IBM Support

Adding a Column to the Asset lookup in CREATESR

Question & Answer


How can I find the Asset lookup found in the Create Service Request application in order to modify it.


The lookup can be found in the library.xml file.

You can export the lookups.xml file from Application Designer, in the Select Action menu using the Export System XML option.

Save a backup of the original file and open the copy in a text editor.

Find the following section:

<table filterexpanded="true" id="ownercust2_asset_table" inputmode="readonly" selectmode="single">
<tablebody displayrowsperpage="15" filterable="true" id="usercust2_asset_table_tablebody">
<tablecol dataattribute="assetnum" id="usercust2_asset_table_tablebody_1" mxevent="selectrecord" mxevent_desc="Go To %1" sortable="true" type="link" />
<tablecol dataattribute="description" id="usercust2_asset_table_tablebody_2" mxevent="selectrecord" mxevent_desc="Go To %1" sortable="true" type="link" />
<tablecol dataattribute="location" id="usercust2_asset_table_tablebody_3" mxevent="selectrecord" mxevent_desc="Go To %1" sortable="true" type="link" />
<tablecol dataattribute="siteid" id="usercust2_asset_table_tablebody_4" mxevent="selectrecord" mxevent_desc="Go To %1" sortable="true" type="link" />

Make your changes, Save the file and Import the modified file to bring the changes into Maximo using the Import Application Definition toolbar button.

You will need to restart the Maximo application server(s) to get the changes to take effect.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Appl Designer","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.5;7.6","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

