IBM Support

Leverage ClearTeam Explorer and Rational Team Concert integration from within Visual Studio

Question & Answer


How do I associate IBM Rational ClearCase® UCM activities and Base versions with Jazz Team Server work items from within Microsoft Visual Studio® ?


From ClearCase version and above, if you are a user of Visual Studio - ClearTeam Explorer integration, you'll be able to leverage ClearTeam Explorer and IBM Rational Team Concert® (RTC) integration to associate UCM activities and Base versions with jazz work items, from within Visual Studio IDE.

Pre-Requisites For Integration:

1. Visual Studio integrated with ClearCase version or above to make use of new task association preference added to Visual Studio IDE.

2. An RTC instance integrated with a compatible version of ClearTeam Explorer. You can use either IM based ClearTeam Explorer extension offering or update site install mechanism. In either case, ensure that ClearTeam Explorer integrated with RTC is of same version as integrated with Visual Studio.

Once the pre-requisites are met, follow below steps to enable work item association capability:

1. Invoke Visual Studio IDE. Go to Tools->Options..->Rational ClearCase->Task provider page

2. Enable option as shown below:

3. Once done, if you have an IM installed RTC instance integrated with ClearTeam Explorer, install location of same will be listed in the drop-down as shown below:

4. Choose from the list or else browse to the desired RTC install location which had been already integrated with ClearTeam Explorer via update site mechanism. To avoid undesirable results, ensure there are no version mismatch scenarios. Hence, it is recommended to always choose a location listed in the task provider selection combo box.

5. Once a valid location is chosen, restart Visual Studio for changes to make effect.

Once Visual Studio IDE is up and running, you can use ClearCase UCM toolbar to set current work item and create/browse work items. In order to associate/open/remove work items to and from ClearCase artifacts use below invocation points:

  • Show Activities view for UCM projects
  • History View for Base projects
  • Add to Source/Checkout/Checkin dialogs.

If you need to switch between task preference mode in same session un-check the option as shown below via User Preferences available in ClearTeam Explorer Front Desk Tools page

To remove task association completely, un-check the option mentioned in step 3. and restart Visual Studio IDE.

Known Issues:

1. This integration is not supported if you are using Eclipse as your integrated development environment and have RTC and CTE plugins installed into same.
2. This integration is not supported when ClearCase-RTC integration is established via ClearCase's Change Management Integration(CMI).

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Integrations: Visual Studio.NET","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.0;;;;;;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

