IBM Support

Child Actual CI is not promoting



In the Actual CI app while creating an Authorized CI (promotion), the top CI is created but not the related child CI


Promotion scope is missing, incomplete or not configured right.

Resolving The Problem

Review the promotion scope and relation rules for the records that are being promoted.

An Actual CI child will be promoted for its top Actual CI only if:
a. The child is in the promotion scope being used to promote the top level Actual CI
b. The relation rule between the parent and child classes exist
c. The Actual CI child class is defined as a "child' in the relation rule

To determined if a class is defined as the "child" in the relation rule look at the reverseRelationship field (Is Target Parent).
Promote a top level Actual CI with class A. Class A has relation to class B.
Relation rule between these classes can be one of the following:

sourceClasstargetClassreverseRelationship (Is Target Parent)Is B going to be promoted? (Is B a "child"?)
Yes. A is a source and reverseRelationship=0 indicate that the target (B) is not he parent. Therefore we promote the child B.
No. A is a source but reverseRelationship=1 indicate that the target (B) is the parent.. Therefore we do not promote the parent B.
No. A is a target and reverseRelationship=0 indicate that the target (A) is not he parent. Therefore we do not promote the parent B.
Yes. A is a target and reverseRelationship=1 indicate that target (A) is the parent. Therefore we promote the child B.

Use the following steps to evaluate the promotion scope for your classes:

1. Find the promotion scope for the missing child Actual CI (with the top Actual CI been promoted). For example, using the top Actual CI class 'SYS.WINDOWS.WINDOWSCOMPUTERSYSTEM' and child Actual CI class 'APP.APPSERVER'.

select a.classificationid as topactciclassid, c.classificationid as actciclassid, b.classificationid as topciclassid, d.classificationid as ciclassid, t.*
from classstructure a, classstructure b, classstructure c, classstructure d, citemplate t
a.classstructureid = t.topactciclassid and b.classstructureid = t.topciclassid and c.classstructureid = t.actciclassid and d.classstructureid = t.ciclassid
and t.topactciclassid in (select classstructureid from classstructure where classificationid = 'SYS.WINDOWS.WINDOWSCOMPUTERSYSTEM')
and t.actciclassid in (select classstructureid from classstructure where classificationid = 'APP.APPSERVER');

2. If there are no rows returned by the query in step #1, then the child is not in the promotion scope and won't get promoted. If there is a result, get the authorized classifications that map to the actual classifications from the result to plug into the query in step #3 below. That is, in the result returned by query #1, c.classificationid is where you find the top level authorized class (CI.WINDOWSCOMPUTERSYSTEM in the example) and d.classificationid is how to determine the child authorized class (CI.APPSERVER in the example).

3. Find the relation rules between the parent and child Authorized classes that will be created by the promotion scope. For example, 'CI.WINDOWSCOMPUTERSYSTEM' --> with relation 'RELATION.RUNSON' --> 'CI.APPSERVER'.

select c.classificationid as sourceClassification, r.relationnum, r.revrelationship, d.classificationid as targetClassification, r.* from relationrules r, classstructure c, classstructure d
((r.sourceclass in (select classstructureid from classstructure where classificationid = 'CI.WINDOWSCOMPUTERSYSTEM')
and r.targetclass in (select classstructureid from classstructure where classificationid = 'CI.APPSERVER'))
(r.targetclass in (select classstructureid from classstructure where classificationid = 'CI.WINDOWSCOMPUTERSYSTEM')
and r.sourceclass in (select classstructureid from classstructure where classificationid = 'CI.APPSERVER')))
and r.sourceclass=c.classstructureid
and r.targetclass=d.classstructureid
and r.relationnum='RELATION.RUNSON';

[{"Product":{"code":"SSKTXT","label":"Tivoli Change and Configuration Management Database"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":"7.2.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSWT9A","label":"IBM Control Desk"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":" ","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.5;7.5.1","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 February 2019

