IBM Support

Limiting the frequency of dataset triggered processing

Question & Answer


A data set defined as a TWSz dataset trigger is updated frequently, but the user wants to limit how often the triggered TWSz processing occurs.


A TWS-z/OS trigger dataset is updated frequently, but the triggered TWSz processing must not occur more often than once every 45 minutes


This can be easily accomplished as follows.

      1. In the ETT definition set the AS (Actual Status) flag to Y

      2. To the ETT-added application add an operation with NO PREDECESSORS (Or only a predecessor on a NON-REPORTING workstation). One easy way to add this operation would be to make it a conditional successor the current FIRST operation in the application, conditioned on status "S" (Started).

      This added operation is defined on a WAIT workstation, and its duration is set to the desired interval between ETT-added occurrences. It requires exclusive use of the SPECIAL RESOURCE defined as the ETT trigger, and has the AVAIL ON COMPLETE flag set to N.

      3. This Special Resource should be explicitly defined in the TWSz RD database with QUANTITY=1 and AVAILABLE=NO.

When this is set up the processing proceeds as follows:
      1. the first time the dataset is updated, normal triggering occurs and the ETT application is added to the TWSz CURRENT PLAN.

      2. The WAIT operation starts, allocates the Special Resource and holds it for the specified duration.

      3. While the WAIT operation is holding the Special Resource, any new incoming triggers are ignored because the AS flag is set, thus requiring a TRANSITION of the resource status from NOT AVAILABLE to AVAILABLE to cause ETT processing.

      4. When the WAIT operation ends, the Special Resource is released and reset by ONCOMPLETE processing to NOT AVAILABLE and the system is ready to accept the next triggering event.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSRULV","label":"IBM Workload Scheduler for z\/OS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"All Versions;Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
13 September 2019

