When clicked, it displays helpful tips. The displayed tips apply to both command line and PowerShell commands but do not cover PowerShell specific options.

  • Workaround: Consider the following tips related to PowerShell commands in the Automation view:
      - A drop down menu allows choosing between Command Line and PowerShell commands when interacting with a local computer. When interacting with a remote computer, only PowerShell commands are supported.

      - Click the "Display Cmdlet Chooser" toolbar icon to toggle the display of the cmdlet chooser window.

      - Enter text in the search field of the cmdlet chooser window to help find the cmdlets you are interested in. For example type: 'get' to see all FlashCopy Manager and Data Protection cmdlets that include "get" in their names.

      - Click any combination of cmdlet types in the cmdlet chooser window to narrow down the list of cmdlets to only those types.

      - Click the orange arrow icon in the cmdlet chooser window to copy the bare cmdlet name to the command window.

      - Click on the orange plus icon in the cmdlet chooser window to copy the full text of the cmdlet to the command window. The type of each parameter will be shown as a placeholder to the right of each parameter. Double click the type (for example string) and type in the desired value.

      - Click the "Display as List" toolbar icon to toggle the output between table (default) and list view.

      - For general tips on interacting with PowerShell see or search the web for "Scripting with Windows PowerShell". (97889)

    • Remotely Mounted backups are not removed from the storage device after manual deletion or expiration

    • FlashCopy Manager on Windows Filesystem backups can be mounted using the Remote Mount feature. When one of these remotely mounted backups is manually deleted, or expires based on policy retention definitions, it will be deleted from the Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager inventory. However, the actual snapshot located on the storage device will remain.

      Workaround: Ensure that remotely mounted backup images are unmounted prior to manual deletion or expiration.
      (33605) (33605-321)

    • The stand-alone or TSM configuration wizards may experience a temporary failure

    • Workaround: Use the Re-Run button to perform the operation again. (88813)

    • The Flashcopy Manager MMC GUI will crash during a local mount operation if all windows drive letters are in use.

    • Workaround: Perform the operation via the command line interface in order to avoid the MMC GUI crash or free up a drive letter and try the operation again. (88234)

    • Remotely Mounted backups are not removed from the storage device after manual deletion or expiration.

    • Backups can be mounted using the Remote Mount feature. When one of these remotely mounted backups is manually deleted, or expires based on policy retention definitions, it will be deleted from the Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager inventory. However, the actual snapshot image located on the storage device will remain.

      Workaround: Ensure that remotely mounted backup images are unmounted prior to manual deletion or expiration.

    • When performing a mount backup operation specifying multiple volumes. If one of the volumes can not be mounted a message will be displayed.

      • FMF6013E Mount backup command failed. The mount point and or backup specified is invalid.
        Please refer to dsmerror.log for further details.

      The message does not indicate which mounts failed. Some may have succeeded.

      Workaround: If the message is displayed, then issue a "fcmcli query backup" command to review the mount status of the desired backup. (31077) (31077-410)

    • When using the command line to restore a backup, if multiple backups are specified and one or some of the
    backups fail, the error message reported by the CLI may report the wrong backup failed.

      Workaround: Two workarounds exist:

      1) Use the MMC GUI when you wish to restore multiple backups are the same time.
      2) Do not issue a single CLI command to restore multiple backups. Instead issue multiple CLI
      commands; one for each backup you wish to restore.
      Do not use -> fcmcli restore G:,H: /backupdest=tsm
      Instead use -> fcmcli restore G: /backupdest=tsm
      fcmcli restore H: /backupdest=tsm (120822)
    • In certain situations when using the MMC interface to restore a SQL database backup to some
    alternate location, the Restore button is not disabled in the "Alternate Location Restore Settings" form.
    This happens after the end-user is warned that a restore operation cannot be performed on non-readable secondary
    replica the 'Restore to alternate location' radio button is grayed out, but the 'Restore' button is clickable.
    If the restore operation is still performed then the operation fails as expected. This bug allows the restore
    operation while the right MMC behavior would be to prevent the restore operation to proceed and eventually to
    fail as expected. A warning message already announced that the restore operation cannot be successfully performed.

      Workaround: None, you cannot restore on non-readable secondary replica of a SQL AAG database. (120898)

    Exchange Environment Specific Issues and Limitations


    SQL Environment Specific Issues and Limitations
  • The value displayed in the Physical Path column of the SQL Server | Protect | Files view of the MMC GUI will not display the actual physical path if running on a secondary replica of an AlwaysOn availability group and the physical path is different on the primary and secondary replicas.

  • Workaround: To see the actual physical path issue the following T-SQL statement in SQL Server Management Studio:

    select * from master.sys.master_files


  • When using the SQL Recover view of the MMC GUI interface to delete CopyFull backups, selecting a CopyFull backup may show as FULL instead of CopyFull. The command completes successfully but the backup is not deleted.

  • Workaround: Use the DELETE BACKUP command from the command line and specify COPYFULL as the backup type.

    VSS Issues and Limitations

    • "Access Denied" messages received during VSS operations with GPT-format physical disks
      If you are receiving an "access denied" message and are unable to lock the volume, please refer to this Microsoft article for additional information: You will need to install the Microsoft hot fixes appropriate to your environment on each node within the cluster.

      To resolve this issue on Windows 2012, please install:

      To resolve this issue on Windows 2012 R2, you will need to install the following updates in the order listed (due to fix dependencies):

      Windows Server 2012 R2 Update March, 2014

      Windows Server 2012 R2 Update April, 2014
        Note: These KB's must be installed in the following order:
        KB2919355, <------------------- this install takes a long time to install.
        KB2938439, and

      Windows Server 2012 R2 June 2014 update rollup
        Note: These KB's must be installed in the following order:

  • The "Minimum VSS Requestor Level" status may show as "passed" even though a down level TSM Backup-Archive Client is installed

  • From within the MMC configuration wizard, the "Requirement Check" page includes a status of the "Minimum VSS Requestor Level". This validation check will indicate a "passed" status in some scenarios where the minimum level of the VSS Requestor or TSM Backup-Archive Client required for that level is not installed. Attempts to perform VSS operations will fail with a message similar to:
      Failed - ANS2040E (RC5853) While attempting to communicate with the remote client

    Workaround: Ensure that you have the minimum required VSS Requestor or TSM Backup-Archive Client level installed for the level of FlashCopy Manager on Windows, Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange Server, or Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server code in use. If a down level version of the VSS Requestor or TSM Backup-Archive Client is installed, update that level to the minimum required. You can verify the minimum level required for your environment via the HW & SW Requirements tech notes for your respective software and level.

    FlashCopy Manager Requirements:

    TSM for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server Requirements:

    TSM for Mail: Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange Server Requirements:


  • The following message:

    • FMV9350E (RC6055) Backup operation failed due to volume mixture. Please refer to explanation section for additional information.

    should be:
      FMV9350E (RC6055) Backup operation failed due to volume mixture. Please refer to the explanation in the Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager Messages Guide for additional information. (87040)

    • Microsoft Hotfix KB 3095663 ( is not available on the Windows 2012 platform. As a result, instant restore operations may randomly fail with a VSS_E_PROVIDER_VETO message.

    • Workaround: Restart VSS service before performing instant restore operations, or upgrade the Windows operating system to Windows 2012 R2. (108601)

    • When both of the following hardware providers are installed on the same system:
      • IBM XIV VSS hardware provider
      • Microsoft iSCSI VSS hardware provider
      instant restore operations via the VSS ResyncLuns API may fail for XIV volumes.

      Workaround: Uninstall the Microsoft iSCSI VSS hardware provider (108975)

    • The VSS diagnostic action is not displayed after opening the MMC configuration wizard and clicking on diagnostics when using Windows Server 2008.

    • Workaround: In the MMC configuration wizard expand the diagnostic node and select either trace and log files or
      system information. The VSS diagnostics will then appear in the actions panel. (116515)
    • The Configuration Wizard May Fail To Provision the VSS Requester On Windows 2016 Data Center In The Following Circumstances:

    The configuration wizard may fail to provision the VSS Requester on Windows 2016 Data Center if the installation image
    is on a mapped network drive rather such as \\servername\sharename rather than a local drive such as C:\

    Even if the user clicks "Yes" to the Microsoft Windows UAC popup the VSS Requester may not provision and
    errors will appear inside the installation directory in the FlashCopyManager\Provision\VssProvisioning.log directory.
    MsiInstaller errors will also appear in the Windows Application event log

      Workaround: Keep the install image on a local drive rather than a network drive. (128681)

    National Language Support (NLS), and Other Issues When Operating in a Non-English Environment

  • If a GB18030 character outside of the supported code pages shown below is used in a text editor in the MMC it will be displayed as a series of question marks such as ???.

  • Workaround: For Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, the only characters that are supported in MMC text editors are the characters contained in the following code pages:
    CP1381 - Simplified Chinese
    CP950 - Traditional Chinese
    CP932 - Japanese
    CP949 - Korean

    Avoid the use of characters that are not included in these code pages. (98398)

  • In the MMC GUI, mnemonics appear in some tool tips for Japanese and other Double Byte Character Set (DBCS) languages. This happens when the same text used for the control's label is also used for the tooltip.

  • Workaround: Ignore the mnemonics in tool tips (76487)

    • The powershell cmdlet parameter "DaysRetain" is not translated correctly.

    Workaround: Use English help message, or use command line help messages instead of powershell cmdlet. (121083)

    Data Protection for VMware "application protection" Integration Related Issues and Limitations

    • Backup of a VM with application protection fails when one (or more) Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 databases are dismounted

    In this scenario, a virtual machine with application protection enabled was backed up using Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware 7.1.2. However, the virtual machine contained one (or more) Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 databases that were dismounted. As a result, the backup operation fails with the following warning message:

    ANS9432W IBM Tivoli Storage Manager application protection failed to truncate application logs on virtual machine 'VM-name'.

    Workaround: Mount the Exchange Server 2013 database, then run the backup operating again. (84115)

    Known Issues and Limitations Resolved with 4.1.2

    • In a Stand Alone environment (i.e. there is no TSM Server in the environment), the custom configuration Wizard does not save the updated VSS Requester node name to the same options file name when a custom options file exists.

    • Workaround: When you change the VSS Requester node name, update the custom options file name at the same time. (75919)

    • In a Stand Alone environment (i.e. there is no TSM Server in the environment), the custom configuration Wizard does not set a default "VSS Requestor node name". Instead, the VSS Requestor node name is has an empty value and therefore requires the user to provide the node name every time that configuration is run.

    • Workaround: None.

    • The following parameters (-logfile, -tracefile, -traceflags) will not provide the documented function with the following cmdletds (Get-FcmFsConfig, Set-FcmConfig). If these parameters are used with mentioned cmdlets, no log or trace files will be generated.

    • Workaround: The -Tracecmdlet parameter can be used with the Get-FcmFsConfig, Set-FcmConfig cmdlet for tracing and logging info. (98486)

      • Attempts to delete a Filesystem VSS Local backup will generate an error messages (ANS5250E and ANS1449W) in the TSM Backup-Archive Client log (dsmerror.log) similar to the following:

      07/08/2014 09:17:20 ANS5250E An unexpected error was encountered.
      TSM function name : VssRequestor::deleteSnapshot
      TSM function : VSS[DeleteSnapshots] for request '{9ad4b464-cb3f-4bc0-9f22-4448316a3368}' returned 'VSS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND'
      TSM return code : 131
      TSM file : ..\..\common\winnt\vssreq.cpp (4179)
      07/08/2014 09:17:20 ANS5250E An unexpected error was encountered.
      TSM function name : vssDeleteSnapshot
      TSM function : deleteSnapshot() failed
      TSM return code : 131
      TSM file : ..\..\common\winnt\vssback.cpp (2953)
      07/08/2014 09:17:20 ANS1449W A non-critical, unexpected error was encountered.
      Deletion of a snapshot(Set/Volume) failed. Probable cause, snapshot does not exists anymore. Continuing Process...
      TSM snapShot ID : {9ad4b464-cb3f-4bc0-9f22-4448316a3368}
      TSM function name : vssDeleteSnapshot()
      TSM function : Deletion of Snapshot failed, Continuing...
      TSM return code : 0
      TSM file : ..\..\common\winnt\vssback.cpp (7078)
      07/08/2014 09:17:39 ANS5250E An unexpected error was encountered.
      TSM function name : VssRequestor::deleteSnapshot
      TSM function : VSS[DeleteSnapshots] for request '{68ba9027-7000-473c-a0b5-b6fbda4d2a9c}' returned 'VSS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND'
      TSM return code : 131
      TSM file : ..\..\common\winnt\vssreq.cpp (4179)
      07/08/2014 09:17:39 ANS5250E An unexpected error was encountered.
      TSM function name : vssDeleteSnapshot
      TSM function : deleteSnapshot() failed
      TSM return code : 131
      TSM file : ..\..\common\winnt\vssback.cpp (2953)
      07/08/2014 09:17:39 ANS1449W A non-critical, unexpected error was encountered.
      Deletion of a snapshot(Set/Volume) failed. Probable cause, snapshot does not exists anymore. Continuing Process...
      TSM snapShot ID : {68ba9027-7000-473c-a0b5-b6fbda4d2a9c}
      TSM function name : vssDeleteSnapshot()
      TSM function : Deletion of Snapshot failed, Continuing...
      TSM return code : 0
      TSM file : ..\..\common\winnt\vssback.cpp (7078)

      Workaround: None. The messages ANS5250E and ANS1449W can safely be ignored as the corresponding shadow copy (or copies) for the VSS local backup(s) have already deleted from system VSS. (73027)

    • Reports in the Snapin display incorrect characters when Exported to PDF

    • When the Windows display language is Japanese FlashCopy Manager reports that are exported to PDF format contain question marks in place of certain characters. A work around is to install a PDF writer such as . You can then choose print and select the PDF writer instead of export to PDF. Another work around is to export to Excel format. (55096)

    Known Issues and Limitations Resolved with 4.1.3

    • After using the MMC wizard to define a machine for remote operations, the check box that allows you to select an application environment for configuration will be available even when the application status is still "in progress". If you attempt to use this option while the application status is still "in progress", the configuration wizard will disappear when you click the "Next" button.

    Workaround: Wait until the previous operation completes, and the application status is in either the "configured" or
    "not configured" state, before attempting to configure the application environment. (92519)

    • The remote management features of the MMC GUI interface support the addition of remote computers using the "Manage Computers" action in the "Actions" pane. Remote computers can be added individually or in groups. Once a group is created and selected, there are three group tabs available: Group Dashboard, Group Reports, and Group Commands.

    The Group Commands tab provides the ability to execute commands across multiple computers. This Group
    Commands view has a toolbar icon labeled Tips. However, clicking the Tips button does not display any tips.

    Workaround: There are 2 ways to work around this problem:
    1) Use the online help to obtain more information
    2) Select a local computer, then select an instance of an SQL Server, Exchange Server, or File System under the
    option "Protect and Recover Data" in the tree view. Then select the Automation tab. Click the Tips button there for
    some tips on submitting commands. The same tips apply to the Groups Commands view. (87911)
    • An incorrect Product ID (PID) is reflected in the header information of some FlashCopy Manager for Windows files

    Header information associated with some FlashCopy Manager on Windows files may display the Product ID
    5608-AC6 instead of 5608-ACB.

    For example:

    IBM Tivoli Storage Manager FlashCopy Manager
    Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
    5608-AC6 (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2009, 2013 All Rights Reserved.
    US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
    disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM CORP

    Workaround: None. This issue does not affect the functionality of the software. (93272)

    Known Issues and Limitations Resolved with

    • When the Windows volume automount feature is disabled on the offload server, VSS offloaded backups will terminate with the message:

    RC: 418 FMV5280E (RC920) Object enumeration from a file set or file list failed

    This occurs because the imported VSS snapshot volume can not be accessed.

    Workaround: Enable the Windows volume automount feature on the offload server. (108785)

    Known Issues and Limitations Resolved with 4.1.6

    • The Archive Mailbox restore fails to restore when the mailbox alias folder field is left blank, or if a forward slash "/" is used. The error message ACN0151E will appear.

    Workaround: Use normal characters in the mailbox alias folder field when performing a restore, such
    as "archive_folder" (116286)

    • The ResyncLun feature is not supported on Windows 2008 and 2008R2. However the VSS Diagnostics Wizard still prompts to allow user to perform Resynclun tests

    Workaround: Do not put a check mark next to ResyncLun test checkbox in the VSS Diagnostic Wizard when using
    Windows 2008 and 2008R2 (116513)

    [{"Product":{"code":"SSERFV","label":"IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"FlashCopy Manager MMC Snapin and Base System Services","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"4.1.3;4.1.4;4.1.6","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

    Document Information

    Modified date:
    01 February 2022

