IBM Support

OpenPages Services Won't Start - Unable to initialize the Java virtual machine



OpenPages Services Won't Start - Unable to initialize the Java virtual machine

Resolving The Problem

Known Related Version(s): OP 5.5.x Keyword(s): services weblogic java JVM Summary: Services won't start. The aurora.log is not generating any error messages. The only log file that appears to be updated is the Admin-thread-dump.log (which is typically located in: :\OpenPages\logs). The Admin-thread-dump.log is generating the an error like: [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [ServiceStart] lpszJavaHome = d:\bea\jdk150_04 [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [ServiceStart] lpszExecDir = D:\OpenPages\OpenpagesDomain [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [ServiceStart] lpszOldPath = D:\bea\jdk150_04\bin;D:\Program Files\cognos\crn\bin\jre\1.3.1;D:\openpages_data\repository\client10203\BIN;C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [ServiceStart] lpszNewPath = d:\bea\weblogic91\server\bin;d:\bea\weblogic91\server\native\win\32;D:\bea\jdk150_04\bin;D:\Program Files\cognos\crn\bin\jre\1.3.1;D:\openpages_data\repository\client10203\BIN;C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [ServiceStart] lpszDelay = 0 [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [ServiceStart] lpszStopClass = [] [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [ServiceStart] lpszLog = [D:\OpenPages\logs\Admin-thread-dump.log] [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [ServiceStart] Thread created successfully [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [ServiceStart] Reporting SCM of SERVICE_START_PENDING with delay=0 [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [trigger] First rotation due in 33323 secs [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [StartJVM] Parsing JVM Arguments [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [StartJVM] Initializing JVM [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [E] [StartJVM] Unable to initialize the Java virtual machine! [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [ServiceStart] Reporting SCM of SERVICE_RUNNING [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [ServiceStart] waiting for multiple events [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [ServiceStart] done waiting for multiple events. Wait=1 [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [E] [ServiceStart] Error in JVM. Cause=Unable to initialize the Java virtual machine! [Fri Oct 10 14:44:36 2008] [I] [ServiceStart] Informing SCM about SERVICE_STOP Solution: 1. Log onto the application server using an administrator's id. 2. Open up regedit. 3. Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ 4. Expand OPAdminWLS 5. Go to Parameters. 6. Click on CmdLine value. 7. Make sure '-server' only appears once. 8. Repeat for the other three OpenPages services (OpenPagesAppServer, OPManagedWLS and OPWebAppWLS). The '-server' can appear more than once if an IT person accidentally added it as a post-installation step but it already existed.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFUEU","label":"IBM OpenPages with Watson"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

