IBM Support

MustGather: Collecting Data for IBM Case Manager Builder issues



What information should you collect when you experience issues with Case Manager Builder?


When using Case Manager Builder you encounter an error or the result of the task is not as expected.

Resolving The Problem

Collecting data for Case Manager Builder

For every problem, collecting data can aid in problem determination and save time in resolving the problem. Gathering this data before you call IBM support can help you understand the problem and save time when you analyze the data.

Collecting MustGather data early, before opening the case, helps IBM® Support quickly determine if:
  • Symptoms match known problems (rediscovery).
  • There is a non-defect problem that can be identified and resolved.
  • There is a defect that identifies a workaround to reduce severity.

Locating the root cause of a problem can speed development of a code fix, if necessary.

Gathering general information

For IBM® Case Manager, gather:
  • Screen shot of the problem
  • Version of software
  • Operating system versions
  • Settings for the pertinent servers or client machines
  • Web Browser version information
  • Type of database and LDAP servers used

Then, gather the following information that is specific to a Case Manager Builder problem or issue:
  • How often does this problem occur?
  • What has changed?
  • Can the problem be reproduced?
  • How many users are affected by this problem?
  • What is the business impact of this problem?
  • Is there a work around?

Gathering Operating System Versions and Settings

Run the following commands on the IBM Case Manager server and collect the output:

AIX users
Command Collects
uname -a or oslevel -q OS Version
/usr/sbin/instfix -ivq OS Patches or Maintenance level
env OS Environment Variable
errpt OS Configuration and Error Reporting
/usr/sbin/lsattr -E -l sys0 OS Kernel parameters
/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log OS System log

Windows users
Command Collects
(and do a file -> “export” menu choice to create a text file)
OS Version, Patches and Maintenance level
set OS Environment Variables
Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer
Save the following event logs:
  • Application
  • Security
  • System

If there is a large number of events that are irrelevant (perhaps months or years old), use the filtering capability to limit the data gathered.
OS Event Logs

Linux users

Command Collects
uname -a OS Version
/usr/bin/showrev -a OS Patches or Maintenance level
env OS Environment Variable
/usr/sbin/prtdiag -v OS Configuration and Error Reporting
/usr/sbin/sysdef -D
/usr/bin/getconf -a
OS Kernel parameters
/var/log/messages.* OS System logs

Gathering Version Information

  1. Collect the "deployed" version information as described below:

    1. The Case Manager Builder version can be determined by logging in to the Case Manager Builder and selecting Tools > About. The version, project area, Design Object Store and Target Object Store information is displayed in the About dialog.

    2. Use the Case Manager REST service "info" page by pointing your browser to http://<server name>:<port #>/CaseManager/CASEREST/v1/info. This will provide a display similar to the following:

      Copy it into your collected documentation.

  2. Collect the "installed" version information as described below:

    1. Use the Case Manager Offline Version Tool. Change to the <Case_Management_root_dir>, for example /opt/IBM/CaseManagement, and run the script:

    2. Gather the version.txt file that is available in the <CASE_MANAGER_HOME> directory. The <CASE_MANAGER_HOME> directory is the home directory where IBM Case Manager is installed, for example /opt/IBM/CaseManagement directory.

Ping pages for supporting components

Because the Case Manager administration client interacts with the Content Platform Engine and Content Navigator, it is useful to collect their ping pages to make sure that all the components have the same client versions.

  1. For Content: http://<cpe-server name>:<cpe-port #>/FileNet/Engine
  2. For Process: http://<cpe-server name>:<cpe-port #>/peengine/IOR/ping
  3. For Content Navigator: http://<icn-server name>:<icn-port #>/navigator/Ping

Case Manager Builder log files

Case Builder CBE logs

To configure debug level messages for Case Builder, enable logging through the application server. For more information refer to: Modifying the size and location of Case Manager Builder CBE log files

Application server logs

  • WebSphere Application Server

    In WebSphere® Application Server, all logging information is written to the SystemOut.log file. By default, this log file is in the following subdirectory of the WebSphere Application Server installation directory:


  • Oracle WebLogic Server

    Some logging information is written to the AdminServer.log file, where AdminServer is the WebLogic Server server name. The default server name is AdminServer, but it might be different in your environment. By default, this log file is in the following directory:


    In Oracle WebLogic Server, most logging information is also written to the console output. Consult your WebLogic Server system administrator or the WebLogic Server documentation for information about redirecting the output to a file of your choice, and provide this in your data collection.

Gathering additional information

  1. If the issue is related to a client side script error which is reproducible in the client browser, using a tool to collect and capture header and response content (network interaction) between the browser and the Case Manager server will help to diagnose and isolate the problem. Most modern browsers have this capability built in (e.g. FireFox developer tools, Chrome developer tools, Edge developer tools). Fiddler, HTTPWatch, or other equivalent tools can also be used to capture this information.

  2. If there is an error while deploying a solution from IBM Case Manager Builder, copy and attach the information available as Solution Errors and Solution Logs in message bar from the IBM Case Manager Builder’s Manage Solutions page

    • For example:

      If the solution called Sample Error Solution has deployment errors, Errors and Logs can be copied from Message Bar.

      You can find errors by clicking <Solution Name> -> More Actions -> Errors (5.2.x) or <Solution Card> -> ellipsis icon (...) -> Deploy Errors (5.3.x)

    • 5.2.x

    • 5.3.x
    • image-20190510140252-1

    • An error message like the following message is displayed in the tool bar, and can be attached:

      You can find logs by clicking <Solution Name> -> More Actions -> Logs (5.2.x) or <Solution Card> -> ellipsis icon (...) -> Deploy logs (5.3.x)

    Also collect the following:

    1. The connection definition file for the connection definition used in the deployment. This file is located under /IBM Case Manager/Connection Definitions.

    2. The deployment logs stored in the root folder of the deployed solution. These files are found in the target object store under /IBM Case Manager/Solution Deployments/< solution_name>.

    3. Export Solution or manually collect the following:

      The solution definition file, the Process Engine configuration file, and any workflow definition files that are part of the solution. These files are found in the design object store under /IBM Case Manager/Solutions/<solution_name>.

      If relevant, also provide the contents of the /IBM Case Manager/Solutions/<solution_name>/Pages folder.

  3. Refer to the following Case Manager Troubleshooting technote for additional information, which are more action-specific situations:

MustGather for dependent components

If you can tell based on the nature of the problem or visible symptoms in the log files that the issue is Content Platform Engine related, gathering the respective log files can help speed resolution, but these files are not specifically required to start the problem resolution process.

For additional information refer to the MustGather documents for:

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSCTJ4","label":"IBM Case Manager"},"Component":"Case Manager Builder","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"5.2.x;5.3.x","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym

Advanced Case Management;Case Manager;IBM Case Manager

Document Information

Modified date:
17 May 2019

