IBM Support

Product support and compatibility charts for SPSS Model Builder

Question & Answer


Which product releases are supported on which platforms for SPSS Model Builder?


Product Support

Legacy releases are shown below. For product support information for products released since the IBM acquisition, please refer to the Product Lifecycle Reports.
Product Version Release Date Support End Date Contact End Date
SPSS Model Builder 5.0 March-08 September 30, 2011 September 30, 2012
SPSS Model Builder 4.5 Sept-06 March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010
SPSS Model Builder 4.4 Jul-06 March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010
SPSS Model Builder 4.3 Jan-06 March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

Compatibility Charts

Compatibility charts for legacy releases are shown below. For compatibility charts for products released since the IBM acquisition, please refer to the IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports

Version 5

Product Version Microsoft Windows Vista (Business and Enterprise X86 and X64 editions) Win XP Professional with SP2 (x86 and x64 edition) Windows 2003 Server R2 (Business and Enterprise X86 and X64 editions) Windows 2003 Server (Business and Enterprise X86 and X64 editions)
SPSS Model Builder   *1 5 Yes Yes Yes Yes
*1 Data access pre-requisites: Model Builder requires access to a server running Clementine Server 12.x or Modeler Server 13.x. In addition, it must be configured to use the Enterprise View from either a Predictive Enterprise Services 3.5 or Collaboration and Deployment Services 4 environment.

Version 4.x

NOTE: A blank cell below signifies NO support. In addition, if a certain platform that you are interested in is NOT listed, then it is NOT supported.


Product Version Server Side Client Side
Windows Vista Windows 2003 Standard Edition Windows 2000 (Professional)/ Server/Advanced Server SP4 Windows Vista Windows XP Professional SP2 Windows 2000 Professional SP4
SPSS Model Builder 4.5   Yes Yes   Yes Yes
SPSS Model Builder 4.4   Yes Yes   Yes Yes
SPSS Model Builder 4.3   Yes Yes   Yes Yes

Linux - Server Side Only

Product Version Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.x
SPSS Model Builder 4.5 Yes
SPSS Model Builder 4.4  
SPSS Model Builder 4.3  

Sun Solaris - Server Side Only

Product Version Solaris 10 Solaris 9
SPSS Model Builder 4.5 Yes Yes
SPSS Model Builder 4.4 Yes Yes
SPSS Model Builder 4.3 Yes Yes

AIX - Server Side Only

Product Version AIX 5.2/5.3 AIX 5.1
SPSS Model Builder 4.5 Yes  
SPSS Model Builder 4.4 Yes Yes
SPSS Model Builder 4.3 Yes Yes

Java Runtime Environments

Product Version SUN JRE 1.5.0_07 SUN JRE 1.4.2_09
SPSS Model Builder 4.5 Yes  
SPSS Model Builder 4.4   Yes
SPSS Model Builder 4.3   Yes


Product Version Excel 2003 Excel 2000
SPSS Model Builder 4.5 Yes Yes
SPSS Model Builder 4.4 Yes Yes
SPSS Model Builder 4.3 Yes Yes

SPSS Model Builder Supported Databases

Version 4.5

Supported ODBC drivers
ODBC Drivers Supported Platforms
Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bits) Windows 2000
IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER (IBM DB2 Universal Database runtime client software v8.2 FP2 (aka 8 FP9a)) Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003 AIX5L Solaris 9 & 10 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.x
Oracle ODBC Driver Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003
SQL Server Nataive Client ODBC driver/ MDAC 2.8 Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003
Teradata 3.03 (Utilities Software version 7.1) Windows 2000 AIX5L
Supported Native Connection
Native Connection Supported Platforms Supported DBMS
Oracle 10gR2 (Oracle client) Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003 AIX 5.2 & 5.3 Solaris 9 & 10 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.x Oracle 10gR2

Version 4.4

Supported ODBC drivers
ODBC Drivers Supported Platforms
Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bits) Windows 2000
IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER (IBM DB2 Universal Database runtime client software v8.2 FP2 (aka 8 FP9a)) Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003 AIX5L Solaris 9 & 10
Oracle ODBC Driver Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003
MS SQL Server 2000 SP3a (MDAC 2.8) Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003
Teradata 3.03 (Utilities Software version 7.1) Windows 2000 AIX5L
Supported Native Connection
Native Connection Supported Platforms Supported DBMS
Oracle 10gR2 (Oracle client) Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003 AIX 5.2 & 5.3 Solaris 9 & 10 Oracle 10gR2

Version 4.3

Supported ODBC drivers
ODBC Drivers Supported Platforms
Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bits) Windows 2000
IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER (IBM DB2 Universal Database runtime client software v8.2 FP2 (aka 8 FP9a)) Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003 AIX5L (dblibdb2.a) Solaris 9 & 10 (
Oracle ODBC Driver Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003
MS SQL Server 2000 SP3a (MDAC 2.8) Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003
Teradata 3.03 (Utilities Software version 7.1) Windows 2000 AIX5L
Supported Native Connection
Native Connection Supported Platforms Supported DBMS
Oracle 10gR2 (Oracle client) Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003 AIX 5.2 & 5.3 Solaris 9 & 10 Oracle 10gR2
Refer to your product documentation for additional installation requirements.

Explanation of Dates
Support End Date: No defect fixes after this date for the release specified.
Contact End Date: No Service Requests or calls accepted after this date for the release specified. Also, no license codes provided after this date for the release specified.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSMV53","label":"IBM SPSS Model Builder"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"Not Applicable","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

