IBM Support

What's new in Rational ClearCase and

Question & Answer


What are the new features in IBM Rational ClearCase and


Changes to the Cadence Virtuoso integration
This release introduces a number of enhancements to the ClearCase integration with Cadence Virtuoso. Note that at this release, ClearCase no longer supports Virtuoso 5.1.x.

Enhancements to the Work Area Manager (WAM)
WAM checkout reporting has been enhanced as follows:

  • Recognition of checked-out-elsewhere (COE) elements--the Work Area Manager (WAM) recognizes the case of an element with a reserved checkout to a view other than the current view (on the same branch). The element is displayed as COTHview-tag, where view-tag identifies the view with the checkout.
  • Checkout reporting--the WAM now shows the checkouts in the current view.
  • Display of view tags for COE elements--view tags are displayed for checked-out-elsewhere (COE) elements instead of host-name:view-storage-path (unless the tag cannot be retrieved). This change is reflected in the display of COE elements by gdmstatus -where, libManager, the WAM, and cell view editor (CVE) banners and property sheets.
  • New WAM filter UI--you can use this dialog to specify a filter for every column; the result is the rows that satisfy the cumulative ANDing of the filter expressions (the dialog is populated with the currently active filter, if any). The dialog includes a "Prefetch data" check box that you can select to apply a filter on design management (DM) columns without expanding the tree nodes. This option not only fetches the DM data from ClearCase but also updates the WAM with DM information about the nodes. After data has been fetched at least once, you can choose not to select this option in subsequent filtering operations unless you suspect that the DM information for some nodes has changed. A tooltip is provided for the "Prefetch data" check box to warn of the possible delay in fetching the data.

New environment variables
The following environment variables are introduced in this release:
  • CLEARCASE_EDA--the environment variable setting, CLEARCASE_EDA=Cadence Virtuoso can be used to trigger VOB operations in a VOB containing Cadence library objects to ensure that users are using the integration, and not attempting ClearCase operations outside of the integration (such as using cleartool). The setting is effective for any operation performed in the Virtuoso Library Manager, the ClearCase Work Area Manager (WAM), the ClearCase Hierarchy Manager (HM), and all Generic Data Management operations (gdm* commands).
  • CCASE_CDS_CANCEL_IDENTICAL--when set to TRUE, this environment variable causes gmdci to cancel the checkout of a version that would be identical to its predecessor if it were to be checked in. By default, CCASE_CDS_CANCEL_IDENTICAL=FALSE.

Version comparison features
The following comparison features are accessible from libManager and WAM. They display selected versions side-by-side in separate editors:
  • "Compare with Predecessor" displays the current and immediate predecessor versions
  • "Compare with another version" displays the current version and any predecessor that you select.
Opening a previous version
The "Open version" menu item (under ClearCase menu in Cell View Editors) invokes a version selector dialog that you can use to select an older element version. The selection is opened in a new editor instance in read-only mode.

Enhancements to the ClearCase remote client (CCRC)
The CCRC GUI includes the following enhancements:
  • The "Preview only" option for the "Update Resources" operation can be set as the default for that operation through Preferences > Team > ClearTeam Explorer > Integration.
  • When displayed in the version tree, a checked-out version is annotated according to its checkout state: RESERVED or UNRESERVED.
  • The GUI supports upgrading an unlabelled baseline; see the General tab of the Baseline Properties page.

The command-line client (rcleartool) supports the UCM deliver command:
  • Deliver changes in the source stream:
    rcleartool deliver [ –str/eam stream-selector ] [ –to integration-view-tag] [ –tar/get stream-selector ]
    [ –cac/t | –act/ivities activity-selector... | –bas/elines baseline-selector ... ]
    [ –com/plete ] [ –gm/erge | –ok ]
    [ –q/uery | –abo/rt | –qal/l | –qnt/rivial ] [–f/orce ]
  • Resume or complete work on a deliver operation:
    rcleartool deliver { –res/ume | –com/plete } [–str/ eam stream-selector ]
    [ –gm/ erge | –ok ] [–q/ uery | –ab/ort | –qal/l | –qnt/rivial ] [ –f/orce ]
  • Cancel a deliver operation in progress:
    rcleartool delivercancel [ –str/eam stream-selector ]

NOTE: The rcleartool command facility does not support ClearCase integrations.

Support for gnu make ifeq
clearmake supports the limited nesting of ifeq-like statements, similar to gnu make.

Changes to cleartool
The new -master option for the cleartool chflevel command enables the current replica to master a specified replica for the purpose of raising its feature level:
    chflevel -rep/lica [ -master ] feature-level replica-selector

Changes to multitool
There are no changes to multitool in this release

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Documentation","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
08 August 2018

