IBM Support

Collecting Data: for TBSM - Errors on the client (error msg, popups, click actions)

Question & Answer


What Information needs to be collected for IBM support to help analyze and understand a problem with TBSM client Errors ?


Collecting this information before calling IBM support will help you understand the problem and save time analyzing the data.


Gathering Component Specific Information

Provide the following items for analysis of TBSM Errors on the client:
Update the PMR with the output of the following:

1) Provide a concise problem description that includes things like a timeline, sequence of events, any error messages issued, and a scenario on how to recreate the problem you encountered.

Basic diagnostic data to send, where relevant, includes:

    a. Screen shot of the error message
    b. What TIP page(s), and Portlet(s) are involved?
    c. User TIP role access levels
    d. Does Problem occur for all users, a particular Group's members, or only for a single user?

2) Environment Data:
    a. What Browser (type and version) was used when error occurred? (Please indicate if the issue is seen on more than one Browser type).

    b. Client side Java Runtime Environment type (Sun or IBM) and version level.

    c. What user repository is configured in your TBSM system? (File base, Omnibus, or LDAP)?
        To determine this please, From TIP console (login to the TIP console with an administrator UserID )
        (TIP 1.X) select Security -> Security administration, applications, and infrastructure.
        Then near the bottom of the page under section marked "User account Repository", click [configure] .
        Then Please send a screen shot of the page which displays.
        (TIP 2.2) select Settings ->WebSphere Administrative Console ->
        Launch WebSphere administrative console
        select ->Security->Global Security
        Then near the bottom of the page under section marked "User account Repository", click [configure] .
        Then Please send a screen shot of the page which displays.
    d. If client problem deals with an event not matching:
      please include event details in omnibus.
      - You can do this via opening the AEL -- double clicking the event, and take snapshots, to show all fields/values listed for the event. (This will require several screen shots to include all the event's fields).
    e. If client problem deals with users cannot view the service tree, and they are using firefox
      - Please install firebug and check the console panel for errors when displaying the service tree. If there are any errors, copy the errors from firebug and submit in the PMR.

    f. Operating System (Type and Version) information

    g. TBSM version, release, maintenance and fix information

3) Log and Trace Files
  • If client error deals with the Canvas (service viewer to display the views and edit custom canvases) and the AEL. Then there are some additional log and trace requirements...
      a. the TBM Dashboard server will need more specific tracing for the service viewer (replace Dashboard trace levels settings in above log and Trace Files link with the command below. )
    <TBSM_HOME>\bin\ <tipadmin> <tippwd> dashboard -addtrace "com.micromuse.common.canvascomponent.*=finer"
      b. In addition to TBSM server log collection, client java console files are required....
        HOW to increase client trace level, recreate and collect client logs...
        (1) Logoff the TBSM client(s) (the web browsers logged into TBSM console)
        (2) Go into the following directory on the client workstation:
          C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\log\
          (or C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\IBM\Java\Deployment\log)
          And delete or rename the plugin*.log and plugin*.trace files
        (3) Logon to TBSM via the web browser (but do not do anything yet).
        (4) Launch the Java Console
        (by clicking on the browser's Tools and then Sun (or IBM) Java Console buttons).
        Do not close the Java Console!
        (5) In the Java Console, press the 'o' key to set 'Logging set to : true'
        (6) Recreate the error, and please note the approximate time, so support can correlate activity with logs
        (7) In the Java Console, press the 'o' key once again to set 'Loggin set to : false'
        (8) Logoff from TBSM console.
        (9) Still at the client where you launched the web browser to bring up TBSM:
          (prior to re-starting any new browser sessions) collect all the files in:
          C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\log
          (or C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\IBM\Java\Deployment\log)

        NOTE: if you can not find Java console button under web browser tools option,


        then go to .... start -> control Panel -> java plugin (OR Control Panel for Java)

        (Note path for Win7 is Start -> Control Panel -> Programs -> Java)

        THEN select Advanced tab, and ensure under settings..
          under "Debugging", enable tracing and logging.
          under Java console, show console
          under default java for browsers make sure the browser you are using is selected.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSPFK","label":"Tivoli Business Service Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":"4.2.1;6.1;6.1.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

