IBM Support

Launch in Context from Select Action menu within Maximo 7.5

Question & Answer


Can Launch in Context from Select Action menu be configured within Maximo 7.5?


In the following example, ‘WOTRACK_TEST’ Launch in Context entry will be used to access ‘http://servername/wonum={WONUM}. {WONUM} will be substituted from the value on the Work Order.

1) Log into Maximo – Go To – System Configuration – Platform Configuration – Launch in Context. Click on ‘New Record’. Enter the following information:

Launch Entry Name: WOTRACK_TEST
Console URL: http://servername/wonum={WONUM}
Target Browser Window: _usercurrent (_usercurrent will appear in the window when accessed. To use new tab/window, _blank value can be used)

Within the Launch Contexts pane, click on ‘New Row’ – reference the Main Object, which in this example will be WORKORDER:

Resource Object Name: WORKORDER


2) Go To – System Configuration – Platform Configuration – Application Designer – Access WOTRACK – click on Select Action – Add/Modify Signature Option – click on ‘New Row’ In the following example, a Signature Option of ‘LAUNCH’ will be created, the ‘Advanced Signature Options will be accessed and ‘Associate to launch entry to enable launch in context’ will reference the ‘WOTRACK_TEST’ entry created previously:


3) Click on Select Action – Add/Modify Select Action Menu – click on New Row – enter the following information:

Element Type: OPTION
Key Value: LAUNCH
Header Description: Launch in Context Test
Position: 1
Subposition: 0
Visible: CHECKED
Tabs: ALL


4) Go To – Security – Security Groups – ensure the ‘Launch in Context Test’ Signature Option access is granted for the Security Groups that will use this configuration. In this example, this has been enabled for the MAXADMIN security Group:

Save. Sign out of Maximo. Close the Browser. Log back into Maximo.

5) Go To – Work Orders – Work Order Tracking – access a Work Order – click on Select Action – click on ‘Launch in Context Test’:

WONUM 1000 will be substituted within the {WONUM} variable within the URL:

[{"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"System Related","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.5;7.6","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

