IBM Support

ACN5798E error when Restoring MS Exchange Public Folders



ACN5798E MS Exchange API HRESERESTOREADDDATABASE() failed with HRESULT: 0xc7fe1f42 - Database not found.


Diagnosing The Problem

Trace the Data Protection for Exchange restore.
For example, use the following syntax to initiate tracing for the GUI (the command is issued from a DOS command prompt):
tdpexc.exe /traceflag=service,api /tracefile='c:\traces\dbnotfound.txt'

In the trace, search for the following error returned from the Exchange API function:

restorsg.cpp (3162): HRESERESTOREADDDATABASE() failed.
hResult : 0xc7fe1f42
GetLastError(): 0
msg : Database not found.

A few lines above the error, find where the function initiated. This output shows the backed up DB name 'Public Folder Store (DB1)' submitted to the Exchange API:

restorsg.cpp (3096): Calling HRESERESTOREADDDATABASE( 0x6410138,
Public Folder Store (DB1) , {5F4DB2D3-4A57-4B8A-96F4-0EB45A89D420} ,
0xffce48, 0xb7de018 )...

Several hundred lines higher in the trace, the DB name can also be found in the following function output:

restorsg.cpp (2768): Enter CRestoreSg::consumeToExchangeFile_s()
m_Cancelled : False
agentObjIndex: 0
agentObjType : data
numObjects : 2
dbName : Public Folder Store (DB1)
dbGuid : {5F4DB2D3-4A57-4B8A-96F4-0EB45A89D420}
size64 : 12159627326

Once the backed up DB name is verified, query the local Exchange Server (the one the restore is being performed on) to obtain a list of DB's using the DP command "tdpexcc query exchange" :

Storage Groups with Databases and Status
First Storage Group
Circular Logging - Disabled
MAIL-PRD Offline
Public Folder Store (DB2) Offline

Notice the Database name 'Public Folder Store (DB2)' from the Data Protection command output. This does not match the backed up Database name 'Public Folder Store (DB1)', therefore the cause of the error. Keep in mind that these two values must match all the way down to spelling, spacing, and capitalization. If the values do not match identically, update the Database name on the Exchange Server and attempt the restore again.

Resolving The Problem

A restore of MS Exchange Public Folders may fail with:
ACN5798E MS Exchange API HRESERESTOREADDDATABASE() failed with HRESULT: 0xc7fe1f42 - Database not found.

This error is coming from the MS Exchange API and literally translates into an inability to find the appropriate database to restore the data into. The error can be caused by several things, for example, if the wrong database is selected, if the name is typed incorrectly, or when a Recovery Storage Group exists.

Ensure the correct database has been selected for the restore and that the name for the database has been entered correctly. Use the tracing and query as outlined in the diagnostic section (above) to verify the name of the database.

Although the use of a Recovery Storage Group allows for non-overwriting restores of Mail Folders with MS Exchange, the RSG cannot be used for the restoration of public folders. If a Recovery Storage Group exists prior to a restore of a Public Folders database, the restore procedure will fail because MS Exchange will only look for a matching database destination within the Recovery Storage Group. To resolve this condition, ensure that the Recovery Storage Group does not exist.

If this is a VSS restore, check whether the /INTOSG or /INTODB parameter is being utilized. If this parameter is being used, verify that the value is the correct location for the restore and that it is not pointing to a Recovery Storage Group or Recovery Database.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSTG2D","label":"Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Data Protection for MS Exchange","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

