IBM Support

"Hello World" Remote Java client for Rule Execution Server using EJB3 on WAS

Question & Answer


Sample to execute rules on Rule Execution Server deployed on WebSphere Application Server (WAS) from a Java stand-alone client using an EJB3 rule session.


This sample presents the basic API ilog.rules.res.session to call the Rule Execution Server from a Java client using a remote rule session:

  1. An IlrEJB3SessionFactory object is created in remote mode and is provided the default stateless remote JNDI name for WebSphere Application Server.
  2. An IlrSessionRequest object generated from the session factory is used to set the path and input ruleset parameters and to enable ruleset execution trace on the client side.
  3. An IlrStatelessSession object is created from the session factory and used to execute the rules. The IlrSessionRequest object is passed to the execute() method.
  4. An IlrSessionResponse is retrieved and used to provide feedback about the execution such as the execution output and the number of rules executed.

Note: The sample j2eerulesession included in the product distribution presents all the manners in which you can use the Rule Execution Server client API.

The sample (attached below) contains 5 Eclipse projects:
  • XOM : the Java project, which contains the class Person.
  • HelloWorld : the rule project, which takes a Person object as a parameter and contains a single rule, which prints the message "Hello " + the name of person + "!".
  • HelloWorldRuleApp : the RuleApp project to publish the HelloWorld ruleset to Rule Execution Server.
  • RES Configuration : the Rule Execution Server configuration project to set the target server.
  • RES7Client4WAS7_EJB3: the Java project for the Rule Execution Server client code to execute the HelloWorld ruleset on Rule Execution Server/WAS.

The client Java project contains Ant tasks (build.xml) to package the application EAR, and, if WAS is local, generate the rule session client JAR. You might need to update the file which defines the home folder of JRules & WebSphere. You can either run those tasks from Eclipse or the command line ("ant usage").

Before executing the sample, you must:
  1. Install the core module of JRules or ODM Decision Server on the machine that will run the client.
  2. Set up Rule Execution Server on the target server according to the JRules documentation at "WebSphere ILOG JRules BRMS V7.X: Java EE add-ons > Installing on WebSphere Application Server > Installing Rule Execution Server > Installing Rule Execution Server on WebSphere Application Server V7.0".

To execute the sample:
  1. Download the attached file "RES Client 4".
  2. Create a new workspace in Rule Studio/Rule Designer and import the projects from the zip file.
  3. Edit the RES Configuration project to target your WAS server with the required credentials.
  4. Deploy the HelloWorld ruleset with the HelloWorldRuleApp project using the Rule Execution Server configuration WebSphere.
  5. If the WAS instance is local: create a WAS_HOME variable in the Java Build Path of the RES7Client4WAS7_EJB3 project if it does not exist:
    1. Right-click on the project and select Properties.
    2. Go to the Java Build Path, select the Libraries tab, the entry WAS_HOME/runtimes/ and do Edit.
    3. Click "Variable", and do 'New'.
      • Name: WAS_HOME
      • Path: root folder of a WAS installation (for example C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer by default on Windows).
    4. Do "Extentions..." and select the available under the \runtimes folder.
    5. Validate your changes.
  6. If the WAS instance is remote: copy the file from the WAS V7 distribution under the folder <InstallDir>/runtimes to the client machine and add it to the Java Build Path of the RES7Client4WAS7_EJB3 project replacing the reference WAS_HOME/runtimes/ .
  7. Edit the property java.naming.provider.url of the file in the src folder of the project RES7Client4WAS7_EJB3 to match the hostname and bootstrap port of the server hosting Rule Execution Server.
  8. Generate the sample application EAR to deploy to the server, using the Ant task 'ear': the EAR will contain the EJB3 rule sessions (jrules-res-session-ejb3-WASX.jar available under <JRulesInstallDir>\executionserver\applicationservers\WebSphereX ) as an EJB module, and a JAR containing the XOM class in a /lib folder at the root of the EAR (starting with Java EE 5 it makes it available to all modules of the EAR; otherwise, you can add a Class-Path attribute in the MANIFEST.MF of the EJB JAR to point to the XOM JAR).
  9. Deploy the resulting application EAR to WAS (default deployment settings).
  10. Execute RESEJB3Client4WAS7 as a Java Application with Rules in Eclipse.

The output on the client side is then:

created session IlrStatelessSessionEJB3
1 rule(s) fired.
Execution output=Hello Lolo!

The output on the server side in the trace.log (when trace is enabled) will be something like this:

Rule engine, set parameters (/HelloWorldRuleApp/1.0/HelloWorld/1.0). Measures: {Duration(ms)=0, TimeStamp(ms)=1296777891288}
Rule engine, execute (/HelloWorldRuleApp/1.0/HelloWorld/1.0). Measures: {Duration(ms)=0, Number of rules fired(quantity)=1, Number of rules fired per millisecond(quantity/ms)=Infinity, Number of rules fired before this execution(quantity)=0, TimeStamp(ms)=1296777891288}
Execution result: {person=test.Person@29ca29ca}

Note: A client JAR for the JRules EJB rule sessions generated with WAS 7.0 is provided in the build folder of the client project (jrules-res-session-ejb3-WAS7_withStubs.jar). It contains the additional stub classes necessary for remote invocation over IIOP.

This client JAR must be regenerated if you use a version of JRules other than
  • If the WAS instance is local: use the Ant task 'clientjar' (set WAS_HOME in
  • If the WAS instance is remote: run the createEJBStubs command below on the EJB3 rule session JAR found under <JRules_OMD_InstallDir>\executionserver\applicationservers\WebSphereX from the machine where WAS is installed and copy the resulting jrules-res-session-ejb3-WASX_withStubs.jar back into the build folder of the client project :
<WASInstallDir>\bin\createEJBStubs.bat jrules-res-session-ejb3-WASX.jar -newfile

RES client 4

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6MTS","label":"WebSphere ILOG JRules"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Modules:Execution Server (BRES \/ RES)","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.1;7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSQP76","label":"IBM Operational Decision Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":null,"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.5;8.0;7.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

