IBM Support

Collecting Data: reporting a problem with Rule Designer and Insight Designer

Question & Answer


How do I Collect data for problems with the Rule Designer and Insight Designer?
Collecting this MustGather information before contacting IBM support will help you understand the problem and save time analyzing the data.


ODM includes 3 Eclipse based editors used to create and the various type of projects and artifacts.
  • Rule Designer is the development environment for business rule applications
  • Insight Designer is the development environment for insight applications
  • Event Designer (*deprecated since v8.8.1) is the development environment for events applications
If you already contacted support, continue on to the Collecting Rule Studio specific information. Otherwise, click Collecting Data: Read first for all IBM Operational Decision Management Components

If the problem is related to synchronization with Decision Center or to deploying to RES, it is useful to generate a network trace to analyze http requests and responses. For details, please click:

Collecting Rule Designer specific information manually

  1. Workspace log and eclipse info when the issue occurs
    • .log file under \yourWorkspace\.metadata folder
    • eclipse.ini file under the ODM installation directory
  2. Collect environment information
    1. Open the menu Help > About Eclipse SDK
    2. Use the button Installation Details
    3. When the Installation Details window is displayed, go to Configuration tab, then
      • Use Copy to Clipboard open a text file configuration.txt and paste the result in it.
      • Use View Error Log to open the error log and save it to error.log
    4. Collect your workspace preferences:
      • Open the menu File > Export...
      • In the Export wizard select General > Preference then Next
      • In Export Preferences dialog select radio button Export all
      • In To preference file select a file to export the preferences to, e.g. preferences.epf then press the Finish button
  3. Collect Projects: If you can provide your project or a similar one that reproduces the problem.
    • Open the menu File > Export
    • In the Export wizard select General > Archive file then Next
    • In archive file select all projects useful to reproduce the problem,
    • If you are using an extended model include the file *.brmx and *.brdx
    • In to archive file enter then Finish
  4. Collect the files .log, eclipse.ini, error.log, , configuration.txt, preferences.epf and
  5. Send diagnostic data to IBM support.

Related Information

Read first for all IBM ODM Components

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSQP76","label":"IBM Operational Decision Manager"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.10.0;8.10.1;8.10.2;8.10.3;8.7.1;8.8.0;8.8.1;8.9.0;8.9.1;8.9.2","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 May 2020

