IBM Support

ALEACTION() second keyword not documented

Question & Answer


APAR PM18667 adds a second keyword to the JTOPTS ALEACTION parameter. This new keyword is not documented in the TWS-z/OS V8R5M1 manuals.


TWSz APAR PK79509 adds a new parameter, ALEACTION() to the JTOPTS initialization statement. This parameter allows the customer to specify criteria for TWSz DURATION ALERTS independently of the criteria for DURATION FEEDBACK to the TWSz AD database.

When the Dynamic critical path feature is active, it can occur that for short duration operations, there is a proliferation of long duration information messages that can trigger useless status changes of the critical jobs. In fact, because of those information messages, those jobs pass in a potential risk status that is quickly reset to "no risk" status. This makes difficult to perform a monitor of the real warning situations for the critical jobs.


APAR PM18667 adds second optional parameter to the Aleaction keyword to mitigate the proliferation of false alerts.
 | - Syntax:                                                    |
 |                                                              |
 | >>-JTOPTS-+-----------------------------------------------+->|
 |           |                                               |  |
 |           |            +---------100--------+   +-000-+   |  |
 |           |            |                    |   |     |   |  |
 |           +-ALEACTION(-+-alert action limit-+-,-+-----+-)-+  |
 |                                                 |     |      |
 |                                                 +-nnn-+      |
 |                                                              |
 | - Parameters:                                                |
 |                                                              |
 |   ALEACTION (alert action limit 100,nnn 000)                 |
 |                                 ---     ---                  |
 |     The limit to take an alert action for an operation in    |
 |     the current plan that is active for an unexpectedly long |
 |     time (for more details, see the DURATION keyword in      |
 |     "ALERTS" on page 10).                                    |
 |     If you specify ALEACTION, its value is used to select    |
 |     the operations for which a long duration alert must be   |
 |     issued.                                                  |
 |     If you do not specify ALEACTION, the value set for       |
 |     LIMFDBK is used instead.                                 |
 |     The values for the alert action limit are in the range   |
 |     100 through 999, or 0 if the alert action is to be taken |
 |     as soon as the operation is active longer than its       |
 |     estimated duration.                                      |
 |     With APAR PM18667 a second parameter is available.       |
 |     Its value ranges from 000 to 999, and it represents a    |
 |     lower boundary time expressed in seconds, below which    |
 |     the Long Duration messages (EQQE028I and EQQE038I) are   |
 |     not logged even if the long duration policy defined by   |
 |     the aleaction value is matched.                          |
 |     For example:                                             |
 |     Assuming that ALEACTION(500,060), and that the planned   |
 |     duration for a job is equal to 10 seconds, because of the|
 |     ALECATION settings, that job will be considered to have a|
 |     long duration when its actual duration becomes at least  |
 |     50 seconds long.                                         |
 |     But because of the second option the Long Duration       |
 |     message will be issued only if the actual duration       |
 |     exceeds 60 seconds.                                      |
 |     NOTE: Both the parameters of this keyword must be        |
 |           always specified in 3-digit form.                  |
 |                                                              |
This information is in the current version of the TWS V8R6 manuals and all newer releases.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSRULV","label":"IBM Workload Scheduler for z\/OS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"All Versions;Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
13 September 2019

